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[LINUX] XBMC Setup Script - Automatic installation of XBMC for Linux
Well, you can create 2 partitions and install a full version of Ubuntu on one and then a minimal version of Ubuntu on the other. You can choose which one boots automatically, so you could choose the minimal ubuntu install that has XBMC on it (installed by the script above) so it starts automatically. Then, if you wanted to boot into the full version, you simply use the keyboard when the computer first starts, and select the other Ubuntu install instead .

Samba is very easy, you can use the minimal ubuntu install alongside samba with no problem, just choose the samba server option when you install minimal ubuntu. You will then have to edit the samba.conf file, to create you samba file shares, but there are lots of tutorials about how to do this on the web.

With regards for other people to access your folders, you will have to have samba running on the install that you will leave running most of the time. Thus, if you are going to be leaving the XBMC install running most of the time, then install samba on that. You can't run two Ubuntu installs at the same time (just like you can't run Windows XP and Vista at the same time on the same PC) (OK, technically, you can, if you use a virtual machine, but that is a whole different story).

My advice: stick to a full Ubuntu install first. Install XBMC the recommended way on the xbmc home page. Choose XBMC as a start up application, so it starts automatically. Then research into using Transmission BitTorrent client and Samba and get them working (they should be both installed by default iirc). Once you have everything working as you want start doing research into using the command line and learn about ctorrent and samba. Then, when you feel confident, install ubuntu minimal instead, and do it all via the command line.

i installed xbmc via the latest script on a new minimal karmic installation...

everything is fine...

but i want to use the snv builds... can someone tell me - step by step - what i have to do?

Has anyone else having a hard time getting xbmc to turn off the computer?

I had originally installed the original installer script, the one from cyberpark(post #1). Using that script i was able to shutdown the computer from xbmc with no problems. However, when i exited xbmc it didnt take me to a window manger, just to the command prompt. I then found out that you could switch between xbmc and boxee using the window manger(which i did not have). With a lot of advice from prupert, I decided to reinstall using the updated script from bitpn (post #176). This gave me the window manager and I am now able to switch between xbmc and boxee using irexec with no problems.

The problem comes when i want to shut the computer off. Like before i go to the shutdown menu and hit shutdown, but rather than shutdown, it takes me straight to the window manager(black screen with cursor). It's the same thing with reboot and exit, straight to the black screen. Hibernate and suspend seem to quickly reboot and i'm back in XBMC again. I also have my remote setup to shut down xbmc using XBMC.Shutdown(), that also takes me to the window manager.

Admittedly i am a huge newb when it comes to linux, but learning fast, so i have no idea how to configure linux to accept shutdown commands from xbmc. So i figured there had to be someone with similar circumstances as i in this thread so i figured i'd ask for your guy's help.

Anyways, thanks for your time and any help is greatly appreciated,

found this, so apparently i'm not the only one:

biptn Wrote:I'm trying to find the reason why it doesn't shutdown, it looks as if the XBMC stuff has been updated and may have broke somethin' around the devki-power devkit-disk stuff.
cyberpark Wrote:NOTES:
  • Do NOT uncomment the SVN Repositories during first time installation, or it will fail.
I think I've solved this problem. You can uncomment the SVN Repos during first time installation but you have to install libcurl3.
apt-get install libcurl3
Hope this will work for everyone too. Nod
d_schrute Wrote:Has anyone else having a hard time getting xbmc to turn off the computer?

The problem comes when i want to shut the computer off. Like before i go to the shutdown menu and hit shutdown, but rather than shutdown, it takes me straight to the window manager(black screen with cursor). It's the same thing with reboot and exit, straight to the black screen. Hibernate and suspend seem to quickly reboot and i'm back in XBMC again. I also have my remote setup to shut down xbmc using XBMC.Shutdown(), that also takes me to the window manager.

Admittedly i am a huge newb when it comes to linux, but learning fast, so i have no idea how to configure linux to accept shutdown commands from xbmc. So i figured there had to be someone with similar circumstances as i in this thread so i figured i'd ask for your guy's help.

I also had the same issue you mention. When I chose shutdown it just seemed to restart the XBMC applicaiton the PC did not turn off and did not reboot at all.

I was just experimenting with different installs, but I have settled with the NVIDIA ION optimized XBMC Live install for the time being.
(I am using an ASUS EB1501 if this matters?)
Which version of XBMC do you use? Stable or SVN?
BurningSky Wrote:Which version of XBMC do you use? Stable or SVN?

from what i gather it's svn 26018. I'm a bit new to this so I apologize for my ignorance. I didn't modify the script in any way, just ran it as is. Is there an option to install a stable version using the script?

thanks, D
Have you considered turning this script into a Ubuntu install with a preseed?
d_schrute Wrote:from what i gather it's svn 26018. I'm a bit new to this so I apologize for my ignorance. I didn't modify the script in any way, just ran it as is. Is there an option to install a stable version using the script?

thanks, D
SVN 26018 is the stable one.

