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[CLOSED] Advanced Launcher - Applications Launcher Addon for XBMC
I got PCSX-Reloaded working. In case anyone else uses this the proper arguments are:
-nogui -cdfile

Now I just need to figure out how to get it to launch fullscreen. When I do I get a 4x3 black square in the center of the screen with the ubuntu taskbar showing at the top of the screen.

If I try the same thing and then check the box to "Keep Aspect Ratio" then I get a 640x480 window that loads the rom in the lower left corner of the screen.

I'm sure I'm close though.
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| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
I couldn't find a perfect solution with the standard video plugin, but with Pete's Plugin I got it working just as I wanted: http://www.pbernert.com/html/gpu.htm#XGL2
I've got one feature request: Would it be possible to specify additional commands per launcher? This way I could start xboxdrv before the emulator starts, which would allow to load launcher/emulator-specific configurations for the Xbox 360 controller. It's not necessary to specify them on a per game basis, but per emulator would be great.
TheHazel3yes Wrote:I've got one feature request: Would it be possible to specify additional commands per launcher? This way I could start xboxdrv before the emulator starts, which would allow to load launcher/emulator-specific configurations for the Xbox 360 controller. It's not necessary to specify them on a per game basis, but per emulator would be great.
No, I will not add this option. What you could do : instead of directly start the emulator you could start an .sh script. This .sh script will start xbxdrv then the emulator. It will be more simple and you will be able the customize the script exactly as you want.
Of course I thought of that, BUT: How do I pass the roms to my emulator then? I guess there's no easy way...
A "pre-run" option would be very helpful here.

Since there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info out there about Pcsx-Reloaded I thought I would share it all here (at least from my experiences). Then if anyone else wants to test it out then Angelscry would be able to implement the Arguments int ALA to benefit others.

Download the .deb package for x86 or 64bit Linux flavors from here

Open the graphics configuration menu in Psxr. Set the resolution to your exact screen size i.e. 1920x1080 and check the box to maintain aspect ratio. I tried other screen sizes, thinking that a lower resolution would improve performance but I ended up with less than stellar results.

Install Location (if installed from .deb package): /usr/games

-nogui -cdfile
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| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
TheHazel3yes Wrote:Of course I thought of that, BUT: How do I pass the roms to my emulator then? I guess there's no easy way...
A "pre-run" option would be very helpful here.
Under linux, to pass parameters you need to use the $1, $2... $x variables ($1 is the first argument of the command line, $2 the second, etc...). Here is quick example how you could start xboxdrv before the gens emulator :

gens --fs --quickexit $1
The first line call xboxdrv and the second line call gens with the right parameters. Now you will have to name this bash file for example gens.sh and make it executable. Then, you have to modify you launcher like this :
And it will do the job. But I keep it mind your idea to add an option to start a command line before and maybe also after the launch of a roms (if you start xboxdrv you may be also want to close it when you don not need it). But using bash files is more powerfull because your are not really limited.
htpc guy Wrote:Since there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of info out there about Pcsx-Reloaded I thought I would share it all here (at least from my experiences).

-no gui -cdfile

Merry Christmas, XBMC Advanced Launcher! Here's a patch for PCSX auto-argument support:

....Should it be "-nogui" instead?
Rob Loach Wrote:....Should it be "-nogui" instead?
My bad. I corrected my original post. Got a little happy with the space bar.Blush
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
I'm actually think since several days about a way to improve the command lines support of the Advanced Launcher. Actually the command line functionality is simple to use, works great but encounter some limitations for some emulators as reporter by some users (like for Project64, Winuae, etc...). Actual solutions to bypass those limitations are to use external bash files or script.

First thing I think that will be useful will be to use the same approach than the other XBMC games add-ons by using a kind %rom% parameter to pass the rompath into the command line. Some emulators want the rompath to be the first parameter. Some want it to be the last. With the actual version of the Advanced Launcher it is not possible to do this. For example is the rompath is /mnt/multimedias/consoles/gameboyadvance/roms/Sonic Advance 3.gba the argument parameter will be :
%rom% --opengl=MODE --fullscreen -f 15 --no-show-speed
instead of only
--opengl=MODE --fullscreen -f 15 --no-show-speed
but could also be
--opengl=MODE --fullscreen -f 15 --no-show-speed %rom%
where %rom% = /mnt/multimedias/consoles/gameboyadvance/roms/Sonic Advance 3.gba
So we will have more flexibility for the arguments parameter also to add quoted parameters or not like this :
"%rom%" --opengl=MODE --fullscreen -f 15 --no-show-speed
or this
"%rom% --opengl=MODE --fullscreen -f 15 --no-show-speed"
that will solve problems with whites spaces and quotes for some emulators.

Is have also thought to add 2 other internal parameters :
%romfile% = Sonic Advance 3.gba
et %romname% = Sonic Advance 3

Some emulators, only use the rompath parameters that is indicated into their configuration file, and only need the filename of the roms to run. So by using a %romfile% variable ti will be possible to do it, like for Winuae:
winuae.exe -f "%romfile%"

Finally the use of the %romname% variable will be useful for the emulators using for example savestate files. Those files generally has the same name of the romfile but a different extension. For example for Winuae the argument parameter will be:
winuae.exe -f "%romfile%" -statefile="Savestates\%romname%.uss"
With this 3 "new" variables I think we will be able to cover all the emulators command line possibilities. It will not be so difficult to add this 3 variables which will be all automatically deducted from the <filename></filename> tags. The only change will be into the <args></args> tags of the emulator where the %rom%, %romfile% and %romname% will be necessary.

