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[REQUEST] add-on for ashemaletube
I just wonder if some could tel me how could I make a video add-on for ashemaletube.

cough!!!! LAMO
Don't know if this is spam or what but I don't think you are gonna find another person in this forum with your same taste that knows how to or so open mind to code this for you.
lulz at the niche market pornRofl
best not to request adult addons, but if you want to make it yourself:

u might want to look at the addons in
and look at the how to make plugins guide:

also, you could probably add this to Videodevil through the .cfg framework, but there is no documentation for it.

you are welcome to host it on xbmc-adult repo which accepts all adult addons for xbmc
Haha, at the risk of being ridiculed... This is not the first adult add-on to be requested, and I don't see why we should assume this is a joke when obviously there is a real audience for this material--if there weren't, such sites would not exist.

Unless we want to come across like a community that only condones Good, Christian pornography where a man and a woman dutifully lay on top of one another (in the context of a loving financial agreement with the producers of the film, of course), and only in the missionary position, under a blanket to conceal the shame of their naked bodies, let's try to be a little more open minded, shall we?

Right, because NO programmers like deviant sex acts... No one will EVER code this!

Just wait... The world is an amazing place, with Lots of people. This will one day be the least depraved thing in the xbmc adult add-on repository.
Thumbs Up 
Thanks branlr for the comment.

This is not an SPAM it was just a request.

Thanks anarchintosh for the links, I'll try to make it.
Am I the only one in this forum liking this content, really everyone else hate it?

If anyone else like these content please say something
I really am intrigued as to what type of person likes this type of content... are they usually gay male, bi-male, straight male or trans-gendered male? And I echo Branlr's post -- we should all be a little more tolerant in this forum of each others tastes... no one requires to have the same tastes but at least recognize that the world is a richer place for the diversity of opinion and tastes.
I have created an addon for watching videos from ashemaletube.com....download it from here http://github.com/aashexbmc/AaShe/releases

i am still working on it but basic features are implemented and works fine in XBMC 12 Frodo.
nothing wrong with shemale porn other than the name should be Trans Porn this coming from a Proud To Be Trans Girl !!!!!Angel
If you're still here aashe you can make addons for sites like Pornhub.com, webcamchamps or xVideos. I bet all of us will be willing to pay a very small fee for using it but hey.. We are many porn lovers and this can make you millions Big Grin
Hell yeah! I dated a transgirl for 5yrs. I'd definitely be interested too.
Tell them again Ms.Lady! U go lil Mama! Definitely nothing wrong with transwomen, transwomen are women, period.

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[REQUEST] add-on for ashemaletube3