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Fantastic job on this. I have a request for a feature that I think might be best suited to ask a skin developer. I don't know anything about coding or anything so I may be off base with this. I know there are thousands of film lovers out there that are also film "students" and love the special features that come on the DVD's and as one of those people I have always wanted the ability to rip them and access them per individual movie. I've mentioned my idea on how to do this on other threads here but people always say "Just make a movie set and include them there". But that is not the most efficient way of doing that I believe.

I think that if you almost consider the movie info page as a sort-of "DVD Menu" for the movie, there should be an option there labeled "Extras" that allows you to select special features you've ripped along with the movie. So for example, when you click the info for a movie, after the last option you would see an "Extras" option. That option, when clicked, would link to an "extras" folder within the movie folder (similar to "extrathumbs") that would include whatever video files are there. It would then simply show a list of the files in that folder.

Here's an example of what I'm suggesting:

In the particular movie folder, along with the "extrathumbs" folder, you'd have a folder called "extras" which would have files entitled (for instance):
The Making of Almost Famous.avi
Interview with Lester Bangs.avi
Stillwater Cleveland Concert.avi
Deleted Scene 1.avi
Deleted Scene 2.avi
Deleted Scene 3.avi

That would then appear as a basic file list under "Extras" in the info panel, so that you just have extra DVD content you've ripped associated simply with your movie. This is kind of the most basic way of doing it, I'm sure, but I know I would love it. Desperately wish I could code it myself. Just don't have any knowledge on that whatsoever.


My question is, is this something that could be coded into your skin? It's something I've wanted forever but I just don't have any coding knowledge to be able to do it myself.

lboyce Wrote:My question is, is this something that could be coded into your skin? It's something I've wanted forever but I just don't have any coding knowledge to be able to do it myself.

This would be an XBMC feature, not a skin one. I think starting a topic about it in http://forum.xbmc.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=9 is the way to go.
No more new features please, I think the skin should be released as soon as Marcos is happy with it.
Then we close the doors.

I will finish what was started, otherwise the skin will not be ready ever. Nod
MarcosQui Wrote:What sets the "Exit" would do differently than we have today?

Today if you click on the word SHUTDOWN, XBMC is closed, or choose an option from the submenu, at least in Windows works perfectly.
Hi Marcos, if in the XBMC settings you have shutdown set to quit then yes it quits to the desktop/terminal, but I prefer that to be defaulted to Sleep so if my wife is using this PC it just goes to sleep, but I usually like to go into the desktop so I can check these forums so a sub menu for quit would come in very handy.
I'm probably not the only one that sets these up to be simple and easy for their partners to use but also would like extra options for when we use the system.

So a sub menu to Quit/Exit out of XBMC would be most appreciated.

Again, thanks for an awesome skin and please please get a paypal donation page going, I know a lot of people would be happy to drop a donation your way.
MarcosQui Wrote:Then we close the doors.

I am enclosing the inclusions and will finalize what was started but we will not have the 2.6.1 version ever. Nod

Go go release Big GrinBig Grin

Btw i have a question bout playing music files again.

Atm im listening while not using libary mode and no party mix aswell i just go to a specific folder (that contains 1 album) then i start playing the first file but when playing it shuffels the files and not playing it the from nr 1 down to nr 12. So it randomizes the songs in the folder instead of going from the top of the list to down of the list.

What am i doing wrong here?
MarcosQui Wrote:Then we close the doors.

I am enclosing the inclusions and will finalize what was started but we will not have the 2.6.1 version ever. Nod

What u mean no 2.6.1 , so ur not gonna update the one on the first page?? I thought u were tweaking it and adding a few extra adjustments Huh??
I think he means if he carries on adding new requests from people then he will never be able to finish and release 2.6.1.

Really looking forward to the new version when it's ready Marcos. I'm a big fan of 2.6.0, thanks Nod
COYS Wrote:I think he means if he carries on adding new requests from people then he will never be able to finish and release 2.6.1.

Really looking forward to the new version when it's ready Marcos. I'm a big fan of 2.6.0, thanks Nod

oh fair enough, thanks Smile
I would love to try this skin, but I cannot get it to install Sad
I did the 'install from zip file' thing and added the repo.
I also see the 'Repo Aeon MQ' under 'get add-ons', but if I enter the repo, there is no SKIN folder there, actually, there is nothing at all there, just the option to go to the folder above it ('..').
I also tried 'Check for updates' and 'Force refresh', but that did not help. What am I doing wrong?
COYS Wrote:I think he means if he carries on adding new requests from people then he will never be able to finish and release 2.6.1.

Really looking forward to the new version when it's ready Marcos. I'm a big fan of 2.6.0, thanks Nod

Exactly, I edited my post to be better understood.

Starlite, is not your fault, with the SourceForge off the air has no way to download or install the skin for a while.
art76 Wrote:Hi Marcos, if in the XBMC settings you have shutdown set to quit then yes it quits to the desktop/terminal, but I prefer that to be defaulted to Sleep so if my wife is using this PC it just goes to sleep, but I usually like to go into the desktop so I can check these forums so a sub menu for quit would come in very handy.
I'm probably not the only one that sets these up to be simple and easy for their partners to use but also would like extra options for when we use the system.

So a sub menu to Quit/Exit out of XBMC would be most appreciated.

Again, thanks for an awesome skin and please please get a paypal donation page going, I know a lot of people would be happy to drop a donation your way.

You can change the shutdown mode in XBMC options:


The donation button is being provided, my website to be exact. Big Grin
MarcosQui Wrote:The donation button is being provided, my website to be exact. Big Grin
Hurry, I want to give you my money! Big Grin
MarcosQui Wrote:Exactly, I edited my post to be better understood.

Starlite, is not your fault, with the SourceForge off the air has no way to download or install the skin for a while.

Ah ok, I thought they would have fixed it by now. I guess i'll just have to wait some more then...
MarcosQui Wrote:Starlite, is not your fault, with the SourceForge off the air has no way to download or install the skin for a while.

Isn't Sourceforge back online?
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[RELEASE] Aeon MQ 232