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[CLOSED] Advanced Launcher - Applications Launcher Addon for XBMC
bakito Wrote:yes i did,the weirdest part is that if i just launch dolphin without playing with my 360 pad and come back to xbmc it just run fine but if i use it when i quit dolphin xbmc is not responding ( must click on it to re-focus) so for now i attribute "left click" on my remote control but well...it's not "elegant" ( by the way i seem to have the same problem with pcsx2...)Shocked
so for now I'll try to add a "left click function" to the end of my autoit script so i automatically regain control of xbmc but...well i understand nothing in the documentationHuh and i don't know if i even could do that with autoit...
and i still wonder why the batch script don't work it seem pretty easy but Confused

anyway thanks for your replies angelscry!
Here is the MouseClick function for Autoit : http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs...eClick.htm. You just have to add this command line to your autoit script.
bakito Wrote:ho by the way it was you who made the autoit script for pcsx2 in the first place and i couldn't remember it, so thank you for that!!!

" il faut rendre à César ce qui est à César"

couldn't i just add an argument after "run ....xbmc.exe" so it is above the other windows? when i'm testing i just noticed that xbmc windows appear behind other open windows on my desk...could i make it open in the front?

like : Run ( '"H:\Interface\xbmc\XBMC.exe"' "in the front" ) ( yeah i know it's silly but i do not codeBlush

thank you for your time!
You need to found the name of the XBMC windows and use the WinActivate function to bring XBMC to focus : http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs...tivate.htm
st graveyard Wrote:Hey Angel,

I have a question. I added a launcher for my genesis game collection. I linked fanart and thumbs to all the files in the launcher.
Now, I created a new directory with other (better) fanart in it. I have edited the launcher to point the fanart to the new directory.
Now I would like to update all my content, meaning, I want the new fanart to be linked to the files. But I can't manage to do this. I pressed the 'add items' button and did a automatic scan, but it did not result in new fanart.

So my question is, is there a way to accomplish this, without having to remove again the whole launcher and start from scratch with this particular launcher?

There is not really simple way to do this.

One way will be to replace (by copy/paste) the old fanart image files by the new ones. The temporary XBMC cache images will not be instantaneously updated. But after 1 or 2 days the temporary XBMC cache images will be updated.

Another solution is to edit the launchers.xml file with a text editor like () and use the replace string function to replace the "/path/to/old/fanarts" path be the "/path/to/new/fanarts" path. But here again the temporary XBMC cache images will not be instantaneously updated.

The only way to make it properly will be to do it manually using the "Edit Item" / "Change Fanart Image" option.
thanks a lot for your answers!!!
it works!! it finally works!! sniff
Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

i had to add a line "winwait" for the winactivate to work but now it's perfect!!!

here is the script for those who wants to play dolphin without xbmc in the back to save ressources...

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

If $CmdLine[0] == 1 Then
ProcessClose ( "XBMC.exe" )
Run ( '"H:\Interface\dolphin 2\Dolphin.exe" /e "' & $CmdLine[1] & '"', "H:\Interface\dolphin 2\" )
While 1

Func Terminate()
ProcessClose ( "Dolphin.exe" )
Run ( '"H:\Interface\xbmc\XBMC.exe"' )
WinWait ( "XBMC" )
WinActivate ( "XBMC" )
Exit 0


thanks again angerlscry!
bakito Wrote:thanks a lot for your answers!!!
it works!! it finally works!! sniff
Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

i had to add a line "winwait" for the winactivate to work but now it's perfect!!!

here is the script for those who wants to play dolphin without xbmc in the back to save ressources...

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

If $CmdLine[0] == 1 Then
ProcessClose ( "XBMC.exe" )
Run ( '"H:\Interface\dolphin 2\Dolphin.exe" /e "' & $CmdLine[1] & '"', "H:\Interface\dolphin 2\" )
While 1

Func Terminate()
ProcessClose ( "Dolphin.exe" )
Run ( '"H:\Interface\xbmc\XBMC.exe"' )
WinWait ( "XBMC" )
WinActivate ( "XBMC" )
Exit 0


thanks again angerlscry!
Thank you Bakito for your script. I have updated the Dolphin wiki page.
I am having a very irritating problem with some of my emulators. When I try to run a game through advanced launcher I getting errors on about half of the emulators about direct3d. Others just freeze .When I launch the game directly from the emulator outside of xbmc they run fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Benlen, did you check the wiki on how to implement each of the emu's in XBMC and ALA?

Angel, I've noticed that adding the game library in ALA/XBMC also enlarges the XBMC folder in the user dir on the C drive. I was wondering, is there a way to clean this up? I know there is an plugin available to clean up the thumbs for movies and music, but is there also a way to clean up this dir of all the things added by ALA?
My XBMC folder is already 2.5gigs and growing because I add an emu, then find out it is not ok, remove it, add it again ... Is there a solution?
benlen10 Wrote:I am having a very irritating problem with some of my emulators. When I try to run a game through advanced launcher I getting errors on about half of the emulators about direct3d. Others just freeze .When I launch the game directly from the emulator outside of xbmc they run fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This error came from incompatibility between XBMC an certain emulators to use direct3d at the same time. There is actually 3 different methods to fix this :
  • First method is to activate the "Use a fullscreen window rather than true fullscreen" option that is present into XBMC system settings.
  • Second method, if it is possible, it is to try to use a different video rendering (OpenGL, etc...) for the emulator.
  • If all these methods are not working, the ultimate way to do is to close XBMC when starting the emulator and restart XBMC avec emulator close. This can be done by creating and using a .bat script : http://www.gwenael.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6
st graveyard Wrote:Angel, I've noticed that adding the game library in ALA/XBMC also enlarges the XBMC folder in the user dir on the C drive. I was wondering, is there a way to clean this up? I know there is an plugin available to clean up the thumbs for movies and music, but is there also a way to clean up this dir of all the things added by ALA?
My XBMC folder is already 2.5gigs and growing because I add an emu, then find out it is not ok, remove it, add it again ... Is there a solution?
When you use Advanced Launcher data are effectively stored into the user directory and are managed by Advanced Launcher and XBMC.

Only things that Advanced Launcher directly save into the user directory is game info into the xbmc/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/launchers.xml file and temporary images (scrapped using thumbnails or images scrapper) into its cache directory : xbmc/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/cache. This cache is normally cleaned after use.

All the other images, as for movies and music thumbnails are managed by XBMC. Thumbnails are stored into xbmc/userdata/thumbnails subdirectories and path to these thumbnails are stored into xbmc/userdata/Database/Addons.db file. And it is these images that take most of drive place.

The problem is that XBMC save movies, music and addons images (thumbnails and fanart) into same directories. So it is not easy to found and remove them. What is the plugin you use to clean up the thumbs for movies and music? Maybe it will be possible to modify it to also clean thumbs from addons. Huh
Angelscry Wrote:When you use Advanced Launcher data are effectively stored into the user directory and are managed by Advanced Launcher and XBMC.

Only things that Advanced Launcher directly save into the user directory is game info into the xbmc/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/launchers.xml file and temporary images (scrapped using thumbnails or images scrapper) into its cache directory : xbmc/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/cache. This cache is normally cleaned after use.

All the other images, as for movies and music thumbnails are managed by XBMC. Thumbnails are stored into xbmc/userdata/thumbnails subdirectories and path to these thumbnails are stored into xbmc/userdata/Database/Addons.db file. And it is these images that take most of drive place.

The problem is that XBMC save movies, music and addons images (thumbnails and fanart) into same directories. So it is not easy to found and remove them. What is the plugin you use to clean up the thumbs for movies and music? Maybe it will be possible to modify it to also clean thumbs from addons. Huh

Thank you for all this information Angel, really nice to learn about the inner workings of XBMC, because I know that this is gonna be a problem later on, as my XBMC dir is now 2.5 gigs Sad

The plugin used is this one : http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=96097

This seems to be pretty effective for most people, I still need to play a bit with it as for me, it only removes about 185 megs of images.

I think this plugin, or something like this, should be added to the standard XBMC, as this really is a problem in the program.

Using this plugin also for ALA should be very welcome addition I think. If you find it interesting, do have a look, who knows ...

st graveyard Wrote:Thank you for all this information Angel, really nice to learn about the inner workings of XBMC, because I know that this is gonna be a problem later on, as my XBMC dir is now 2.5 gigs Sad

The plugin used is this one : http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=96097

This seems to be pretty effective for most people, I still need to play a bit with it as for me, it only removes about 185 megs of images.

I think this plugin, or something like this, should be added to the standard XBMC, as this really is a problem in the program.

Using this plugin also for ALA should be very welcome addition I think. If you find it interesting, do have a look, who knows ...

Yes I know, XBMC cache is not a feature really easy to deal with. Each time you change an image using Advanced Launcher, Advanced Launcher need to update the XBMC cache, to display the new selected image.

Now problems effectively come with images that are not used anymore. And because XBMC cache all the movie, music and addon images into the same folders, how know if a cached images is used for movies, musics or addons.

