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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon
Could you please put a link to the update , i have never use gitorous so im not sure how to pull the zip file
There is a link to the zip (hosted on MediaFire) in the first post...
Hi spbogie

First of all, thanks very much for all your effort. I can't wait to get Pandora working on my ATV2.

I tried your newest file (script.xbmc.pandora.v1.2.1.zip) on my ATV2, but unfortunately I also still get the following error. Any ideas of anything else we can try?


13:33:42 T:121577472 M: 76247040 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
13:33:42 T:121577472 M: 76247040 DEBUG: Process - The source file to load is /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora/default.py
13:33:42 T:121577472 M: 76247040 DEBUG: Process - Setting the Python path to /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora:/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.module.cryptopy/lib:/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.module.simplejson/lib:/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.module.beautifulsoup/lib:/private/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome/addons/script.module.pil/lib:/private/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome/addons/script.module.pysqlite/lib:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python26.zip:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python2.6:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python2.6/plat-darwin:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python2.6/plat-mac:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python2.6/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python2.6/lib-tk:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python2.6/lib-old:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload:/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks/lib/python2.6/site-packages:
13:33:43 T:121577472 M: 76247040 DEBUG: Process - Entering source directory /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora
13:33:43 T:121577472 M: 76247040 DEBUG: Instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.xbmc.pandora" dependent on version 1.0 of the xbmc.python api
13:33:43 T:121577472 M: 76247040 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
13:33:43 T:121577472 M: 76247040 DEBUG: DialogProgress::StartModal called
13:33:43 T:121577472 M: 76247040 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
13:33:43 T:110518272 M: 75542528 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
13:33:45 T:121577472 M: 76140544 NOTICE: PANDORA: Loading key from file "special://profile/addon_data/script.xbmc.pandora/key_in"
13:33:45 T:121577472 M: 76140544 NOTICE: PANDORA: Downloading key from url "https://raw.github.com/PromyLOPh/pianobar/master/src/libpiano/crypt_key_input.h"
13:33:48 T:121577472 M: 76140544 NOTICE: PANDORA: Loading key from file "special://profile/addon_data/script.xbmc.pandora/key_out"
13:33:48 T:121577472 M: 76140544 NOTICE: PANDORA: Downloading key from url "https://raw.github.com/PromyLOPh/pianobar/master/src/libpiano/crypt_key_output.h"
13:33:50 T:121577472 M: 76140544 NOTICE: PANDORA: Saving keys
13:33:50 T:121577472 M: 76140544 INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
13:33:50 T:121577472 M: 76140544 ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>
13:33:50 T:121577472 M: 76140544 ERROR: Error Contents: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'special://profile/addon_data/script.xbmc.pandora/key_in'
13:33:50 T:121577472 M: 76140544 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora/default.py", line 222, in <module>
panda = Panda()
File "/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora/default.py", line 48, in __init__
self.pandora = Pandora( dataDir, fmt )
File "/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora/libpandora/pandora.py", line 33, in __init__
if not self.keys.loadKeys():
File "/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora/libpandora/keys.py", line 63, in loadKeys
File "/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora/libpandora/keys.py", line 70, in saveKeys
f = open( os.path.join( self._dataDir, "key_in" ), "w" )
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'special://profile/addon_data/script.xbmc.pandora/key_in'
13:33:50 T:121577472 M: 76140544 INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--
13:33:50 T:110518272 M: 76140544 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
13:33:50 T:121577472 M: 76140544 INFO: Python script stopped
13:33:50 T:121577472 M: 76140544 DEBUG: Thread Python Thread 121577472 terminating
13:33:50 T:110518272 M: 75763712 DEBUG: waiting for python thread 4 to stop
13:33:50 T:110518272 M: 75771904 DEBUG: python thread 4 destructed
It appears getting this working on the ATV2 is going to take some more digging. If anyone with an ATV2 is willing to take the time to help me debug this, contact me on IRC. I'd prefer not to flood this thread with more trial & error logs.

Also, I would request that in the future that people please use a pastebin service when posting logs to reduce clutter in the thread. (Plenty to choose from, take your pick)
yup no ATV love here either again on xbmc 10.09 that seems to be the problem, when i went back to 10.07 all worked fine, so something is wrong for sure, but i wil say the grooveshark plugin works fine on 10.09 with no changes so maybe that is a starting point for you to help
Here is my debug. thanks for the great help

If you would like this hosted on a repo, I have one which I'd happily add your addon to. There's a few other dev's who have got stuff on there and I can easily pull your updates via git.

I'd certainly suggest trying to add the plugin to the official repo once you think it is stable enough as it will reach most users. But if you don't want to do that/it's not possible/it's too unstable just let me know if you'd like me to add to the repository.
I just updated my xbmc to the latest 10.1 on my x64 windows 7 machine. The old pandora plugin no longer worked. so I installed the new one from zip. Now It gives me an error regarding downloading keys. My pastebin debug log is below. I think I can fix it by manually updating the pandora keys, but I think a problem in my case is it isn't loading ssl for python correctly which prevents it from going to the pianobar secure location and updating the keys. Anyone know how I can fix the ssl in python? It's been broken for awhile. Same reason I can't get youtube pluggin to function correctly.

Does not currently work on OS X.

Still get the error (ERROR: Error Contents: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'special://profile/addon_data/script.xbmc.pandora/key_in') but i know that the directory is there but "key_in" is never put there for some reason. I have not tracked this down yet.


This though could be caused my my usage of nightly versions but have not back leveled yet to test this theory out.
Since I am having trouble reaching https sites through xbmc, how can I manually add the keys for the pandora script? I tried manually putting the crypt_key_output.h and crypt_key_input.h in the same directory the previous pandora script stored them in, and I tried changing the names to key_in and key_out but neither of these things work, and it just continues to try and download them despite not being able to reach any https sites. (For some unknown reason that no one has been able to figure out for me)
Okay I got everything working on my end. Fixed my ssl issue. I just deleted the whole XBMC folder and reinstalled. Must have been some remnants from the beta's. Anyway, great work on the plugin!
I read on engadget last night that the Pandora website is going through a redesign. They will move from flash to html5. Sorry, I don't have a link to the article since I'm on my phone.

We are so screwed.
How to use Git
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Here is the article

The html5 transition will most likely cause a loss of service for a period, but it may actually be more of a blessing in the long run as if anything it will likely simplify the API and *fingers crossed* remove the need for the encryption keys all together (a cryptographic cipher implemented in javascript isn't exactly the most efficient thing ever.) Time will tell.
First off I love the add-on. Pretty much the only add-on I use regularly.

My question:

I am on OSX and have been using the add-on for months without issue. Recently it has been stating the my login info is incorrect. It isn't. After some research I have concluded that the issue is related to the keys as a previous poster stated.

I remember a few months ago reading through the many posts in this thread and finally getting the correct keys from the github and installing them manually. Does that still work? If so, can anyone direct me to the correct files on github and where to place them in OSX. I searched the thread but cannot find the posts I had read before.

Thanks for reading.
I tried the refetch crypto keys and I get an error stating that file or directory 'key_in' doesn't exist. Let me know if you need the full error log.
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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon11