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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
grassmunk Wrote:Speaking about the UI, what (if any) are your plant to use the "Xtras" package due to be release anyday now?

It depends on the reliability of their data. Actually I am working on a more stable import mechanism for relase V0.5.
If this is done you can import rom collections in following scenarios:
  • without any additional data, just the rom files - very boring and you should not use rcb if this is your scenario
    - condition: should always work
  • only with image or video files (without game description) - it will look better but you won't be able to filter your games (only by console) and you won't get any additional information about them
    - condition: the filenames of your images or videos must exactly match your rom filenames (without extension):
  • with image or video files and (reliable) game description:
    - option 1: rom filenames, image filenames and description filenames must match exactly
    - option 2: rom filenames and image filenames must match exactly, the rom filename appears (exactly) as game name inside the description file
    - option 3: rom filenames and image filenames must match exactly, the rom file crc value appears inside the description file
    - option 4: the rom file crc value appears inside the description file, image filenames match exactly the game name inside the description file
note: matching of image or video filenames can also be done with proper named folders.

I hope this is not too confusing, but if one the last 4 options is true for the xtras package it should be no problem to create a suitable configuration file for it.

djvj Wrote:Will flv intro videos work with this? Emumovies.com has full collections of no-intro named sets that are in flv format to support the Hyperspin FE.

I don't know. I am using the standard XBMC player to playback video files. If XBMC can handle flv files, RCB should be able to it, too.
grassmunk Wrote:Speaking about the UI, what (if any) are your plant to use the "Xtras" package due to be release anyday now?



I'm tidying up the synopsis files we have in Rx 1.0 to better support for Xtras in RCB. Hopefully I'll be up to speed with the cleaned up synopsises upon release. But be sure, If Malte and myself can work out this out Xtras will be supported.
www.emuxtras.net | EFnet #EmuXtras
I'm having trouble with RBC

Whenever I try to press any keys on my keyboard on RBC's "home" screen, XBMC crashes. Like, as soon as I press a key, kaboosh.

At first I thought I made a bad set up, so I set up the Testdata the way the tutorial said I should, (I used word to replace all the Path's) and I have the same problem

Of course, this may be because I haven't set up any emulators yet, or the fact that I'm using XBMC-Live...

Eh, can somebody halp?
dmonking Wrote:Whenever I try to press any keys on my keyboard on RBC's "home" screen, XBMC crashes. Like, as soon as I press a key, kaboosh.

At first I thought I made a bad set up, so I set up the Testdata the way the tutorial said I should, (I used word to replace all the Path's) and I have the same problem

Never heard or seen that.
Some questions:
Are you pressing arrow keys or something special?
Are you using other scripts without any problems?
What XBMC version?
Did you already import your config.xml or does it crash before you get there?

Please have a look at the xbmc.log file and post any errors here. I guess you will find the file here: "/home/<username>/.xbmc/temp/"
There must also be a crashlog file in your home directory. But this will need one of the xbmc guys to interpret it.

Quote:Of course, this may be because I haven't set up any emulators yet

Emulators will only be used if you try to launch a game. They are not needed to browse your games in RCB.

Quote:or the fact that I'm using XBMC-Live...

This may be a point. Maybe I have done something wrong with setting up the UI that does not work with Live. Any other Live-users here with the same or without problems?

I have read in many other threads that Live-users had trouble with launching emulators without installing an additional window manager. If you get RCB to work this may be your next problem. Last time I saw this here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=70122
Looking forward to this! Looks great so far!
This is awsome, have been looking for something like this for ages

will play around with it asap =)

Thank you

Been playing around with this for a couple of nights and so far i love it, cant wait for for the next update =)

Meanwhile for anyone that might want to be able to shutdown emulators with your remote control here's how i did it. Its not pretty but it works =)

I use ubuntu so your files may be placed elsewhere. you need lirc and irexec for this to work.

Make a small script to kill your emulators.

touch emukill.sh
nano emukill.sh

Put the following code in it

killall mupen64_nogui
killall zsnes
killall fceu
killall dgen
killall xe

Next create a file in your .lirc/ directory called emu and put the following text in it

   prog = irexec
   button = stop
   repeat = 0
   config = /path/to/emukill.sh

Edit .lircrc in your home directory and put this bit at the bottom of the file.

include ~/.lirc/emu

We need to start irexec before the emu starts and stop it after the emu exits.
Edit applaunch.sh in your .xbmc/scripts/Rom Collection Browser/

Add irexec -d between fi and echo "$@"

[b]irexec -d[/b]
echo "$@"

and the next bit between # Done? Restart XBMC and xbmc

# Done? Restart XBMC
[b]if pidof irexec; then
        pidof irexec|xargs kill -9 # Force immediate kill
        echo "Shutdown hard"


A huge thank you too malte for his work, and the mythtv wiki maintainer where i shamefully stole most of the information

refrence link :

cann Wrote:Meanwhile for anyone that might want to be able to shutdown emulators with your remote control here's how i did it.

Very nice. I will think about adding support for this in one of the next releases.

cann Wrote:cant wait for for the next update

me too;-)

I have little time these days so it is moving forward slowly. But I hope it will be ready in the next 1 or 2 weeks.

I am having trouble when i click "Update DB". The error message says "ERROR: There was an error parsing the description file"

any ideas?
joebrothehobo Wrote:I am having trouble when i click "Update DB". The error message says "ERROR: There was an error parsing the description file"

any ideas?

check your config file and make sure the path to the parserConfig.xml file is correct Smile
www.emuxtras.net | EFnet #EmuXtras
You made your way to Lifehacker.com. Nice job!

would have been nice;-)

but you should post this here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=35739
Maybe you'll make it someday when this is more fully-featured Smile

Since it's early in development I'd like to put in a request now - can you find a way to browse roms contained in 7z (7-zip) archives? 7zip allows for really good compression saving a lot of space.

Basically, a .7z file might contain 10 roms, the plugin should just treat it as a folder and scan inside, then when a rom is selected extract it to a temp folder, play it, then delete it upon exiting the emulator.

It would help a lot for systems with smaller hard drives and people with multiple versions of the same game (like japanese and usa) stored together in one compressed file.
HisshouBuraiKen Wrote:Since it's early in development I'd like to put in a request now - can you find a way to browse roms contained in 7z (7-zip) archives? 7zip allows for really good compression saving a lot of space.

Basically, a .7z file might contain 10 roms, the plugin should just treat it as a folder and scan inside, then when a rom is selected extract it to a temp folder, play it, then delete it upon exiting the emulator.

Hmmm, I don't really like this idea. It will be a lot of work and I don't think that it will be of interest for many users. I would have to look into the zip file during import, store the information which file contains which games and unzip it before launching the game. I will think about it again if there is an easier way to implement it but I don't think this will happen.

There are some emulators that handle zipped games (zsnes for example) but I think it will only work with one game per archive.
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20