2010-04-13, 16:49
Can i just set it to 4gb which is the xbox's file limit.
pulck Wrote:Handbrake looks pretty limited to me. I can't find any way of setting a maximum bitrate, as required by the original guide.
Like Hansen, I think Mencoder might be the way to go on Linux, but the command line options are quite bewildering for a newbie like me and there doesn't appear to be a decent GUI available.
This is what I'm trying at the moment to convert a 1280x720 MKV source file into something playable on the Xbox:
mencoder INPUTFILENAME.mkv -o OUTPUTFILENAME.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=6300 -oac copy -of avi
I'm presuming this will clamp the bitrate to a max of 6300.
Hmmm, it's peaking over 6300 bps. Seems to play without dropped frames for the few minutes I watched, even when streamed wirelessly from my PC, but I'd like to know why it's peaking above 6300 bps. Will have to dig around in the Mencoder options.
tusko Wrote:Hope this response is included before the forum freeze. I use the following command lines for mencoder in linux.
Quote:-lavcopts <option1:option2:...>
If encoding with a codec from libavcodec, you can specify its parameters here.
-lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4:vbitrate=1800:vhq:keyint=250
Available options are:
use the specified codec (there is no default, you must specify it):
mjpeg: Motion JPEG
h263: H263
h263p: H263 Plus
mpeg4: DivX 4/:5
msmpeg4: DivX 3
rv10: an old RealVideo codec
mpeg1video: MPEG1 video :)
maximum bitrate in kbit/:sec (pass 1/:2)