What you can try is to install pm-utils, because it isn't in the script (or I've overseen it).
sudo apt-get install pm-utils policykit

sudo polkit-auth --user xbmc --grant org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.suspend
sudo polkit-auth --user xbmc --grant org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.hibernate
sudo polkit-auth --user xbmc --grant org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.reboot
sudo polkit-auth --user xbmc --grant org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.shutdown
sudo polkit-auth --user xbmc --grant org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.reboot-multiple-sessions
sudo polkit-auth --user xbmc --grant org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.shutdown-multiple-sessions
BurningSky Wrote:SVN 26018 is the stable one.

What you can try is to install pm-utils, because it isn't in the script (or I've overseen it).

Hey Burningsky, thanks for the reply. Yeah i saw that in another post and tried it to no avail. Still quits to openbox manager.

I also tried this:


but that also does nothing as well.

Like i mentioned before i am kinda new to linux, but what it looks like to me is that for some reason commands are not getting from xbmc to linux and thus not shutting it down. I tried adding the line: System.exec(shutdown -p now) to the DialogButtonMenu.xml file for the skin instead of xbmc.shutdown(), making sure that the xbmc had the proper permission in the sudoers file, and that does the same thing as well. Yet if i open a ssh terminal or a terminal from open box and type in the same command it works with no problem.

I used to have the orignal script running on the computer, the one from the first post. That worked like a charm, however i didn't have a window manager like openbox when i exited xbmc, so i couldn't switch over to boxee using irexec, it just went straight to the command prompt. Now that i have installed the latest script (post #176), i have a window manager, but cannot shut the computer down. I can't see what is the difference between the two script versions that would cause the problem.

I hope i didn't come off like i was bitchy and complaining, was not my intent. biptn's script is awesome and i give him props on a job well done.

but thanks again for your response, I really appreciate the help,
eluSive_NZ Wrote:I also had the same issue you mention. When I chose shutdown it just seemed to restart the XBMC applicaiton the PC did not turn off and did not reboot at all.

i got a round xbmc restarting by commenting out two things in the /usr/local/bin/xbmc-session file. Mine looks like this:

while true
#sleep 3

this keeps it from restarting automatically. However, your then just stuck with a blank window manager screen rather than shutting down. I'm trying my best to figure out what it's doing, but then again i'm new to linux so it might take me a while.

if you remove the "EXIT" and "QUIT" from xbmc-session file, xbmc will not load back up. I think the power off issue came with the new polkit stuff they implemented on the new version. I will try to find out a fix for it.
Thanks a lot bitpn, sure appreciate it. I managed a half-assed work around by using irexec to shutdown and reboot via a remote control button. It works, but is a pain-in-the-ass if you accidentally hit the wrong button by mistake, happened a couple of times so far.

Once again thanks and you the man,
I'm experiencing the same effect. I have taken to doing CTRL-ALT F1 and using 'shutdown -h now' to cleanly shutdown the machine.

I tried removing EXIT and QUIT from the xbmc-session file but even after a reboot it didn't seem to make any difference, selecting shutdown from xbmc just resulting in the program re-running back to the home screen.

Would really appreciate any info on this as I've just taught my better half how to control the thing for her movies and music Laugh

She just needs to be able to switch it off now!
alrighty then, I got sidetracked with boxee and xbmc. If you are interested in this, it is a perl-gtk menu that I have launch instead of the xbmc-session file now. You are able to choose between, xbmc, boxee, or openbox. If folks dig it, I may add the support to the auto install script. Anyway for the info.

You should have xbmc, boxee, and openbox installed already.

edit your ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh from this

sleep 3 ; htpc_menu
sudo nano -w /usr/bin/htpc_menu
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/htpc_menu
and add this to it and save the file ctrl-x then enter

### Examples used from this site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/769795/shell-script-with-zenity, 99% credit to the fella that posted the code. ###

use strict;
use warnings;
use Gtk2;


my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
my $vbox   = Gtk2::VBox->new;
my $label  = Gtk2::Label->new("HTPC Menu");
my $button0 = Gtk2::Button->new("XBMC");
my $button1 = Gtk2::Button->new("Boxee");
my $button2 = Gtk2::Button->new("Openbox");


$window->set_default_size(720, 480);
    destroy => sub {

    clicked => sub {
        $label->set_text("Launching XBMC");
        system( "xbmc" );

    clicked => sub {
        $label->set_text("Launching Boxee");
        system( "/opt/boxee/run-boxee-desktop" );


    clicked => sub {




and if you'd like a menu entry for openbox to get back to the menu add this to /etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml. This is the global menu file, otherwise you can copy it to ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml and add the following to it. I inserted it at the top of the menu right after the line that reads "<menu id="root-menu" label="Openbox 3">"

<item label="HTPC Menu">
                        <action name="Execute">

make sure libperl-gtk2 is installed

sudo apt-get install libperl-gtk2
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