Airplay on XBMC
Anybody got Airplay working on ATV2 XBMC? Found a clip on youtube of a guy whos got it working on Ubuntu. Would be pretty sweet.

Just found a thread which discusses this:

Also the github page for the app
What exactly are you asking?

AirPlay works as per normal on AppleTV, I can stream from my wife's iPhone and Windows iTunes equipped laptop to my Apple TV even if XBMC is running.
For me when I try to use Airplay when XBMC is running, it exits back onto the main menu then I have to select Airplay again for it to work. After I've finished using Airplay I have run XBMC again... not a very elegant solution. I would like to be able to Airplay within XBMC, like the youtube video shows
Using AirPlay while XBMC is running works some times for me but it often leads to XBMC crashing. I've played almost an entire album from Spotify on the iPhone now with XBMC running & the TV Library loaded. I'm tailing xbmc.log in debug mode now hoping to catch the reason for the crash.
I noticed that xbmc crashed to main menu when trying to play a video. It'd be nice to be able to play within xbmc.
Ah, indeed, playing video triggered it right away. Looks like it may be iOS signaling XBMC to stop and not a crash in XBMC itself ?

14:02:08 T:1041332376 M: 92286976   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: ApplicationStop from xbmc
14:02:08 T:1041332376 M: 92286976  NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
14:02:08 T:1041332376 M: 92286976  NOTICE: Saving settings
14:02:08 T:1041332376 M: 91222016  NOTICE: stop all
Audio works fine... video doesn't...

What's the big issue anyway? So XBMC exits, it takes all of 5 seconds to reopen it...

If XBMC is force closed on an OS level you can hardly blame XBMC, iOS probably wants full access to the video hardware which is in use by XBMC.
Personally I'd quite like this feature within XBMC because Apple's own implementation is totally useless for me. This is because my TV does not have a HDMI input and I've used a HDMI to DVI cable to connect it. Apparently this cable doesn't support high-bandwidth digital content protection (HDCP) which means it won't play anything that comes over Airplay - that even includes YouTube videos which will play fine if you line them up in the AppleTV YouTube app. It's infuriating! DRM is the most self defeating type of idiocy there is - I can't watch an iTunes rented movie either! (I wouldn't expect XBMC AirPlay to fix that last point - it's just illustrating how stupid the HDCP measure is).
I have trouble with Airfoil (audio streaming from pc). XBMC crashes after about 5minutes of streaming. It works perfect outside of XBMC. [atv2]

And I would also like to ad that I would love if Airplaying videos was supported as that's one of the most used features of my atv2
Glad this thread has opened - I've been getting quite frustrated by the compartmentalised function and crashes from using Airplay and XBMC together. Will be following this closely..
as I understand it, video airplay is basically turning the sending device into an http server + remote play controls so both sending and receiving devices can control playback. If XBMC was being used with airplay like it can be for other versions of XBMC then it should be possible to airplay to the ATV2 video files in other media containers. Right now the only content that can be airplayed to an ATV2 is mpeg4 compatible files.

Granted the sending device would have to support this ( should be easy for at least 3rd party options available for desktop OSes), and it's a bit non-standard for airplay, but it would be great to be able to airplay more file types without transcoding them. On the XBMC side nothing is needed but getting airplay working for iOS, like it is for the ATV1, mac OS, windows. Since XBMC is the player it doesn't mind if you give it a non mpeg4 file to play back.
bircoe Wrote:Audio works fine... video doesn't...

If XBMC is force closed on an OS level you can hardly blame XBMC, iOS probably wants full access to the video hardware which is in use by XBMC.

Audio's not working fine in my experience. When playing mp3's from iTunes on a Mac to the atv2 (iOS 4.3 build 8F305 /w May 15 semi-nightly) the audio works fine for just under 2 mins then XBMC exits.

iOS probably wants full access to both video and audio hardware.

I also have some problems with airplay video from iPad to ATV2 running XBMC.

This is what I do:
- I open a video on my iPad
- I click airplay and stream it to my ATV2 while running XBMC
- XBMC stops.
- I click airpay again to run the video. Now it works.

This part is a bit cumbersome, but not a real big problem. The major problem for me is after I've seen the video

- I stop the video and power off my tv
- Now when I come back later and want to put on some music I open XBMC Commander on my iPad.
=> Now I get an error because XBMC is not running anymore. Now I have to turn on my tv to start XBMC to listen to music

Does anybody have an idea about how to start XBMC remote (from an Ipad for instance) ?
ronaldwillems Wrote:Does anybody have an idea about how to start XBMC remote (from an Ipad for instance) ?

You can use Remote HD
also remember that AIRPLAY is not working on Verizon Iphones (if you use that). Has not been enabled for video yet, as they are only 4.2.8 and need to be 4.3 to work.

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Airplay on XBMC0