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[CLOSED] Advanced Launcher - Applications Launcher Addon for XBMC
Kudos!!! awesome will test and report any issues Big Grin
Angelscry Wrote:Add "import plot from text file" option: Because there is no simply way to edit long texts directly from XBMC and because scrapers will never be able to report the plot for all games, this option will give you the possibility to import any common text files as game plot information. I think this option could be improved (I'm not totally satisfied). If you have any suggestion or a better idea, do not hesitate to share.

Can you make something like NFO files for video where all the information will be stored like plot, genre, publisher etc.
ShockViper Wrote:Can you make something like NFO files for video where all the information will be stored like plot, genre, publisher etc.
What is the interest of using NFO files when you can :
  • automatically scrap games infos from Internet,
  • manually edit all games infos directly from XBMC,
  • and manually edit the launchers.xml file which contain all the games infos?
How are people handling 7zip files right now? I set up Nestopia yesterday, and every time it attempted to open a game it prompted for which game in the archive to open. This would be fine if I could get the remote/gamepad to interace with Nestopia, but I couldn't get that working.

Alternatively, I'm open to just extracting the US release from each 7zip file and simply deleting the rest. I just don't want to do it manually for each file.
I'm trying to change a thumbnail via the addon and the addon.py script is failing. This is the error message and seems like a smb thing.

ERROR: "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/addon.py", line 20, in ?
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py", line 133, in __init__
                                                self._edit_rom(os.path.dirname(launcher), os.path.basename(launcher))
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py", line 257, in _edit_rom
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py", line 318, in _scrap_thumb_rom
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py", line 1613, in _update_cache
                                                shutil.copy2( file_path , cached_thumb )
                                              File "/usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/python24.zip/shutil.py", line 93, in copy2
                                                copystat(src, dst)
                                              File "/usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/python24.zip/shutil.py", line 68, in copystat
                                                os.utime(dst, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))
                                            OSError: (1, 'Operation not permitted', '/home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/Thumbnails/f/ff216be2.jpg')

(sorry for the indentation)

The thumbnail directory is on a smb share and mounted as:

//server/xbmc/Thumbnails /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/Thumbnails cifs credentials=/home/xbmc/.credentials,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

The xbmc user has write permission in the share, not quite sure what's going on as I assume the script runs as the current user (xbmc). There should be no error.
joelones Wrote:I'm trying to change a thumbnail via the addon and the addon.py script is failing. This is the error message and seems like a smb thing.

ERROR: "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/addon.py", line 20, in ?
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py", line 133, in __init__
                                                self._edit_rom(os.path.dirname(launcher), os.path.basename(launcher))
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py", line 257, in _edit_rom
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py", line 318, in _scrap_thumb_rom
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/lib/launcher_plugin.py", line 1613, in _update_cache
                                                shutil.copy2( file_path , cached_thumb )
                                              File "/usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/python24.zip/shutil.py", line 93, in copy2
                                                copystat(src, dst)
                                              File "/usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/python24.zip/shutil.py", line 68, in copystat
                                                os.utime(dst, (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime))
                                            OSError: (1, 'Operation not permitted', '/home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/Thumbnails/f/ff216be2.jpg')

(sorry for the indentation)

The thumbnail directory is on a smb share and mounted as:

//server/xbmc/Thumbnails /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/Thumbnails cifs credentials=/home/xbmc/.credentials,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

The xbmc user has write permission in the share, not quite sure what's going on as I assume the script runs as the current user (xbmc). There should be no error.
Hummm... Yes strange. This error occurs when the Advanced Launcher try to replace the XBMC cached thumbnail image with the new selected image using this command : "(shutil.copy2( file_path , cached_thumb )". file_path is the path of the selected image and cached_thumb is the path of the cached thumbnails image. I do not think it is related to permission access problem because XBMC must have access to its proper cache folder. I'm going to investigate on the shutil.copy2 python command. Maybe it is not compatible with smb shares. Do you have the same problem if the thumbnails directory is local? Thank you for your feedback.
Thanks Angelscry for looking into this. No, I don't have this problem if I grab a local thumbnail jpg.

The reason for this setup is obviously due to running a shared library for videos and running multiple xbmc clients connecting to the same db. Had to move the thumbnails from the local client to my remote server running mysql to properly see the thumbnails on both clients.

EDIT: Actually the problem is a lot worse. The plan was to put all the roms on my share via the same method (using smb) as above with the thumbnails. Having tried one rom on the share and having zsnes bail when trying to play the rom has lead me to believe this is not best solution. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?

Has anyone been able to play roms from a share instead of storing all roms local? Specifically via smb?

Hey Angelscry
i tried to manually add the blabla action199 lines as well as using the new dont minimize XBMC option. Unfortunatelly both did not work for me. If i choose dont minimize XBMC changes from fake fullscreen (window) to a smaller window but then goes into tray. Without minimizing XBMC instantly goes into tray. Starting DVBviewer or other programs works perfekt, XBMC also comes back to fake fullscreen after closing the programs.

When i hit the windows key while in XBMC only the taskbar shows up while XBMC stays in background. Starting DVBviewer from the startmenu also work perfekt! XBMC stays in background all the time --> noone can see my desktop while switching from XBMC to DVBviewer...

Is there any chance to stop XBMC from going into tray when using the Launcher?

EDIT: found someone with the same problem using external players in his playercorefactory.xml. The solution for this problem was to simply edit <hidexbmc>true</hidexbmc> to false. Do you know the python command that hides XBMC?
[quote=Angelscry]This add-on is based on the original leo2's Launcher plugin which was able to launch Linux and Windows applications from within the XBMC GUI. This add-on add the possibility, for games and emulators mostly oriented users, to get and store informations and images for games from several Internet games databases. The add-on has been actually tested and working under XBMC 10.4 (Dharma beta4).

