[ATV2] Setup External Writable Share
I searched this forum, but I could find any info on it.

I want to be able to download movies using IceFilms to an external share. When I go in IceFilms addon settings, I can't see any of the network shares that I have created in Video. All I can see the Media folder.

How do I add a network share so I can upload movies to?

This is also a problem for "install addons for zip", it only comes up with the same media location.
rogerthis Wrote:I searched this forum, but I could find any info on it.

I want to be able to download movies using IceFilms to an external share. When I go in IceFilms addon settings, I can't see any of the network shares that I have created in Video. All I can see the Media folder.

How do I add a network share so I can upload movies to?

This is also a problem for "install addons for zip", it only comes up with the same media location.

not possible.
Thanks Davilla, I'll take your word for it, since your the main man for XBMC Apple TV port. Have you any plan to implement this feature?

Here's what I tried, and didn't work.

System Press Right on the remote then selected File Manager Inside file Manager select add location
I set it to a share on my PC that had full write access.
Then I setup the new network location in the IceFilms addon settings
Went into IceFilms and downloaded a tv show.
It looked like it was downloading, but nothing appear in the share. I waited for it to download completely, and still nothing.

Reboot the box and tried again. This time it didn't go through the motions of downloading. Nothing happened at all.

Also I was able to create a folder and copy a file with File Manager on the network share.
I can't implement something that's not possible.
davilla Wrote:I can't implement something that's not possible.

Says the man who got XBMC to work on iOS and gave the ATV1 a second life ;)

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
As I think was mentioned in the other thread, why not just use the ATV2 as a player? The icefilms plug-in has an interface for using with jdownloader but i don't think the jdownloader has to be on the local player, i.e. I believe you can say "well I like this stream and I have jdownloader running on some other box, I'll have jdownloader on the other box start to download it now". Done.

Instead of asking your player to do what it can't just hand off the download work to something else, say the server hosting your video collection.

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[ATV2] Setup External Writable Share0