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[RELEASE] XBMC Flicks - Netflix Movies / TV Shows (Video) experimental Addon for XBMC
I apologize if this has been answered already. I didn't have the patience to read the entire 40page thread and the search turned up nothing useful.

I tried to install XBMCflicks for XBMC the other day and it didn't work. So, I decided to find the answer to this. I'm not sure of the root cause of the python behavior, but I tested the result in both the python command line and also the actual script for XBMCflicks.

The fix/problem is with the open() function that is in python. The script uses r+ as the file mode. I changed this to w+ in all occurrences I found. I have not tested this in other operating systems such as XP, Vista, or Win7(x86) as I only have Win7(x64).

If you open the following directory you will find a load of python files. The two that I found were modQueue.py and iqueue.py.

You can open the files with notepad (it will look horrible) or any other python or text editor. Do a search and replaced for 'r+' WITH the quotes and replace with 'w+' WITH the quotes.

After making the changes to the two files you can restart XBMC and the application should allow you to view your queue and search what you need.

Atreides Wrote:I am getting the same issue with XBMC flicks not showing any information after I go through the initial stage of setting it up. I link the account, and then it tells me to restart XBMC, I do this and there are no videos in any category. I also checked the plugin folder and I do not have the userinfo.txt file anywhere. Is there a fix for this, or somewhere where I can get a copy of a user file to modify and make it work?

EDIT:OK, so I ran through the entire thread and I found where people where having a similar issue, and it was stated that they need to turn on debugging and verbose user information. After that they need to open the log file, (Which for me would be in C:/User/*username*/Roaming/XBMC/Logfile.txt, Win7 64 bit OS) and there would be a line that would have the Key and Secret needed to put in the iqueue.py file. I tried this and it did not work, but I feel like I am missing something.

EDIT 2: OK, so I have looked closer at other peoples log files and I am not getting the same log entry as they are. For mine there i no Key or Secret in the log file. Here is my latest log.

Note:I replaced some of the code with * since I do not know what someone can do with this stuff. Thought I would be safe rather than sorry. Smile

I have the exact same problem - i did look at the log and this is what I see - my problem is I can't figure out the format for the text that is supposed to go into the my_user file as directed -

22:38:38 T:2880 M:398520320  NOTICE: USER INFO FILE LOC: C:\Documents and Settings\jim\Application Data\XBMC\userdata\addon_data\plugin.video.xbmcflicks\userinfo.txt
22:38:38 T:2880 M:398520320  NOTICE: couldn't load user information from userinfo.txt file
22:38:38 T:2880 M:398520320  NOTICE: .. getAuth called ..
22:38:38 T:2880 M:398520320  NOTICE: OSX Setting is set to: False
22:38:38 T:2880 M:398520320  NOTICE: .. user configured ..
22:38:38 T:2880 M:397750272  NOTICE: Token did not contain any errors
22:38:38 T:2880 M:398266368  NOTICE: Authorize user access here: https://api-user.netflix.com/oauth/login?application_name=xbmcflix&oauth_consumer_key=gnexxxxxxxxxspegrux7c3dj&oauth_token=k7y2xxxxxxxxuup5suppa97y3
22:38:38 T:2880 M:398266368  NOTICE: and then put this key / secret in MY_USER.request:
                                             'key': 'k7y2cxxxxxxxxp5supxxxxxx',
                                             'secret': 'kRxcdxxxxxcy'
22:38:38 T:2880 M:398266368  NOTICE: and run again.
22:38:40 T:2880 M:398954496  NOTICE: browser open has completed

any help would be appreciated. I have deleted the my_user file and a new one gets created, but its blank.

Note - I changed some of the key and secret just to be safe Smile


arcooke Wrote:Problem here.

Just subscribed to netflix. Just downloaded XF from the repo. Every time I try to do ANYTHING in XF, it minimizes XBMC and opens the browser asking me to authorize 'xbmcflicks'. I authorize it and it says it was successfully authorized.. so I tab back into XBMC and it's stuck at "retrieving info 0%", and if I hit cancel, XBMC locks up and I have to kill the process.

I've been trying to fix this for well over an hour.. and have been reading trying to find someone else with the same problem.

One thing I did notice, is that my userinfo.txt is completely empty, 0 bytes (perhaps because I'm forced to kill the XBMC.EXE process before it gets written to?). I tried deleting it as was suggested in another post.. and it recreates the file but nothing ever gets written to it. Just stays empty.

Anyone know what to do? I'm getting unbelievably frustrated with this.
arcooke Wrote:Problem here.

