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Hi Curtis, thanks for your help and explainations!
You've saved me a lot of time searching, thank you!

I'm unfortunately running a mac without parallels desktop, so no windows environnement to run the compressing tool.
I'll try to find another way to do so...

By the way, if it's ok for you/Marcos, and if you've got time for this, having your texture package will be a great temporary fix!

skid23 Wrote:hello i would just like to thank you for this skin i will donate as soon as i can.. just one question..i was using aeon nox and it had a tab where i can download thumb, showlogo and clear art in landscape view in tv shows .. since i have changed to this skin i cannot do that can anyone help me please?

I dont think this add-on is included in this skin...
New - How to use the skin, compact, normal and complete.
New - View Mode - Banner and Banner2 for tvshows.
New - Media Case for Bluray, HDDVD, among others.
New - Info for photos.
New - Extra Side menu (again) now improved.
New - Media Info FullScreen mode improved.
New - Support for Poster, Logo and Clearart.
New - Flag of audio language (thanks to the cooperation zaz.tmp)
New - Support for Fanart Seasons.
New - Support Polish translation including fonts (thanks to nhsman this)
New - MiniPlayer Main Menu - use with a mouse.
New - MiniPlayer info accessed by the key 'M' on any screen - use with a mouse or keyboard.
New - EXIT Button Power Off - XBMC quits and shutdown the system - in the sub-menu Shutdown.
New - Menu Layout for audio and video, including new buttons for audio and Random Repeat - now supports the use of mouse.
New - Mini Menu - a menu that helps navigation in the Main Menu.
New - Support Weather.plus.
New – Background for Movies and Shutdown – Main Menu.

says it in the description.. also it's pulled it over from NOX and it looks fantastic in the landscape view... on nox all it did was have a tab on the menu saying download tv logos from there i you could select thumb clear art and logo..

also thanks for answering mate
The MiniPlayer control is hidden behind the 'Now Playing' video window (right above the movies: count). You can see the animation slide across the screen, then it disappears behind the video window.

Quick question...

Love the new banner view in TV Shows. Have switched to that; previously from using posters...

Went through and updated my images for banners; looks great.

However, when I view TV Show Information from the Context menu... it looks to be pulling from poster.jpg; and shows a screwed up image (dimensions). I noticed in the side menu, there is an option for alternative banner; and that looks to read from banner.jpg?

So.. question..

Should I leave poster.jpg as a regular poster? And use banner.jpg images?

But, then I run into issues with SickBeard and other apps that seem to set poster.jpg as a banner.

Open to ideas... I rarely use the show TV Show information option... just something I noticed and I'm being a perfectionist...

Is there an SVN for this skin? So I can use the latest build? Smile
yabbah Wrote:Is there an SVN for this skin? So I can use the latest build? Smile

No, there is not...you can only use the official releases...
- - - Tribute to Metallica - - -
If I managed to help you, please click my reputation
In Showcase, fixed list set, cover flow on, doesn't seem to be a fixed list; wrapping.

Without cover flow, fixed list works.

Any thoughts?
Wow the new version of the skin is so great, I love love love it! Big Grin

There are however a couple things I noticed Wink
The new version of the skin returned the Recently Added bug in the main menu for the TV section.
The bottom episode in the Recently Added list (=the 8th episode in the list) is the same season/episode number as the 5th episode in the list.

I already mentioned it here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?p=6...post653868
but the bug was fixed in the previous version, now it has returned Smile

Another thing I would like to see changed is when a TV show has an episode 0. It doesn't show properly then, like below Smile
MarcosQui Wrote:To all:

I was talking now with the Wanilton (official beta-tester) and he told me that the skin was running better without the xbt, which was that we were using in the tests.

I'll suggest something to you - so I fix the bugs that appeared, I will make available a version of the skin fully uncompressed to test, if adopted by the majority I can replace, the only problem that we have no more themes.

Let's try. Wink

matrix808, thanks for the donation. Laugh

Great job Mark, how could access. xbt uncompressed?

ops, wrong. How the heck do I remove this post?
Thumbs Up 
skid23 Wrote:hello i would just like to thank you for this skin i will donate as soon as i can.. just one question..i was using aeon nox and it had a tab where i can download thumb, showlogo and clear art in landscape view in tv shows .. since i have changed to this skin i cannot do that can anyone help me please?

Yes, you do...look this post
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
Skin sure is great. Thank you very much, awesome work!

Wanted to report some bugs/ suggestions that I also encountered:

1. The trailer button at the top overlaps the movie plot. I know it's at the top now because someone requested that option, but I think it's much better at the bottom. Also more intuitive when it's at the bottom, that pressing up shows the trailer. Maybe make it optional to place at bottom or top?
Turning the trailer button off in the options also doesn't seem to work.

2. I think the skin is a bit to cluttered now for people who use a remote. The music control menu is redundant when using a remote. Can this be turned off?

3. Same goes for the little help menu in the middle. It's not really necessary, most people know what up and down does. Make this optional as well?

4. When accessing the recently added widget, pressing "right" accesses the style menu. I think all style changes should be left at the skin settings menu. Adding it at the widget itself makes navigating a bit confusing. Rather have it that pressing right returns to the main menu bar, just like pressing left.

So all in all the skin really is great (love the banner view for TV Shows!), but I think some things should be made optional to keep a clean look and make navigating easier, especially for people who use this on their televison sets with a remote.
Aemstel Wrote:Skin sure is great. Thank you very much, awesome work!

Wanted to report some bugs/ suggestions that I also encountered:

1. The trailer button at the top overlaps the movie plot. I know it's at the top now because someone requested that option, but I think it's much better at the bottom. Also more intuitive when it's at the bottom, that pressing up shows the trailer. Maybe make it optional to place at bottom or top?
Turning the trailer button off in the options also doesn't seem to work.

2. I think the skin is a bit to cluttered now for people who use a remote. The music control menu is redundant when using a remote. Can this be turned off?

3. Same goes for the little help menu in the middle. It's not really necessary, most people know what up and down does. Make this optional as well?

4. When accessing the recently added widget, pressing "right" accesses the style menu. I think all style changes should be left at the skin settings menu. Adding it at the widget itself makes navigating a bit confusing. Rather have it that pressing right returns to the main menu bar, just like pressing left.

So all in all the skin really is great (love the banner view for TV Shows!), but I think some things should be made optional to keep a clean look and make navigating easier, especially for people who use this on their televison sets with a remote.

I agree with this, although the trailer button needed to be moved because the posters were overlapping it, it needs to be in a better location as it is out of place on some views in showcase.

I also agree that the skin is too cluttered for remote users, the option to turn off many of the items that are not needed would be good

Apart from that and the slowness of the showcase view, its looking great
Great update!

How can i remove the top layer on the covers, the one that shows bluray? Without setting the skin into compact mode?

EDIT: Found it out! Big Grin

And also i see that its only in full mode that i can see the little weather icon, but then on the full you have a update text scrolling underneath that i don't want. Can i turn this of?

EDIT: Found this one out too Big Grin

One last thing you know when you are in the Movies or TV Shows section you have an "empty" box for back, is it possible to remove this?
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