Guide Ember Media Manager, Auto UnPacker and Auto RSS Downloader

Just a note, I am finding the page really hard to read with the black background and very light font. Using Chrome now, will try another browser but imagine that is just the way the page is set up..
lansing Wrote:Hi,

Just a note, I am finding the page really hard to read with the black background and very light font. Using Chrome now, will try another browser but imagine that is just the way the page is set up..

Really?! I thought it was a great contrast, dark vs light usually is.
Might it be the green header color that you're referrering to?

Anyone else think so?

I guess I could create a second (lighter) theme for the page to let users pick their own preference.
njumlin Wrote:I guess I'll just write my own program for it then, I bet there are more users in need for this. I can't believe there are so many unpackers available, but none that respects the idea behind torrenting (i.e seeding vs leeching, 1:1).

I use(d) SCRU for this one. I generally seed my torrents for 2 weeks (or 1.5x which I check every now and then) so I set up the auto processing folder to clean folders older than 14 days.
one800higgins Wrote:I'm on TVTorrents for my TV shows and HDtorrents for my movies... Neither of which allow packed RARs to be uploaded. So my TV shows are set to download directly into their show's folder and my movies get downloaded directly into their movie folder. So I seed as is and don't deal with RARs.

I'm messing with someone else's file on here that automatically runs a library update on XBMC the second a torrent file is finished downloading. I've got it to send a message to XBMC with the torrent name and filter name, so I know what new shows and movies are available while I'm in XBMC, but I can't get the update function to play nice yet.

Shadow_Mx Wrote:I use(d) SCRU for this one. I generally seed my torrents for 2 weeks (or 1.5x which I check every now and then) so I set up the auto processing folder to clean folders older than 14 days.

I have written a script for this now, to be executed when a torrent finishes.
Hope this isn't a dumb question but doesn't XBMC play from compressed files?
evanstewy Wrote:Hope this isn't a dumb question but doesn't XBMC play from compressed files?

njumlin Wrote:Because I prefer playing the files rather than buffering the rar-files. Big Grin

IAmNotAUser Wrote:Speed for one. Running an extracted .avi or .mkv on an XBMCLive ION2 frontend over SMB to an UnRaid server is going to be faster than streaming a load of archives and XBMC on the lower-powered system decompressing on the fly.

Better performance Cool
Oh ok. Thanks for clearing that up. Big Grin
Can a mod please move this thread to XBMC Tips & Tricks and rename the title to:
[GUIDE] Folder Structure, XBMC, Ember MM, RSS-feeds in uTorrent, Fully Automated UnRAR, Sort, Scrape, Notify and XBMC library update
I have updated the website with screenshots of EMM-r with all available fixes (TheMovieDB-Fix, Rogues Scraper,
Hi, are you using an older version of XBMC (in the 9s) ? I thought that the auto-updated from EMM to XBMC didn't work in XBMC 10.

Also, can you explain how to get the HD Trailer downloader to work? I downloaded it from another thread, but, when I go to that option in your screen show I don't have the "HD Trailer" downloader option.

lansing Wrote:Hi, are you using an older version of XBMC (in the 9s) ? I thought that the auto-updated from EMM to XBMC didn't work in XBMC 10.

Also, can you explain how to get the HD Trailer downloader to work? I downloaded it from another thread, but, when I go to that option in your screen show I don't have the "HD Trailer" downloader option.


I'm using XBMC 10.1. The auto update doesnt work from EMM to XBMC - and my script doesnt use that either. I have a built-in function that updates XBMC once EMM has finnished scraping.

I just followed this post to get HD-trailers to work:
Thanks for your detailed writeup... I would like to use your script to automate my process, but I think I would probably need to change a few parameters first, not sure?

I have my utorrent setup to download all movies to movie download folder and all tv shows to a tv download folder. The movies are sometimes rar'd and sometimes not, will the script be able to recognize the instances in which extraction is not necessary?

Also, since my downloads for the most part go to a common folder, is it possible for the script to copy the file to my x:\movies\[Movie Name] or x:\Television\[series name]\[season number] directory accordingly?
mjreddy Wrote:Thanks for your detailed writeup... I would like to use your script to automate my process, but I think I would probably need to change a few parameters first, not sure?

I have my utorrent setup to download all movies to movie download folder and all tv shows to a tv download folder. The movies are sometimes rar'd and sometimes not, will the script be able to recognize the instances in which extraction is not necessary?

Also, since my downloads for the most part go to a common folder, is it possible for the script to copy the file to my x:\movies\[Movie Name] or x:\Television\[series name]\[season number] directory accordingly?

Well that would require a lot more to the script. But sure its possible.
the Movie-part is easy, but the tv-shows are harder. I'll need to get, for example, "S03" out of the download and tell the script to make a folder named Season 03 instead. Redirecting the unrar to a different folder isn't hard at all, its just a question of changing a few variables.

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Guide Ember Media Manager, Auto UnPacker and Auto RSS Downloader0