Just subscribed to netflix. Just downloaded XF from the repo. Every time I try to do ANYTHING in XF, it minimizes XBMC and opens the browser asking me to authorize 'xbmcflicks'. I authorize it and it says it was successfully authorized.. so I tab back into XBMC and it's stuck at "retrieving info 0%", and if I hit cancel, XBMC locks up and I have to kill the process.

I've been trying to fix this for well over an hour.. and have been reading trying to find someone else with the same problem.

One thing I did notice, is that my userinfo.txt is completely empty, 0 bytes (perhaps because I'm forced to kill the XBMC.EXE process before it gets written to?). I tried deleting it as was suggested in another post.. and it recreates the file but nothing ever gets written to it. Just stays empty.

Anyone know what to do? I'm getting unbelievably frustrated with this.

I have this identical issue. Running windows XP in a 2008 domain. I also have a blank userdata.txt and also tried delteing it. Also verfied contents of advancedsettings.xml and playercoresettings.xml. Its a bummer, cuz Im stoked about using it - looks like one hell of a netflix frontend.
if it's not creating the userinfo.txt do the following
- put the addon in debug mode
- start xbmc, go to video's addon's, start xbmc flicks and click on something from your instant queue
- if your browser window doesn't open (xp and mac) you can manually authorize it
- look in the debug output, it will give the url to put into the browser and tell you what to put into the iqueue.py file. (at the top)
- you can copy your userinfo.txt from another machine as well

If your time is off, it won't work, so make sure your computers time is in sync with an NTP server

If your not running xbmc as the local admin account, it might be permissions, try it with Administrator (you can enable that user in xp, vista, and 7)

if your having mac issues, search the thread, lots of options, each install seems different (maybe pathing)
In reference to my previous post, I am the local admin on the box and I ran the application as Administrator. For some reason Python didn't like the r+ file mode.

I don't think it's an error with the script, maybe just some perfect storm of conditions that causes the read/write nature of r+ to behave differently on my box. If the file is there(even blank) it works fine, if it is not you will get IO exceptions.

This is particularly troublesome when it tries to build your queue since each movie instance gets a custom html file written based on the id number. My best bet was changing the file mode.

fekker Wrote:if it's not creating the userinfo.txt do the following
- put the addon in debug mode
- start xbmc, go to video's addon's, start xbmc flicks and click on something from your instant queue
- if your browser window doesn't open (xp and mac) you can manually authorize it
- look in the debug output, it will give the url to put into the browser and tell you what to put into the iqueue.py file. (at the top)
- you can copy your userinfo.txt from another machine as well

If your time is off, it won't work, so make sure your computers time is in sync with an NTP server

If your not running xbmc as the local admin account, it might be permissions, try it with Administrator (you can enable that user in xp, vista, and 7)

if your having mac issues, search the thread, lots of options, each install seems different (maybe pathing)
fekker Wrote:if it's not creating the userinfo.txt do the following
- put the addon in debug mode
- start xbmc, go to video's addon's, start xbmc flicks and click on something from your instant queue
- if your browser window doesn't open (xp and mac) you can manually authorize it
- look in the debug output, it will give the url to put into the browser and tell you what to put into the iqueue.py file. (at the top)
- you can copy your userinfo.txt from another machine as well

If your time is off, it won't work, so make sure your computers time is in sync with an NTP server

If your not running xbmc as the local admin account, it might be permissions, try it with Administrator (you can enable that user in xp, vista, and 7)

if your having mac issues, search the thread, lots of options, each install seems different (maybe pathing)

OK, I got it working. I originally only put my key/secret in the MY_USER.request section.. since that's all the debug log said to do. I put my info under MY_USER.access as well and now it's working. Except for the fact that my instant queue is empty (when there's actually supposed to be one item in it).

Also noticed that special characters are showing up wrong in XF. I went to one of the top 25 sections, and it's showing things like:
The &quot;Socalled&quot; Movie
Carmen &amp; Geoffrey

Now I just have to figure out how to get my android remote working. Confused

This addon is in dire need of a FAQ... I remember seeing people having trouble with instant queue items not showing up, and info on getting android remote working.. somewhere in this massive thread. Grr.
Here's one for you. It seems that the show all function for the my instant queue is only returning the first 75 and not the 300+ items that I have.

