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chippie Wrote:If I have the option switched off I do see issues as before so not sure why MilhouseVH is not.

Odd, as I don't see any difference with the new setting on or off. I previously ran 2.7.0 and skipped the automatic upgrade to 2.7.1 (as I currently have limited internet access, only available on my phone right now - thank God for the Nokia N900!), so maybe that has something to do with it?

To test this Beta I downloaded the 2.7.1 rev103 ZIP, installed it in place of my old 2.7.0 then applied the beta patch. Testing 2.7.1 rev103 WITHOUT the Beta patch (ie original 720p folder content) reproduces the problem easily, but WITH the beta patch applied and irrespective of the new setting I can't reproduce the issue (and I have little if any delay, although I do only have 221 movies!)

Perhaps a setting on my install is buggered up somehow - I plan on wiping my guisettings and re-applying from scratch with the next official release. For now though I don't think this setting issue is a major concern and appears specific to my installation, just one of those vaugaries you experience while testing beta's I guess! Smile
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
chippie Wrote:Are you sure this is not beacuse you have the VOX oprion switched off, this is pretty much one of the issues I was getting prior to this beta.

Not sure - I certainly didn't have this with the original version of 2.7.1 rev103, for me it was introduced by the Beta patch.

When I enabled the new VOX/Remote option I didn't notice it having any impact on this 3-second overlay issue, and since the VOX/Remote option didn't seem to have any effect on my system I left it disabled. While testing your suggestion I noticed after enabling the option that the the overlay issue was no longer a problem... however disabling it again meant the overlay problem was still no longer an issue, so I don't think it's related. Rather, I had been playing with case covers enabled (I usually leave them disabled) - I wonder if that somehow fixed the overlay issue?

I have noticed some other glitches in this Beta patch, which may be due to partly or incompletely developed changes and other work in progress so in future I'll try to restrict problem reports to only those that relate to what I am testing! The rest is just noise (from me...) Wink
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Not noise mate, need to mention everything view related I think as this beta may cause unforseen problems so am sure Marcos would like everything reported!Big Grin

I've lost my 'use media cases' in 'low list' and 'list' views after upgrading to the newest version. All other views are fine. And yes, they are turned on Smile


Is this just me or is it a bug?
Just a quick question regarding multiple images for backdrops.

Is there a limit to the number of images you can have rotating? I ask because in one folder I have some 75 images but when I select that folder, the backdrop is blank and no images are shown.

When I choose a folder with 15-20 images, it works fine.

Is there a cap I need to be under to have rotating images work?
azaze1 Wrote:I would like to bring attention to this as well. I love the skin, and the only thing preventing me from dismissing confluence is the lack of proper signage for DTS Master Audio in this skin. In addition... I don't recall if it properly displays 7.1 for any tracks with 7.1.

I'd love an update to address these minor but nagging issues. Love the skin, work, and all the effort it took regardless.


I was hoping to see something for the next version Sad

Is this on the to-do list ? BTW: it does display 7.1 properly. I'm just looking for proper flagging of HD audio formats now.
Are there any plans to improve the gaming views using Advanced Launcher?

Unless I'm doing something wrong, there is only list, wall and tall viewing options with list being just a list, wall has no info so I'm using tall and whilst it has info and a screenshot, just doesn't look that nice.

I guess tall is ok but is there any way to change it so that the thumb sizes can be changed (a wide view and tall view) and the background needs work. Not a fan of having a screenshot with the info and then just blown up in the background. Ideal would be screenshot in a smaller box on screen with info and the option to set a single image as background for everything or even if different images, not linked to the screenshot so some kind of fanart, etc.

Any plans on improving it?
Just to mention a bug i just discovered:

When you are watching a movie, pause it and use tabulation to go back to the menu.
When browsing other movie, in the description, where the fanart should show, there is the actual pause image of the movie you are watching instead (I'm using multiplex view, info panel in auto mode)

Otherwise a question:
Before, the tv shows where split into seasons before accessing to the episodes, i tried only with one season and special in season 0, but it seems that now there's no season selection screen, and only the list of all episodes of all seasons, i didn't find any option to change it, is there?
donkey33 Wrote:Just a quick question regarding multiple images for backdrops.

Is there a limit to the number of images you can have rotating? I ask because in one folder I have some 75 images but when I select that folder, the backdrop is blank and no images are shown.

When I choose a folder with 15-20 images, it works fine.

Is there a cap I need to be under to have rotating images work?

Are you using the latest version as I had this problem prior to the latest skin builds.
chadskies Wrote:Marcos,

I've lost my 'use media cases' in 'low list' and 'list' views after upgrading to the newest version. All other views are fine. And yes, they are turned on Smile


Is this just me or is it a bug?

Similar problem for me - TV Shows in low list, folder.jpg doesn't show. Works fine in all other views, and low list even works in Movies?

Any ideas how to fix? Don't want to have to change views as I like full(ish) screen fanart!
uncertainty Wrote:You do know the Marcos is trying to resolve some bugs atm....lets not overwhelm him as he might just disappear...I think the current INFO is perfect as it represents the info found on a dvd/bluray case...

If you want more, donate and he will probably provide a toggle switch, as the majority of original AEON VETS, love the orignal view to stay the same atm.....IMHO

Actually I was unaware of that ... I apologize. I dig the current view too, just like the option to have additional view of the fanart (I use wall view so I basically never see any of my movie fanart).

Anyways, just something that I thought was a pretty sweet mod. If one day, it showed up as an option that would be swell, if not, I'll continue to enjoy the skin as I am today.
jdawg0528 Wrote:Actually I was unaware of that ... I apologize. I dig the current view too, just like the option to have additional view of the fanart (I use wall view so I basically never see any of my movie fanart).

Anyways, just something that I thought was a pretty sweet mod. If one day, it showed up as an option that would be swell, if not, I'll continue to enjoy the skin as I am today.

I feel the same way about the fanarts not being utilized enough. I can only view full screen (or majority screen) fanarts in the multi-wall/showcase/multiplex views etc, but I prefer the wall view too because I have too many movies to be displayed in those single row views (would require lots of scrolling to navigate). It would be really nice if the movie info screen can be tweaked to show more of the fanarts (either by reducing the case/info size or a toggle switch as suggested).

And BTW thanks a lot for this awesome skin.
I've downloaded the alternate images from Marcos' site - and unsure of where to put them/use it.

Using XBMCLive - linux..

ximon Wrote:I wonder if anyone here can answer a question I have related to Aeon MQ2…

I have a Simpsons playlist that contains all the episodes of the Simpsons in a random order. I would like to add this to the main menu in AeonMQ2, but when I do and I select it it opens the playlist in a new view and shows all the episodes in descending order so I lose the randomness that I am looking for. What I would like is for the playlist to start playing when I select it.

I notice in guisettings.xml that playlists added to the main menu are opened with an ActivateWindow command. I have tried replacing this with a PlayMedia command, and this seems to work for a short time but then my guisettings.xml is deleted and recreated on reboot and I lose all my settings! I have since read on the forums that you are not supposed to manually edit guisettings.xml but rather advancedsettings.xml, but the problem is skin settings cannot be applied by advancedsettings.xml.

Is there a way I can add a playlist to the Aeon main menu and have it play rather than open when I select it?

This would make this skin absolutely perfect for me!

Hi im looking for the same answer if any one has any ideas. I have several kids playlists that my wife launches for our little ones and if possible i would like to have the playlist launch on its own when selected..

I have a question, my son got a movie, and I put it in the mac mini, it plays really well.

BUT, how the heck should I get it to eject? I cant find sucha option anywhere. :/
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