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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET)
mark007 Wrote:D:\New Films\The World Is Not Enough\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO

The directory that contains all movies is D:\New Films\ and is setup to only detect one movie from each folder, and use folder name for initial listing.

Is there a *.vob file in the same folder?
(Please tell anything is this folder)


EDIT: please Enable "Scan Recursive" on this source, if this is disabled I have the same behaviour.
My GitHub. My Add-ons:
Yes theres loads of vobs and ifos as usual. Enabling recursive fixed it but unfortunately it then detects any sub folder as a movie, ie all of my "Special Features" folders..... so I guess this is a bug introduced recently?

Hmm found a funny little problem also where it won't see one of my tv shows called "Extras". I assume that word has extra meaning for EMM but it happens to be one of my fav tv shows Smile I dont see any reference to "Extras" in the tv show regex though.
mark007 Wrote:so I guess this is a bug introduced recently?
on the latest emm version you had recursive disabled? If yes, I would say this is bug, please report on embermm.com

And yes, i think the folder "extra" has a special meaning like "specials". There is really a TV Show with this name? Big Grin

You could add a ticket for this, too.


Jason did a change in the svn (Rev1865) to support the tv show called "extra". Please wait until this version get released Smile
My GitHub. My Add-ons:
Bug report created against the DVDs not being found without recursive mode enabled

These used to get found in older versions without recursive being enabled.
Is there a way to view the emm log, because something I have done has made none of my eMM settings changes take effect. For example changing movie backdrops folder preference, exiting and going back into settings shows its gone back to empty.

I assume error log might show something that I could post back here for developers info.
mark007 Wrote:Is there a way to view the emm log, because something I have done has made none of my eMM settings changes take effect. For example changing movie backdrops folder preference, exiting and going back into settings shows its gone back to empty.

I assume error log might show something that I could post back here for developers info.

If there had been an error message generated, you would receive a notification in EMM. Otherwise it is in the log folder of your Ember installation.

If there is no log, then we would need your help what steps are necessary to reproduce.
Trailer Support not working for me.
tried both with/without ticked automatic scraping.

scraping of tv series done.. worked perfectly... but now I have the problem, to bring them into XBMC without doing XBMC a complete rescrape again -.-
TheShortOfIt Wrote:scraping of tv series done.. worked perfectly... but now I have the problem, to bring them into XBMC without doing XBMC a complete rescrape again -.-

And why is it an issue? lol
Now the TV-Show part.

I have to say it works great for the first release.

I found for the moment only this.

1. Only a cosmetic thing - Season sorting while scrap - is at the moment like this. Season 1, Season 10, Season 2 and so on.

2. is there a way when i klick "Update Library" and select a single source, that after this update also only this selected source will be cleaned ? (DB clean at the and of such Update)

3. When i rightclick on an episode "Re-scrape the TVDB" every time a window "TV Search Result" popup and when i want to download some poster for this episode "TV Search Result" popup again, so my q., is this realy necessary to ask 2 times ?

4. How to add the Meta Data for already existing episodes ?

Cant test more at the moment as it looks for me that thetvdb is overloaded right now. Maybe to many new EMM users ? Smile)

@>>X<< and FidoFuz
I think this grayscale Fanart comes from the missing Fanart for the season and not from an missing episode itself ? As im sure i have all episodes but i dont have extra fanarts for all seasons and i see also an greyscaled one.
This release of ember is great. Everything scraped perfectly including the tv shows. Big Grin

My only concern is after building my emm database I would like to run the command "-newauto -all" (i use this with sabnzbd to update the movie DB automatically). This used to run perfectly in older builds; however, with this build after running the command Ember displays the Splash Screen then appears to stop working.

I have left this running for ~4 Hours. Usually completed in a couple minutes

In task manager the process is continually changing between 50-60% CPU. and appears to be working.

Some notes: The fanart is black and white in the tv section if you do not have a fanart image for that particular item. For example, if you don't have a specific fanart image for "season 1", when you click on season 1 it will display the show's fanart in black and white. The same applies for the episodes. If an episode is missing, it will also put a "missing" stamp in the upper left corner of the image.

Please do not report bugs here. Please post them to our tracker on embermm.com (see my signature for a link). Reported bugs quickly get lost in this thread.

Also, for those of you who run Ember in a VM, please give mono a go. We haven't done much thorough testing to it, but it seems to work ok. I'm sure there are a few glitches and things that don't work properly. If you could post those to our tracker with "[MONO]" in the subject we would appreciate it... plus, the more you report, the more stable it gets. Wink

For errors.... if an error occurs and is caught, a notification will pop up in the lower right had corner of your screen (if enabled) and you will see a little red flag icon in the upper right corner. Clicking either of those will display the error log with methods to copy it to the clipboard or send it to pastebin (depending on its length) to make it easier to post it to our issue tracker.
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>>X<<' Wrote:@FidoFuz & sphere

Thanks for the explanations guys all understood now, FidoFuz sorry for sounding like a dick not having the best of days today life getting in the way of fun Rolleyes

As I said all works great for me so far Wink

Think I was talking crap anyway.
Yeah I can't see any errors being displayed when I try to change the backdrops folder. The setting doesn't get saved.

Am I supposed to hit some sort of save button or does just closing the settings window do the trick?

If anyone can reproduce I will post a bug report. I can't find any save settings button.
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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET)24