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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon
Is this script going to be redesigned for the new addon framework. I am now on svn 31660 and i have tried to edit a little bit of the script to make it work. I have gotten it to atleast go through the login portion, but it completely dies after that. Just wondering before I start posting log files.
The settings file is created by xbmc. Access them from the context menu of your script list.
Glad you've got it working well on the xbox. The hidden player mode has been rather hit or miss which is why I've recommended staying on the previous revision.

The script is definitely going to need some work do get converted to the new addons system, and I would really almost like to rewrite much of it from scratch, but between work and a number of other projects I haven't had the time or motivation to do so yet. If someone else wants to try and get the current script working just fork it on gitorious. Send a merge request once you have it working and I'll pull the changes back in.
Might be time to start learning Python? Wink

I just want to see these stubs filled....

if controlID == BTN_THUMB_DN:
    pass #TODO
elif controlID == BTN_THUMB_UP:
    pass #TODO
I want to say thank you for the awesome script but I have on thing that is giving my problems. The script starts up quickly and perfectly and I listen to a song and when it comes to the end of the song it doesn't go onto the next song, rather it just closes the script. Here is my debug log http://pastebin.com/6i8abig0 please let me know if you need any other information. Again I want to say thank you for the awesome script. YOU ROCK!
Well I got this to show in the new addon system. Currently working on getting this to run. Anyone willing to help here is my log http://pastebin.com/z7F4yixU

And here is my addon.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="script.xbmc.pandora"
       name="Pandora Radio"
    <import addon="xbmc.python" version="1.0"/>
    library="default.py" />
  <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
    <summary lang="en">Pandora Radio</summary>
    <description lang="en">Trying to get this script to work......</description>
My XBMC is display: ERROR: Something is wrong with your encryption keys."

What should I do with it?
Okay people of radio land... after alot of frustration, coffee and smokes, I have redone this script to work with the new framework. I am on svn 32049... alot of new stuff....

however, here is what is working...

1. Fixed the xml using skin settings instead of window variable so that the hide is now working. If the main screen is hidden... the escape key will bring the main window back up.... with the main window showing, the escape key will exit the script...

2. Fixed the WindowXMLDialog code... seems that new framework changed the parameters.

3. Fixed the player so that is toggles between songs correctly instead of just skipping through after playing the first song.

4. Seems due to the new framework that it takes about 30sec to 1min to load... could just be the fact that i have 40 windows open atm... but want to list it here just to be sure...

5. Some of the changes that i have done are unique to the showmix skin. Look in your skin folder/<resolution> and see if these 3 files exist:

6. If the above files do not exist, take them from the "PUT IN SKIN FOLDER" and move them into skin resolution folder...
i.e. C:\xbmc\addons\skin.showmix\1080i

7. If you this from gitorious, extract to addons folder... i.e. C:\xbmc\addons

8. Rename the folder to script.xbmc.pandora or it won't work

9. Apprently showmix is a dead project. However I love it so I made the changes necessary to allow this script to run on the new framework. If you use Confluence, you don't have to worry about steps 5 and 6.

If you find issues please lemme know... been listening via XBMC for about the last 2 hrs to make sure it was working correctly. Please be sure to download the encrypt keys and put them in the following folder...
<xbmc install>\addons\script.xbmc.pandora\

Thank god... no more last.fm.... btw... thank you to spbogie... most of the code is his... i just tweaked it to work with the new framework...

I have cloned your repository... committed the changes on my end and sent a merge request... Please post here when you are set and ready to go...
Awesome work, jurmb84. For the first time since the Add-on update, I can use Pandora again Big Grin I might take a stab at updating the GUI in this--some of the images are a bit low-res.
Which images are you talking about? If you are talking about the album images, they come from pandora. If you are talking about the standard gui images, you should be able to just get the ones you want and rename them and overwrite the images in the media folder under the resources folder.

I am running on 1080p and i don't think anything is low res... however... the second I start my station, i hide the main screen. so i don't look at it much.
Very much appreciated, thank you! Tested it out with r31718 from SVN-PPA and everything appears to be working. I've left a comment on the merge request, just a few things I'd like to see cleaned up and then I'll pull it in to my master repo.

Thanx for the appreciation. Wanted to let you know that the cleaned up code is done and sent for merge request. Lemme know if you find something else.


I have a UI built for this to run on Shades Home Screen just as soon as its ready for the newest XBMC builds.

Anxiously waiting!

If anybody has a ZIP with all the files needed to make this work on the new builds, please PM me with a link, thanks.
To learn more, click here.
This script and it's UI work right now on all skins that have the new addon framework xml... namely AddonBrowser.xml, DialogAddonInfo.xml, and DialogAddonSettings.xml....

you can look in the skins/resolution folder to see if they are there... if they are, then this script will work... otherwise, if on showmix, those 3 files are in a folder called "PUT IN SKIN FOLDER" in the script....

I have gotten rid of showmix and switched to tranparency which already has those files and have had no issue with it...

You can get this from spbogie's gitorious page...


Until he accepts my merge request, go to his gitorious page and in the lower right you will see personal clones... click on jurm84s-xbmc-panora link...

Click Source tree in the header and then click Download master as tar.gz....

i use winrar to open tar.gz on windows os... that code works with the new addon framework...

unzip the file into xbmc\addons

rename the folder to script.xbmc.pandora

make sure you download the 2 crypt files from

if you go to this sight and click Download Source at the top, you can just copy the following files into the script directory:

put those 2 files in xbmc\addons\script.xbmc.pandora

Post back if you have any other questions.
jurmb84 Wrote:This script and it's UI work right now on all skins that have the new addon framework xml... namely AddonBrowser.xml, DialogAddonInfo.xml, and DialogAddonSettings.xml....

you can look in the skins/resolution folder to see if they are there... if they are, then this script will work... otherwise, if on showmix, those 3 files are in a folder called "PUT IN SKIN FOLDER" in the script....

I have gotten rid of showmix and switched to tranparency which already has those files and have had no issue with it...

You can get this from spbogie's gitorious page...


Until he accepts my merge request, go to his gitorious page and in the lower right you will see personal clones... click on jurm84s-xbmc-panora link...

Click Source tree in the header and then click Download master as tar.gz....

i use winrar to open tar.gz on windows os... that code works with the new addon framework...

unzip the file into xbmc\addons

rename the folder to script.xbmc.pandora

make sure you download the 2 crypt files from

if you go to this sight and click Download Source at the top, you can just copy the following files into the script directory:

put those 2 files in xbmc\addons\script.xbmc.pandora

Post back if you have any other questions.

Excellent. Thanks for that, been struggling with the install for days.
jurmb84, thanks for the instructions above, but I'm still having issues. I've followed the instructions but Pandora doesn't show up in Music addons, enabled addons or under the get addons option. Where should I see it after following your instructions?

I'm running the newest svn ppa, ubuntu 10.04 64bit.

noticed this error in the log:

DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/libcpluff-x86_64-linux.so)
18:11:47 T:140538410354752 M:3579379712 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/libcpluff-x86_64-linux.so
18:11:47 T:140538410354752 M:3579305984 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Suspicious plug-in descriptor content in /usr/share/xbmc/addons/script.xbmc.pandora/addon.xml, line 12, column 6 (ignoring unexpected element provides and its contents).'
18:11:47 T:140538410354752 M:3579305984 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'Could not read plug-in directory /usr/lib/xbmc/addons: No such file or directory'
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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon11