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MediaFrontPage - Web interface with widget type architecture to control multiple apps
Nick8888 Wrote:What version of xbmc? whats in the config? what does it say when you copy the xbmcjsonserver value in your config to firefox? do you have a password configured? does the default web interface work?

Ye figured out that curl was fucked up, well..my whole webserver was.
Got it working on my host. so need to reinstall apache etc Sad

Thnx anyway!
I like the idea!

I had to do some hacking on it to get images to show up in the "Upcoming Episodes" section. It wasn't including the hostname and port in the output, so it wasn't calling the Sickbeard server to get the images correctly.
How did you manage that Adam? I'm with the same problem.

Cheers Smile
It's pretty hacky, but it works...

Edit: widgets/wComingEpisodes.php

Near the end of the file, look for curl_close.
PHP Code:

$shost str_replace("comingEpisodes",""$sickbeardcomingepisodes);
$result str_replace("src=\"/","src=\"$shost"$result);
Adam B. Wrote:It's pretty hacky, but it works...

Edit: widgets/wComingEpisodes.php

Near the end of the file, look for curl_close.
PHP Code:

$shost str_replace("comingEpisodes",""$sickbeardcomingepisodes);
$result str_replace("src=\"/","src=\"$shost"$result);

My wComingEpisodes.php file doesn't have a curl_close section. Could you paste your whole file?
Her's the last section of the file, the whole thing is too large to post. Look for the if statement.

PHP Code:
if(!empty($_GET["display"])) {

$ch curl_init();

$result curl_exec($ch);


$shost str_replace("comingEpisodes",""$sickbeardcomingepisodes);
$result str_replace("src=\"/","src=\"$shost"$result);

No dice for me unfortunately, but may be a problem with sickbeard for me, the comingepisodes page doesn't display the thumbnails. I missed that ><

I'll post the problem in the sb thread. Thanks for posting the hack chap, hopefully that will work for others. Smile
@Adam B. Get the latest version of wComingEpisodes.php from git as it should now work for you and is a little less hacky. I don't like this as the final solution but it should work more consistently for now.
I love this interface. It rules!
Tried to sort out the redirects, but it went a bit wrong.

I editted the httpd.conf file and now it doesnt load at all.

Anyone got an original /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file available from XBMCLive? Mine's now empty - although it was to start with...!!?

Nevermind. Reinstalling XBMC - AGAIN! Sad
Zarquon Wrote:@Adam B. Get the latest version of wComingEpisodes.php from git as it should now work for you and is a little less hacky. I don't like this as the final solution but it should work more consistently for now.

Huh, this caused my Media Front Page's front page to just be an MFP iFrame over the GitHub for nick8888 / mediafrontpage


weird, I'll reinstall

Update: Everything works fine now
Seesms I am getting most of the errors fixed.

When I click on one of the recent movies I get the error;

The requested URL /movieinfo was not found on this server.
That should link to movieinfo.php. Don't worry if it doesn't work. We are going to be changing it and the recent episodes widget soon anyway.
That sounds good
Just to confirm, I too had to change the xbmcimgpath variable to my local ip address, with localhost not working. Perhaps suggest that in the comment area in config?

Couple of issues. Instead of apostrophes in the movie description, this comes up instead '’'. Also when Play is clicked, it shows a page with only the large movie cover, description and a working play button. Not sure if others came across this.


Hope that helps!
The apostrophes appear to be working here. can you confirm that they are not that way in xbmc or the default web interface. If others have this I can add something to catch it.

As for the other thing, refer to my previous comment above regarding movieinfo.

EDIT: actually I do get it but aprostrophes in all other movies appear to work. Problem is in xbmc too so issue is probably here:
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