A few more toughs:
- the skin is quite, uuh... "horizontal". Especially the home menu, which scrolls in horizontal.
Why don't try to arrange the recently added infos in an horizontal way, on top of the screen ?
- The progress bar (actually on top-left) may be made less explicit/detailed and put in the middle-width of screen. I think that's not an info to be "hidden" or put in margins... after all, while an archive scan is ongoing, user CAN'T do some operations... better let him know why, I say. So, I'd suggest a space-wise (pie-chart-like in place of the progressbar) progress bar in middle-width of screen. On top... or on bottom of the menu film ? Ahh, questions...
- the volume OSD may take the actual "mute" icon, and make use of it always: my suggestion would be to use again the pie-chart-like graphics (I don't have any graphic program here for a mockup, I'll try: pie-chat-like with radius 100; over it, actual mute icon with radius 90. Numbers are pure fantasy ^_^ )
- Fanart wrap view needs, in my opinion, a little big improvement. It should show the movie title immediately, even before the non-highlight covers fade out. When you scroll movies, looking for something to watch, it's frustrating to have to wait for the movie info/plot to fade in each movie you just want to read the title of...
- Fanart wrap view is very explicit about the movie vote. On my italian setup, it reads like "Voto ottenuto su IMDB: 7 su 10 (Voto degli utenti)". Quite long, isn't it ? In my opinion, this info sooo explicit is best suited in the movie info
page. I'd make use of the 5-stars vote graphic in the fanart wrap view, instead. Effective, yet clean, in a view where space and readability matters.
- I'd love some sort of new view for tv shows episodes. Actually I've no time to elaborate... still, I'm not very happy with the tv shows view existing now. For one example, my all-times best for this task is the Alaska skin one, called "episodes" view.
- The "viewed" icon. I like the idea, but It's even hard to say what is it, from a graphical point of view.
You may say
"damn, what's this obsession for this so called pie-chart-like thing !?!?"
my first visive link is with the classic countdown... 5..4..3.. you see in old movies. Well, there, the numbers are always within a circle, which "grows" in a piechart-like way. I guess my suggestion comes from there. Film-related, very Backrow in my opinion
By the way,
THANK YOU for the larger font set. It looks good even on my 26" faaar-from-armchair tv set.