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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!

after weeks of tweaking (and cursing) I finally am able to convert tvheadend mkv's to another format that is suitable for e.g. cutting and / or transcoding.
althought the recorded mkv's play correct in xbmc / vlc or another player, cutting or transcoding software always made either the resulting file unplayable (green screen, sound but hanging picture, artifacts) or the sound out-of-sync with the video.

So how did I do it?
1. convert .mkv to .ts format (ffmpeg -i input.mkv -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.ts)

please note that the .ts is not always playable!

2. open the .ts with application dvbcut (google for ppa) the file is being indexed
3a. cut commercials or begin / end slack
3b. export to .mpg from within dvbcut

you wil notice that dvbcut will 'repair' all missing frames that can cause the issues with the resulting file.
The exported mpg file can then be transcoded.

I use handbrake (new version came out today!) to convert the resulting mpg to m4v format.

still not sure why transcoding or even unpacking both video and audio streams from the mkv makes the sound out-of-sync?

can it be that tvheadend resulting mkv doesn't start with the required frame (but instead with some 'in-between frame')?

Hope this can help somebody who's facing the same challenges Wink
will also update the wiki over at tvheadend site once I have 'upgraded' to the redmine system.

TV server: ClearOS 5.2, HTS Tvheadend git-0664329, IPTV
XBMC Clients (2): Jetway J7F3E Mini-ITX, AMD Geode NX1750, 1GB, Custom Build Case, 2,5" SATA 120GB, GeForce 8500GT (PCI) 256MB, NEC Slot-in DVD, 7" touch screen, 40" Samsung LED (VGA), ATI Remote Wonder (I)
(OS) Environment Clients: Ubuntu Server 10.04, XBMC 11.0 BETA 3, TVHeadend plugin enabled, Skin Confluenza
Hi. I have continuesly crash of XBMC in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick when i in channel list or Tv program guide.Sad
XBMC from mxbmc-master-pvr and also testing from xbmc-pvr
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x08454a92 in CDateTime::CDateTime(CDateTime const&) ()
Please fix it))

Please read it
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
I live in the Ziggo area NIT-o id =9003 and frequency = 369,00. I know where to put the 9003 in TVheadend, but where do i need to put the frequency, 369,00?
that's the frequency of one of the muxes I suppose? you shouldn't have to add one because it will be added automatically.

make sure you enable "autodetect muxes" on that tab
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
dushmaniac Wrote:that's the frequency of one of the muxes I suppose? you shouldn't have to add one because it will be added automatically.

make sure you enable "autodetect muxes" on that tab

That's the frequency that i have to give in in my old Ziggo decoder, together with the Nit 9003. So I was thinking i have to add this frequency to TVheadend also.

The problem i have now is that i can't watch to some channels (discovery etc) because of bad signal quality (0%!) Other channels (also HD) have 100% signal quality. So maybe this has something to do with that frequency 369,00??
the only thing that does is providing an initial multiplex to the decoder so the other ones can be detected automatically after that. if you think that'll make a difference, head the settings page -> tv adapters -> multiplexes and click on "add manually".

I think the problem has a different cause though:
- your signal reception is bad. not all adapters support signal quality reporting and the values you see on your screen might be off.
- or your card's driver doesn't work properly. verify that it's working correctly with the ©scan and ©zap tools. howtos will probably be on the mythtv wiki
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
dushmaniac Wrote:the only thing that does is providing an initial multiplex to the decoder so the other ones can be detected automatically after that. if you think that'll make a difference, head the settings page -> tv adapters -> multiplexes and click on "add manually".

I think the problem has a different cause though:
- your signal reception is bad. not all adapters support signal quality reporting and the values you see on your screen might be off.
- or your card's driver doesn't work properly. verify that it's working correctly with the ©scan and ©zap tools. howtos will probably be on the mythtv wiki

Ok thanks, i will look into that this evening!
dushmaniac Wrote:because of some pc problems (caused by myself ofc Smile) the howto will be a day later.

sorry, maybe I'm blind, but where can I find it (or is it just still postponed - if so, I don't wanna urge you!)?

I'm asking as: I still have an XBMCFreak version (9.11.14? which upgraded itself to Dharma recently?) on an ASRock ION330HT running on 9.04.

I wanted to place the Tvheadend onto a SheevaPlug + TeVii S660 with Debian Squeeze somewhere else at my home, just simply as the SAT signal where my XBMC sits doesn't got the Astra 19.2E Low Band signals.

Though it was a bit of a hassle I think I got the TeVii drivers working .

As there are no ARMEL based packages for my Debian based Plug I also had to get a copy of the HTS Tvheadend sources and I had to compile my own version. I think the latest 2.12 "stable" release + 1 version further works somewhat of, though the latest 5788 not too well.

I think you also apply some patched to Tvheadend in your ppa?! Are they relevant to have Tvheadend properly working with XBMC?
hmm yeah, must admit I totally forgot about that, bit I didn't have much time for it either because of all the git changes.

andoma is changing a lot in tvheadend at the moment. if you want to compile from source, be sure to get the one that's tagged 2.12, not the later commits as they might not work. there's no need to patch tvheadend anymore, since those patches are implemented in mainline now. the only thing it did was adding signal status reporting and encryption reporting. xbmc works perfectly without that.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
dushmaniac Wrote:@drago
while playing a channel, type M, go to video settings and change the interlaced handling setting. I've got it set to (vdpau) temporal

Hi dushmaniac,

just a quick question. I have problems with some channels as well and I found this post of you. Maybe you can tell me what you mean with (vdpau) temporal. I only got the option temporal. What do you mean with vdpau in that case?
Btw. When I choose interlaced handling -> temporal, I goit a lot of drops and the picture is really bad. So I hope that you mean another setting. Please.
if you have an nvidia card that supports vdpau, got the vdpau drivers and got xbmc compiled with vdpau enabled, you'll see the option that I'm talking about.

if you don't see it you should probably use "deinterlace"
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
Hi dushmaniac,

now I am completely confused.
I will briefly tell you how I am installing the XBMC. Btw. I have an Nvidia onBoard card.
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 desktop. Install libvdpau1, doing the composite settings, etc.
Then I am using your PPA to install TVHeadend and XBMC.
Isn't that the way to do it (hope this is not a too noob question)?
you're probably missing nvidia-185-libvdpau
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
does anyone know, if tvheadend supports multiple decoding via cccam?
cause i use cine s2 and it's decrypt just channels for one tuner :/
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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!9