Image Image Image Image Image

Home Page : http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-advanced-launcher/
Repository : repository.angelscry.xbmc-plugins.1.2.0.zip

User Manual : http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-advanced-l...structions
XBMC Emulators Wiki : http://www.gwenael.org/xbmc/index.php

Addon Features:
  • Run Windows, Linux and OSX applications and emulators with auto-suggested arguments.
  • Start any game from specified directory using selected emulator.
  • Collect information of applications and games using AllGame, GameFAQs, MobyGames and MAWS databases (auto/manual).
  • Collect images of applications and games using GameFAQs, MobyGames, MAWS and Google Images search engines (auto/manual).
  • Scan option for new added games (with image and information auto-collect).
  • Add, remove and edit options of applications and games directly form XBMC
  • Complete MAME games support (data and images).
  • Search applications and games by name.

Nice work. is it possible for you to name the skins you are using on the images from this post from left to right, please. I can't recognize them all. Also. How do you get game info to display on them. Mine do not show any info other than the name. Sad.. Thanks man.
Most skins won't show anything but icon/thumb out of the box. Are you working on a skin? If not, what skin are you using now?
Any skin I use.. like the ones showing on initial post shows info. I'm using shade and it does not show anything but the icon and name..does not show any info like the picture above....
joelones Wrote:EDIT: Actually the problem is a lot worse. The plan was to put all the roms on my share via the same method (using smb) as above with the thumbnails. Having tried one rom on the share and having zsnes bail when trying to play the rom has lead me to believe this is not best solution. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?

Has anyone been able to play roms from a share instead of storing all roms local? Specifically via smb? Thanks
I think your problem is related to the manner you try to access your smb server from your system. If the paths you use to access your server are network paths like this :
it will create errors because most of the emulators do not recognize network paths into their command line. For the same reason the shutil.copy2 python function is not able to copy a file from the network path to a local path.

To solve this, you have to automatically assign to your server a local path. You can do this under Linux by mounting you server into the /mnt/ directory for example. In the same manner, if your are under Windows, you will have to assign a drive letter to your network server. So the paths to acces your server will be :
With paths under these forms you will have no more problem. Wink
Sebastatu Wrote:Any skin I use.. like the ones showing on initial post shows info. I'm using shade and it does not show anything but the icon and name..does not show any info like the picture above....

I did the mod for shade, you need to change some files, go here I'll help you Big Grin

I like the advanced launcher cause it simply works.
What is a bit of trouble is that title/image scraping takes to much effort,
so either I`m doing it wrong or the automation isn`t as I would like it.
So let me go through it: This might seem like a long post but imagine adding many many apps
and having to click things many many times

1. 'Create new launcher'
2. 'Standalone (normal PC executable)'
3. Select my C:\games\batman\bmstartapp.exe
4. leave 'Application arguments' blank
5. Rename to Batman Arkham Assylum
6. Select 'IBM PC Compatible'
7. Select the Thumbnail and Fanart folder destination it requires C:\games\_launcher icons.
(It would be nice if there was an option under Add-on settings for selecting a folder with all these in and their
images in each according to platform and use that as default) since it gets rather tedious selecting it manually every time

8. Right click my newly created launcher 'Edit Launcher' and 'Modify Datas/Infos'
9. 'Import Infos from AllGame/GameFAQs/MobyGames/MAMEWorld'. Select Batman: Arkham Asylum / IBM PC Compatible
(now it would be nice if one is connected to the internet to have this automated directly after step 7)
since most/all games are/should be in that list, if not then just skip if required.
If it does not find it in your preferred scraper that it would then continue to the next until it finds the selected title)
Now I already selected IBM PC compatible and it still brings up 3 other platforms? Perhaps if one struggles to find a title then go there
since some titles are difficult to find since they were made for many platforms and that becomes a massive list.

10. Now every-time one edits a new launcher and you want to move to the next line it throws you all the way back to root
instead of allowing to complete all the lines in "edit Launcher"

11. 'Change thumbnail image' 'Import image from AllGame/GameFAQs/MobyGames/MAMEWorld : All covers' Now it asks the title again?
Also get 'Error Script failed : addon.py' many times and then scrapes nothing.
(Now Advanced Launcher know`s exactly what title/game system I have selected and I want it to automatically scrape the thumbs&fanart)

12. 'Change Fanart Image' The same as 11.

I am currently on version 0.9.5.
All my files are currently on my local machine.

I also have a issue but this I believe might be an XBMC thing.
I have a dual monitor output. Under System in XBMC I always run XBMC on
'Full screen #2' and 'Use fullscreen windows rather than true fullscreen' is selected
but when exiting the program it throws XBMC to a window on Fullscreen #1.
What is the reason for this?

I know it might have been asked before but any chance for scraping from http://thevideogamedb.com & http://thegamesdb.net in future?
Kodi - Windows 7_x64 14.2 Helix
OpenELEC - Generic x86_64 v5.0.8
OpenELEC - Raspberry Pi2 v5.0.8
Ember media manger (thx DanCooper)
Media Companion v3.620b (thx Vbat99)
Rashad TVRenamer 0.7 Beta 2/EPnamer v1.45

Polish r252 http://www.mediafire.com/?2mas4d1hdc66xus
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[CLOSED] Advanced Launcher - Applications Launcher Addon for XBMC24