Maybe I can take a look how I can improve Advanced Launcher to reduce the number of thumbnails that will be no more used : when replacing thumbs, deleting items or launcher, etc...
Having some issues here recently. I have removed both the addon_data files and the addon itself, but the problem persists: after creating a launcher and adding roms, I cannot enter the launcher to see the roms. It does so the first time, after adding them, and the launcher.xml file is created with the contents in there. But, after backing out to the launchers screen again, trying to enter it does nothing. I see this in the log:
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420367872   DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420367872   DEBUG: RunScriptWithParams - calling plugin Advanced Launcher('plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/','-1','?53e9718b17b809e9b1f5827a35129c85')
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420367872    INFO: initializing python engine.
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420367872   DEBUG: new python thread created. id=4
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: 0
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Process - The source file to load is /home/htpc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/addon.py
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Process - Setting the Python path to [a long path sequence, snip]
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Process - Entering source directory /home/htpc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.program.advanced.launcher" dependent on version 1.0 of the xbmc.python api
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420232704   DEBUG: unable to load /home/htpc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/language/Swedish/strings.xml: Failed to open file at line 0
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728  NOTICE: Launcher: found 2 launchers
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728  NOTICE: 53e9718b17b809e9b1f5827a35129c85
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728  NOTICE: Launcher: 53e9718b17b809e9b1f5827a35129c85 : found 77 roms
[b]03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728   ERROR:  AddItem - called with an invalid handle.
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728   ERROR: Previous line repeats 76 times.
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728   ERROR:  EndOfDirectory - called with an invalid handle.[/b]
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728    INFO: Scriptresult: Success
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728    INFO: Python script stopped
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728   DEBUG: Thread Python Thread 139753722730240 terminating
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420232704   DEBUG: waiting for python thread 4 to stop
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420232704   DEBUG: python thread 4 destructed

full log here: http://pastebin.com/Tq8MWP3p
filigran Wrote:Having some issues here recently. I have removed both the addon_data files and the addon itself, but the problem persists: after creating a launcher and adding roms, I cannot enter the launcher to see the roms. It does so the first time, after adding them, and the launcher.xml file is created with the contents in there. But, after backing out to the launchers screen again, trying to enter it does nothing. I see this in the log:
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420367872   DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420367872   DEBUG: RunScriptWithParams - calling plugin Advanced Launcher('plugin://plugin.program.advanced.launcher/','-1','?53e9718b17b809e9b1f5827a35129c85')
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420367872    INFO: initializing python engine.
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420367872   DEBUG: new python thread created. id=4
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: 0
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Process - The source file to load is /home/htpc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/addon.py
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Process - Setting the Python path to [a long path sequence, snip]
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Process - Entering source directory /home/htpc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420367872   DEBUG: Instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.program.advanced.launcher" dependent on version 1.0 of the xbmc.python api
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420232704   DEBUG: unable to load /home/htpc/.xbmc/addons/plugin.program.advanced.launcher/resources/language/Swedish/strings.xml: Failed to open file at line 0
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728  NOTICE: Launcher: found 2 launchers
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728  NOTICE: 53e9718b17b809e9b1f5827a35129c85
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728  NOTICE: Launcher: 53e9718b17b809e9b1f5827a35129c85 : found 77 roms
[b]03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728   ERROR:  AddItem - called with an invalid handle.
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728   ERROR: Previous line repeats 76 times.
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728   ERROR:  EndOfDirectory - called with an invalid handle.[/b]
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728    INFO: Scriptresult: Success
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728    INFO: Python script stopped
03:09:32 T:139753722730240 M:5420105728   DEBUG: Thread Python Thread 139753722730240 terminating
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420232704   DEBUG: waiting for python thread 4 to stop
03:09:32 T:139754185844672 M:5420232704   DEBUG: python thread 4 destructed

full log here: http://pastebin.com/Tq8MWP3p
This known bug is related to the 64bit versions (stable 10.1-3 and GIT) under ArchLinux 64-bit OS. Because I'm also an ArchLinux 64-bit OS user, I have already reported this bug to the XBMC packages maintainers here https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/24595?pr...tring=xbmc and here : http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=45036.

Actually the only way you have to fix this is to downgrade to version 10.1-2 of XBMC and to version 1.5.8-1 of glew.

This bug is not only limited to Advanced Launcher, but also occurs for others addons (Youtube, etc...).
Ah, ok. Yeah, I did find some results when googling for the error that was related to some other plugins, however not this one. Good to see it's being worked on (or atleast is reported).
Angelscry Wrote:Yes I know, XBMC cache is not a feature really easy to deal with. Each time you change an image using Advanced Launcher, Advanced Launcher need to update the XBMC cache, to display the new selected image.

Now problems effectively come with images that are not used anymore. And because XBMC cache all the movie, music and addon images into the same folders, how know if a cached images is used for movies, musics or addons.

Maybe I can take a look how I can improve Advanced Launcher to reduce the number of thumbnails that will be no more used : when replacing thumbs, deleting items or launcher, etc...

Well, this is no criticism to ALA. This is a problem with XBMC in general. I just wish there was a coder out there who could build in a plugin into XBMC to solve this data problem for every section in XBMC... I love XBMC, I think it is the best tool in the last 10 years ... But this really is a hole in the program ...
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[CLOSED] Advanced Launcher - Applications Launcher Addon for XBMC24