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fiveisalive Wrote:What I don't understand is this: why is the performance affected with extra menu options if most users don't use them? i.e. shouldn't performance only be affected if users actually enable those options?

No - the skin/app has to evaluate "is this setting on or off" each time a file/dialog is loaded that has a 'Skin.HasSetting'. That means ALL settings have to be parsed. So for each setting or option that is enabled (or not), it's an eval of all 1800 options.

It's the price to be paid for a skin with all these options, for better or worse. Aeon has has taken on the notion of 'you can have it your way' and this is one of the repercussions.

Having said that, MarcosQui is doing a great job keeping things going.
Zaxxan Wrote:For some reason I don't think Marcos includes the backdrops when he releases the uncompressed xbt, not sure why though.

MarcosQui, could you share with us the AEON backdrops then?

i havent checked his skin but my guess is they are inside a different folder not inside compressed textures but i could be wrong
stoli Wrote:No - the skin/app has to evaluate "is this setting on or off" each time a file/dialog is loaded that has a 'Skin.HasSetting'. That means ALL settings have to be parsed. So for each setting or option that is enabled (or not), it's an eval of all 1800 options.

It's the price to be paid for a skin with all these options, for better or worse. Aeon has has taken on the notion of 'you can have it your way' and this is one of the repercussions.

Having said that, MarcosQui is doing a great job keeping things going.

Is it possible to have a way to pre-compile Aeon so that only the relevant options are present in the skin code? What I mean is - there would be the base Aeon skin with all the combinations, and a tool that would select the types of features the user cares about. This would then process the skin files and remove all the other settings.

MarcosQui, do you think this is feasible? Since the skin files are xml, maybe such a processor could be written using XSLT rules? I think it would go a long way towards addressing performance concerns.
Whenever I attempt to download TvTunes themes via Video Addons, XBMC crashes. If I already have shows themes downloaded, the skin plays them fine. However, initializing the plugin causes an immediate segmentation fault. This does not occur in The.Carmichael, so I assume it is skin-based. Here is part of the debug log...

First things first well done on all the work you have put in to the skin Im really enjoying using it.
I'm only having one problem which i would like to resolve if possible, there is no "exit" on the shutdown menu which enables you to just go back to the desktop. There is Shutdown/Suspend/Hibernate/Restart/Timer but no exit.

IS there anything i can do myself so that a exit option is available the same that is in Confluence or Aeon65?

I have done a fresh install of XBMC and Aeon MQ2 and speed and response feel good to me.

Keep up the good work
For everyone to understand:

The large xml file that I created to provide a customized menu and submenu is loaded only when it enters the customization options, but that the buttons work on the main menu xml menu that linked directly to him also get bigger, imagine you are 35 new menus and submenus 310 new waiting to be connected ... This of course raises a larger processing.

The solution?
Reduce the number of buttons. See that the vast majority do not want to lose the 10 options for each button, but no one complained of losing some submenus, I think we do a cleanup in submenus only then, but what?

I await your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Even today I should release a new revision = R92 that will improve the speed and correct some things pending.
boykster Wrote:...I totally respect that since the backdrops are gorgeous and appear to be his own creations. He might not want others to redistribute them. Or he might have just left them out because they're big.Wink

ZombieRobot Wrote:i havent checked his skin but my guess is they are inside a different folder not inside compressed textures but i could be wrong

They are in the textures.xbt
MarcosQui Wrote:For everyone to understand:

The large xml file that I created to provide a customized menu and submenu is loaded only when it enters the customization options, but that the buttons work on the main menu xml menu that linked directly to him also get bigger, imagine you are 35 new menus and submenus 310 new waiting to be connected ... This of course raises a larger processing.

The solution?
Reduce the number of buttons. See that the vast majority do not want to lose the 10 options for each button, but no one complained of losing some submenus, I think we do a cleanup in submenus only then, but what?

I await your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Even today I should release a new revision = R92 that will improve the speed and correct some things pending.

Lets try the R92 to see what speed improvements have been made, I think the skin only needs to be a second or two faster. Smile
MarcosQui Wrote:Cool

Hi Marcos,

If you don't want to release the backdrops, is there any chance that you could release the list of backdrops (file names) that are required so that people can replace the backdrops with their own creations and still have the skin working as normal?
MarcosQui Wrote:For everyone to understand:

The large xml file that I created to provide a customized menu and submenu is loaded only when it enters the customization options, but that the buttons work on the main menu xml menu that linked directly to him also get bigger, imagine you are 35 new menus and submenus 310 new waiting to be connected ... This of course raises a larger processing.

The solution?
Reduce the number of buttons. See that the vast majority do not want to lose the 10 options for each button, but no one complained of losing some submenus, I think we do a cleanup in submenus only then, but what?

I await your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Even today I should release a new revision = R92 that will improve the speed and correct some things pending.

Great News. Btw i also tested those files you put up a couple of pages ago mand this seemed to improve speed a little, will those be included in the new revision?

Regarding the menu options, i think dropping them down to 200 is enough for most people, i haven`t see anybody on this thread mentioning that they use more than 200 menu options, so i think it would be a good sacrifice that pleases everybody around here.
Zaxxan Wrote:Hi Marcos,

If you don't want to release the backdrops, is there any chance that you could release the list of backdrops (file names) that are required so that people can replace the backdrops with their own creations and still have the skin working as normal?

Select the images requires much time and patience. Many images of the themes Cold, Warm and Digital Art are found in deviantart and in other places but for the theme Darkness 90% were reissued.

It works like this:
1 - Share xmls
2 - Share pictures
3 - Share the PSDs
4 - Thanks, we do not need you anymore. Wink
master345 Wrote:is it possible to add to the limit of favorites you can make as new items as menu shortcuts? i can only get 13 before it says: Items of favorites full.

I reported the same bug in my post here:


it appears that the limit is that it is only possible to add from the list of the first 15 favorites. There is an ugly workaround, however: if you move favorites that are position 16 and later into the top 15, they then become 'addable'. But this shouldn't be necessary, you may want to have a lot of favorites, but only want to add a subset of them as top-level menu (or submenus).

(Note that this has nothing to do with the total limit of menus + playlists that can be customized that is being discussed in this thread, since there can be an arbitrary number of favorites, but you can only add a subset of them as options. Even so it should be possible to add any favorites, not just the first 15 that happen to be in the list order)

Another odd limitation that I also reported with regard to customization: it only seems to be possible to add favorites to submenus of custom menu items, not playlists or scripts, but it is possible to add playlists or scripts to submenus of built-in menu items.
The limit of 15 bookmarks in the list is not a bug, I decided to do so.
The limit for adding bookmarks in only a few submenus is also to avoid further delays.

Anything that increase will worsen the case of slow further.

We are discussing precisely the excess of submenus.
Among the 310 submenus is not possible to assemble a combination that is good?
If I were to release all the submenus to receive any item would go by 1000.
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[RELEASE] Aeon MQ 232