EDIT: Nevermind, Just found the option.
fekker Wrote:if it's not creating the userinfo.txt do the following
- put the addon in debug mode
- start xbmc, go to video's addon's, start xbmc flicks and click on something from your instant queue
- if your browser window doesn't open (xp and mac) you can manually authorize it
- look in the debug output, it will give the url to put into the browser and tell you what to put into the iqueue.py file. (at the top)
- you can copy your userinfo.txt from another machine as well

If your time is off, it won't work, so make sure your computers time is in sync with an NTP server

If your not running xbmc as the local admin account, it might be permissions, try it with Administrator (you can enable that user in xp, vista, and 7)

if your having mac issues, search the thread, lots of options, each install seems different (maybe pathing)

My debug log doesnt seem to be saying anyting about what I need to add to the iqueue.py file anywhere. It does clearly show the lack of a userinfo.txt file though. My domain is pulling time from an NTP server. Attempts to install xbmc and xbmcflicks on another box have given same (lack of) result, so I couldnt copy over another userinfo.txt. Any more suggestions? Thanks!
sublemon Wrote:In reference to my previous post, I am the local admin on the box and I ran the application as Administrator. For some reason Python didn't like the r+ file mode.

I don't think it's an error with the script, maybe just some perfect storm of conditions that causes the read/write nature of r+ to behave differently on my box. If the file is there(even blank) it works fine, if it is not you will get IO exceptions.

This is particularly troublesome when it tries to build your queue since each movie instance gets a custom html file written based on the id number. My best bet was changing the file mode.
Very weird as I mostly use win7 x64 and haven't seen that issue. What build of xbmc are you using? I'll look into the w+ versus r+ modes as well.

Update: looking at the doc's I should be using w+ and not r+, i'll update the addon with those changes.
arcooke Wrote:OK, I got it working. I originally only put my key/secret in the MY_USER.request section.. since that's all the debug log said to do. I put my info under MY_USER.access as well and now it's working. Except for the fact that my instant queue is empty (when there's actually supposed to be one item in it).

Also noticed that special characters are showing up wrong in XF. I went to one of the top 25 sections, and it's showing things like:
The &quot;Socalled&quot; Movie
Carmen &amp; Geoffrey

Now I just have to figure out how to get my android remote working. Confused

This addon is in dire need of a FAQ... I remember seeing people having trouble with instant queue items not showing up, and info on getting android remote working.. somewhere in this massive thread. Grr.
Feel free to start a FAQ for it, could use the help.

I'll recheck the &quot; as well as why episodes now show up different (as far as the names go).. I think it should prob split seasons into folders, or at least name them better, also want the description of episodes to work correctly as it's not showing the info for the episode.
stopokingme Wrote:My debug log doesnt seem to be saying anyting about what I need to add to the iqueue.py file anywhere. It does clearly show the lack of a userinfo.txt file though. My domain is pulling time from an NTP server. Attempts to install xbmc and xbmcflicks on another box have given same (lack of) result, so I couldnt copy over another userinfo.txt. Any more suggestions? Thanks!

make sure the addon is in debug mode with verbose user output enabled. that's why will write those to the log, also don't post the log with those settings enabled without masking the user id and secret keys.
Just committed 1.0.18
If you're having problems with initial auth, give the updated version a try (should be available soon via xmbc addon update or you can download it https://github.com/downloads/spudsdude/X...flicks.zip)

1.0.18 - fixed issue with not all instant queues showing up, fixed write issue with some os's (w+ used now), fixed issue with title's being cut off at the first quote, fixed synopsis not always being parsed if only a short synopsis is available, fixed &quot; and &amp; in title
eQUIV Wrote:Love this plugin. One issue I'm having though -- I use a harmony remote on my Windows 7 Media PC to control XBMC.

Right now whenever I select a video, it loads the IE Netflix window. I have a key mapped to F on my remote, when i hit it nothing happens. I actually have to grab a mouse and click on the Netflix window before the remote key will work.

Is there anyway to make sure the IE Netflix windows is selected and completely on top upon launch of a video? It's mildly annoying to have to get up and grab the mouse and click on the screen before I can make the video fullscreen each time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

eQUIV Wrote:Quote:
Originally Posted by eQUIV View Post
Love this plugin. One issue I'm having though -- I use a harmony remote on my Windows 7 Media PC to control XBMC.

Right now whenever I select a video, it loads the IE Netflix window. I have a key mapped to F on my remote, when i hit it nothing happens. I actually have to grab a mouse and click on the Netflix window before the remote key will work.

Is there anyway to make sure the IE Netflix windows is selected and completely on top upon launch of a video? It's mildly annoying to have to get up and grab the mouse and click on the screen before I can make the video fullscreen each time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

if your using windows, try the wrapper as it's forced to full screen (first page) always on top and should have focus
OK, I got mine to work, which had the no userinfo.txt problem with Win7 64 bit. I had to make IE my default browser, I then uninstalled and reinstalled the add-on and now it works like a dream. Thanks for this! Is there a way to pull screenshots of the shows, or movies, or some type of fanart for skins?
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[RELEASE] XBMC Flicks - Netflix Movies / TV Shows (Video) experimental Addon for XBMC16