As TheHazel3yes suggest me today, another improvement to the advanced launcher could be the add of the possibility to start a command line prior to the launcher. I think I could add the new tag to the launcher that will contain the command line of the applications to start before the launchers. This tags value will be accessible using the launcher edition context menu. I could maybe also try to add a second tag to start a command line when the emulator closing (may be more difficult to manage).

In parallel, of those improvements, I think I will also start to write wiki pages concerning the configuration of the emulators and Advanced Launcher in collaboration with malte the creator of the Rom Collection Browser.

That's actually my reflexion about how we could improve the command line support of the Advanced Launcher. If you have any suggestion, idea comment concerning this future improvement, feel free to share it here.

Merry Christmas for All of You !!!!!! Laugh
Question on how ALA handles games with multiple discs, i.e. Final Fantasy VII or Metal Gear Solid for PSX:

When I scan these games into ALA the files get stacked (ALA reports 3 games imported when adding FFVII and it only shows it one time).

I can work around this by manually adding the games so I have it listed 3 times. My questions is, how will the emulator (pcsx-r) handle this?

I haven't gotten to a part in any of my games where I have to switch discs but here is my speculation on how it would be handled.

Manually add each disc into ALA. When I reach the end of the first disc I will be prompted to save the game. Then I will press esc and close the emulator (which is like powering off the console). Then load the next disc and it should pick up from my save point and continue on the next disc.


Leave the discs stacked. When I get to the end of the first disc I will save the game. Then XBMC will que in the next disc like it would a movie and I would continue on uninterrupted (without having to close the emulator and go back into XBMC to choose the next disc).

Has anyone had any experience with this?
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
Quick note, [Linux]

I had issues with XBMC running in the background while playing Mupen64plus roms. The frame rate was terrible. I tried running the Launcher.sh script (discussed in the last launcher thread and several other threads, I'm sure you've seen it) and I never got it to work. I downloaded the RCB addon and it comes with a script that works in Linux Windows or Mac. No modifications were needed for the script and it works flawlessly. I use the RCB AppLauncher.sh script as the emulator and then use the emulator path and normal arguments to launch the rom. It kills xbmc, loads the emulator and then reopens xbmc after the emulator is closed. I highly suggest this method for more powerful emulators like mupen or pcsx. I can now run these games with system resources and I don't drop any frames.
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
Thanks for taking the time to make this!
I have been slowly figuring out how to get this working and have a simple question.

I created a file launcher for MAME and got it working, but I would like it to be labeled with a specific .jpeg I have for it. I titled the .jpeg the same as the Mame.exe and it just displays it as a folder still.

Any help would be appreciated.


htpc guy Wrote:Question on how ALA handles games with multiple discs, i.e. Final Fantasy VII or Metal Gear Solid for PSX:

When I scan these games into ALA the files get stacked (ALA reports 3 games imported when adding FFVII and it only shows it one time).

I can work around this by manually adding the games so I have it listed 3 times. My questions is, how will the emulator (pcsx-r) handle this?

I haven't gotten to a part in any of my games where I have to switch discs but here is my speculation on how it would be handled.

Manually add each disc into ALA. When I reach the end of the first disc I will be prompted to save the game. Then I will press esc and close the emulator (which is like powering off the console). Then load the next disc and it should pick up from my save point and continue on the next disc.


Leave the discs stacked. When I get to the end of the first disc I will save the game. Then XBMC will que in the next disc like it would a movie and I would continue on uninterrupted (without having to close the emulator and go back into XBMC to choose the next disc).

Has anyone had any experience with this?
Actually, when scanning, the launcher try to detect if the romfilename is ending by ".cd#", "-cd#", "_cd#" or " - cd#". If #=1 the launcher consider it is the first cd, remove the cd number from the title and scrap info. If #=2 or more the roms is ignored.

I do not know how work pcsx-r with mutiple cd, but it is generally managed by the game itself. Most of the games need to be started with the CD1, then the save file is charger and the game ask you to switch the CD if needed. That generally you did not start a game by the CD corresponding to your save state file. What's why I have configured the Advanced Launcher to manage multiple cd like this.

I maybe could add a option to activate/desactivate this option if you prefer. Not too long.... But it will risk to generate you a problem when you will perform the scanning : Final Fantasy VII - cd1, Final Fantasy VII - cd2, etc... will be detected as the same game and I think advanced launcher do not react very well when several files has the same title.
BORIStheBLADE Wrote:Thanks for taking the time to make this!
I have been slowly figuring out how to get this working and have a simple question.

I created a file launcher for MAME and got it working, but I would like it to be labeled with a specific .jpeg I have for it. I titled the .jpeg the same as the Mame.exe and it just displays it as a folder still.

Any help would be appreciated.

Go to Launcher context menu, select "Edit Launcher" option, then select "Change Thumbnails Image", finally choose "Select a Local Image" and select the image you want to be used for your MAME launcher.
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[CLOSED] Advanced Launcher - Applications Launcher Addon for XBMC24