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primetime34 Wrote:You downloaded the wrong thing...here is the correct link


Nothing happend after installing this only option I could found in XBMC is confluence even after restart of application.I tried to download Skin Aeon MQ2 - Zip Fileversion 2.8.1 from developers site given in the beginning of this thread but the link is downloading unknown file size and continuing even after 20mb so stopped the downloading process.

Vinther Wrote:Does TV Tunes work for anyone in 2.8.1?

tvtunes works for me....im using the newst version of aeon mq2...
no problems with tvtunes

First of all i would like to say thanks for the amazing skin. I have been using this for a while now and it simple is the best skin so far for xbmc. A job well done.

Also a big thank you to all the people here who are helping each other with bugs and problems.

I hope you guys can help me because i can't seem to figure this one out. My random fanart for the TV shows button on the main menu was always working until the latest update. Now when i go to the visual settings both options for displaying random fanart for movies or tv shows are greyed out and not selectable. I already reset all the settings but the options remain unselectable. I must have mist something but can't figure out what? What i can remember was that i only use this option for my tv shows and it was working with 2.7.

Anybody have any suggestions? I am running the latest version of the skin and using the latest official version for xbmc (on a windows 7 64-bit machine).
distorted1 Wrote:Hi,

First of all i would like to say thanks for the amazing skin. I have been using this for a while now and it simple is the best skin so far for xbmc. A job well done.

Also a big thank you to all the people here who are helping each other with bugs and problems.

I hope you guys can help me because i can't seem to figure this one out. My random fanart for the TV shows button on the main menu was always working until the latest update. Now when i go to the visual settings both options for displaying random fanart for movies or tv shows are greyed out and not selectable. I already reset all the settings but the options remain unselectable. I must have mist something but can't figure out what? What i can remember was that i only use this option for my tv shows and it was working with 2.7.

Anybody have any suggestions? I am running the latest version of the skin and using the latest official version for xbmc (on a windows 7 64-bit machine).

I had this, but I forget what exactly I did to fix it, it might have been to re-add the video fanart splitter addon, which is needed to create the fanart.

steeve23 Wrote:I had this, but I forget what exactly I did to fix it, it might have been to re-add the video fanart splitter addon, which is needed to create the fanart.


Ok i found and re-installed the add-on (latest version from the official thread) but when processing it says script failed error? At least the options are selectable again haha
distorted1 Wrote:Ok i found and re-installed the add-on (latest version from the official thread) but when processing it says script failed error? At least the options are selectable again haha

Follow the instructions the author has listed with the port/user/password and should be good to go depending on your archive size.
rajuwaste Wrote:Nothing happend after installing this only option I could found in XBMC is confluence even after restart of application.I tried to download Skin Aeon MQ2 - Zip Fileversion 2.8.1 from developers site given in the beginning of this thread but the link is downloading unknown file size and continuing even after 20mb so stopped the downloading process.


If you selected Confluence and no skin selection pop-up window appeared, then check under Addons_Enabled_Skins to see if AeonMQ 2.8.1 is installed.
Thanks for an amazing skin, however for me since the last update I can't access the "Aeon MQ2" menu under settings.

It's working on my other HTPC and it worked before the update.
The only difference between my two HTPC is that on the "not working" one I have installed XBMC with PVR support (tried both Dharma 10.1 and Pre Eden).

Any ideas appreciated!
shadetree Wrote:Follow the instructions the author has listed with the port/user/password and should be good to go depending on your archive size.

Thanx! got it all fixed now. My settings were indeed incorrect. Back to enjoying this amazing skin once again Big Grin
is it safe to say that the new 'Lite' mode for Low-End HTPC's is Faster than the 'Basic' mode?

Or if i have a pretty strong HTPC, like i do actually,
should i go with 'Basic' mode to have the Fastest skin experience?
or i should still go with 'Lite' mode?

thanks Smile
eskro Wrote:MarcosQui,
is it safe to say that the new 'Lite' mode for Low-End HTPC's is Faster than the 'Basic' mode?

Or if i have a pretty strong HTPC, like i do actually,
should i go with 'Basic' mode to have the Fastest skin experience?
or i should still go with 'Lite' mode?

thanks Smile

Why not do some testing and report what you find on your hardware?

I am a little new to XBMC. When I install aeon mq2 I when I select custom viewtypes, like landscape or multiplex or showcase, it does not work.

Can someone please help me?
boykster Wrote:Why not do some testing and report what you find on your hardware?

ok i'll try that,,, again Tongue
i dont know if its my eyes that are playing tricks on me but,
i dont see much difference at all between the 2...
thats why im asking :/
shadetree Wrote:If you selected Confluence and no skin selection pop-up window appeared, then check under Addons_Enabled_Skins to see if AeonMQ 2.8.1 is installed.

Thanks for reply anyway I could locate somewhere and installed the addon it took much time to install so for checking file size I tried to download the addon from the developers site (from the link I already mentioned) It is keep on going even after 150mb I puzzled the XBMC software itself below 40MB but the add on to that is huge file size of more than 150 MB.Anyway I like very much the new interface, still don't know how to use it efficiently.For example I want to create a playlist but after entering playlist name there is nothing happening I could use esc key to get out of the popup window but wheneven I press ok button again the same popup window to enter new name or modify already entered name.


Is there any simple guide available how to use Aeon MQ2
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