Upgrading XBMC on Lucid to Maverick // Any problems?
Hi there,

i found a few guides telling how to easily upgrade lucid to maverick via aptitude.

Did anyone do this yet, or is it generally recommended to do a setup completely from scratch (maybe with a livecd)

I suppose xbmc-live installed on a minimal system will still run after an update, right?
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe live version is based on Lucid.

Main problem with Maverick is that resume (after suspend) is no longer working with usb remote control (new kernel is the main suspect)
It is a no go for me and I stick with Lucid (desktop version)
I am getting confused with what is live and not Smile

I did a minimal setup during which xbmc-live components are being downloaded.

My setup (as well as probably the live cd currently) is based on lucid.

Since i like to work with Suspend as well, i think i will put the update a little back on my list of things to do.
alex, you did your installation the XBMCbuntu way which for autostarting purposes needs a package called "xbmc-live" but this has not much to do with the Live CD image which is a completely different beast regarding install and configuration.

a distribution upgrade is not recommended unless you really need it. it most probably will break a live CD install and it might also break a minimal XBMCbuntu setup even it is supposed to be safe.
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Did an update to Maverick, results wasn't good on my ASRock 330HT.

Remote didn't work as none of the 3 linux drivers available supports Ubuntu 10.10 - had to recompile kernel with drivers (took over 4 hours on an ATOM CPU!)

Suspend is still an issue, but managed to get my box to do so by disabling USB - i dont need USB on my HTPC.

Will go back to Ubuntu Lucid Dharma Beta 4 when i have 5 mins spare.

Update not recommended but thats just my opinion.
toker Wrote:Did an update to Maverick, results wasn't good on my ASRock 330HT.

Remote didn't work as none of the 3 linux drivers available supports Ubuntu 10.10 - had to recompile kernel with drivers (took over 4 hours on an ATOM CPU!)

Suspend is still an issue, but managed to get my box to do so by disabling USB - i dont need USB on my HTPC.

Will go back to Ubuntu Lucid Dharma Beta 4 when i have 5 mins spare.

Update not recommended but thats just my opinion.

Wheres FIREMAN when you need him?
I understand upgrading to the newest dharma beta just takes an apt upgrade xbmc-live?

That'll probably be the only thing i will do since i am on beta3.

I will hopefully have some minutes tonight to tinker with the system. I just processed my movies to have all the xbmc metadata files. Hopefully this will clear some issues i had with the library.

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Upgrading XBMC on Lucid to Maverick // Any problems?0