Posts: 3
Joined: Nov 2009
Hmm, I'm having some issues here. I did everything in your post, but it just gives me the openbox desktop. No menu at all. Any idea what can cause this? I can see some messages flash, but it's too fast to see what it says..
I did get this earlier as well when I managed to install Spotify (only thing I can launch from the openbox menu is the terminal), but figured it was because of me messing up something. So I did a fresh install of everything, but I still don't get the menu.
Posts: 1,756
Joined: Feb 2006
check my signature for a kick ass install script that does not compromise and skinp out on quality
Posts: 4
Joined: Apr 2010
I was able to install the minimal karmic setup and xbmc using most of the script. After the final reboot, xbmc starts up and then after a few seconds my screen goes black. Oddly, before blacking out I can use my keboard to move around the menu. Am I missing something?
Posts: 4
Joined: Apr 2010
OK... I feel like a fool now. Everything works. I was using the vga connection on my test monitor and when I switched over to DVI the video connection was fine. It must have switched outputs somewhere in between.
Anyways, I started to work the envyng method into the script with the above changes - It should expand the potential install base to almost any hardware. I didnt realize until my second failed attempt that this was intended for the few boards on the first page of the thread.
Thanks for the script
Posts: 111
Joined: Oct 2008
Hi all, is there any tweak to enable spdif audio on my brand new ZOTAC MAG ND01 or it will just works out of the box with this setup script?
Posts: 1,756
Joined: Feb 2006
Released beta 1.0960 contains added support for lucid lynx untested as of yet.
This file is not available as a update yet please keep your 1.0953 release as a backup
You can grab the new file
Posts: 61
Joined: Jul 2010
Just bought a Zotac box so this script is all I need to get it up and running with a Linux install?
If so this is AWESOME! Thanks in advance for your response too.