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Xperience Special Announcement
XBMCG33K Wrote:If anyone has read previous posts you'll see I live in the USA it is currently only 4:30pm here Sunday afternoon ...
i assume hic hic your posting links on hear and on teamblackbolts forums?
And why is the room spinning, maybe i drunk too much Wink
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
XBMCG33K Wrote:Wont be long now!!!
Just noticed the Xperience forum has been wiped clean over teamblackbolt.co.uk
Any reason for thisHuh shit wheres the mouse
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Paul, have you ever had a court injuction out on you before?

I think you maybe the first person in history, that has ever had a stay away notice from a skinning team before lol.

I'm making sure my bunnies are locked up for the night at this rate lol
MarkTaunton Wrote:Paul, have you ever had a court injuction out on you before?

I think you maybe the first person in history, that has ever had a stay away notice from a skinning team before lol.

I'm making sure my bunnies are locked up for the night at this rate lol
Ah your a strange lot down in cider countryLaugh and you think locking your bunnies up
is going to stop me from skinning them?
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
don't skin without checking if they are playboy bunnies!
Nothing wrong with a proper pint of West Country cider, where the rats have done their business or fell inside of the vat and died.

When you buy that strongbow crap, or cheddar cheese that is not made in cheddar, that is when you need to worry.

Speaking about worrying, 1 minute till Monday am lol
wimpy Wrote:don't skin without checking if they are playboy bunnies!
No i would never do that to a playboy bunny, just the furry onesLaugh
And for the record i hate that cider crap real men drink real aleLaugh
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Wow! It's sure lovely to see we have attracted the drunkards for our skin release lol! Tongue
hey i'm sober! just high on that special "soon to be released" feeling! ;P
XBMCG33K Wrote:Wow! It's sure lovely to see we have attracted the drunkards for our skin release lol! Tongue
I'm not drunk i'm just not soberLaugh
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Don't you wish your skinner was hot like me, dont ya lol
Ok, I think I refreshed all sites related to xperience together more than 400 times during the last 20 Minutes xD
But I'm patient
D0nR0sa Wrote:Ok, I think I refreshed all sites related to xperience together more than 400 times during the last 20 Minutes xD
But I'm patient

Patient, but eager.. same as me ;P
Its out for download.

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