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Proposed changes for skin v2.0
i did that the last week, here is my dialogfilestacking.xml





<description>cd num label</description>
<align>right</align> <posx>620</posx> <posy>63</posy>


<description>cd num label</description>
<align>right</align> <posx>620</posx> <posy>63</posy>


<description>cd num label</description>
<align>right</align> <posx>620</posx> <posy>63</posy>


n.b. i have added a label to each button with "cd-01", "cd-02" etc... using the visible condition.
i added the window coordinates because i couldn't get the buttons coordinates to work properly, just the posy works but not the posx.
XBMC Italian translator, Movieplayer.it scrapers developer and the old "The Orbs" skin creator.
thanks, but i like to see the real filename. not just a number.
can you not just change the <label>cd??</label> to <info>videoplayer.title</info>

in theory that should work i think...
here it is with number and label:

<description>cd num label</description>
<align>right</align> <posx>160</posx> <posy>63</posy>
<label>$info[listitem.label] cd-01</label>
XBMC Italian translator, Movieplayer.it scrapers developer and the old "The Orbs" skin creator.
thanks, we will try
i was messing a little with the references file and in particularly with the default thumbnail panel.. i tried to re-position the <imagefolder> but the only thing i can do is move the whole damn thing... maybe this could be done using <textureposx> and <textureposxbig> or <imagefolderposx>, etc.

(1) maybe it is a good idea to make something of a shadow texture for thumbs since it is now possible with fonts, i think it's a great idea to add something like <thumbbg>, <thumbshadow> or <imageshadow> to the panel since <texturebg> does not seem to work.

(2) if i use <keepaspectratio>true/false</keepaspectratio> tags in thumb panel of mypics they do not seem to work (same in references.xml), i don't get all the pics to use the given size specified with <thumbheight>,<thumbwidth>.. it also doesn't seem to work with album covers or i'm i the only one expiriencing this ?

(3) if i add visibility tags to references.xml (radiobuttons) they do not work..

Quote:<animation effect="fade" time="200">visible</animation>
<animation effect="fade" time="500">hidden</animation>
... Huh


thumbpanels ignore the <keepaspectratio> setting - they always keep the aspect ratio. i don't see the point of changing this really - imo thumbs are something that should not be effected by the skin.

not sure why you need a shadow image for thumbs - is there a high demand for this from others?

not sure what you mean by the "imagefolder" - this is just a thumb and is shown using the thumb position and sizing.

i'll make sure that the animations are fixed in references.xml


all the kai visibility stuff is done from the code. adding extra stuff to the skin file will likely screw it up further.

i'd appreciate if another dev could take a look and figure out what is going on.

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more people want to be able to run scripts when selecting gui controls...
thread on launching scripts with xbmc gui items
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
jm thanks for the info, and the references.xml fix :thumbsup:

i checked what was going on with the "black" & "white" button info's

video (videofullscreen.xml):
press 1x white = brings up: covers, time info's etc...press again = info dissapear
press 1x black = brings up: codec info's...press again = info dissapear

conclusion: works fine.

music (musicvisualisation.xml):
press 1x white = brings up: covers, time info's etc...press again = info dissapear
press 1x black = brings up: codec info's...press again = info dissapear

conclusion: works fine.

pics (slideshow.xml):
press 1x white = brings up: covers, time info's etc...press again = info will stay (only back works)
press 1x black = brings up: resolution/amount info's...press again = info dissapear (unless white was pressed first, if so it doesn't dissapear)

conclusion: doesn't seem to work like the rest...not fine :verysad:

also when i start slideshow and press "red" it will exit the slideshow..but if i play a song and do the same..it doesn't work very good, unless i stop the music and than it stops the slideshow.

more suggestion for v2.0:
1) don't know if it's possible but i would like to see an option (tag) for using diffrent colors in 1 label.
2) video stack info eg. "videoplayer.stack" playing cd 2 out of 3 (2/3) ...or something similar like what music files have (track 4/14).

that is due to the way the pm3 skin works. it's loading a separate window (window id 58) which is one of the custom ones.

we can't do much about it really.

nothing much can be done about it without disabling the feature altogether at this point.

as for different colours in the same label - why do you want this - what are you trying to achieve?

and we're hoping to completely remove the current stacking system. a stack is not a playlist (it's just that way for now until the seamless stacking is working 100%). a stack is a single video.

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(jmarshall @ jan. 25 2006,23:56 Wrote:that is due to the way the pm3 skin works. it's loading a separate window (window id 58) which is one of the custom ones.

we can't do much about it really.

nothing much can be done about it without disabling the feature altogether at this point.
yes i know, but it doesn't seem to work really great.. i suggest to do the same as what the other xml's do.. make an individual tag for it (like player.codec/player.showtime/player.showinfo or similar) and move the code from window id 58 to slideshow.xml .. i really don't understand why chokemaniac wanted it this way.. this is just a way of wasting precious id's.

Quote:as for different colours in the same label - why do you want this - what are you trying to achieve?
same stuff as rss headlinecolor etc, i want info seperators and/or headline text in other colors.

Quote:and we're hoping to completely remove the current stacking system. a stack is not a playlist (it's just that way for now until the seamless stacking is working 100%). a stack is a single video.
i thought that a stack was a bunch of files on top of eachother, but hey.. i'll wait and see what the future brings.

for multi-coloured text, you'd also need multiple <label> tags, or multiple <info> tags. this would cause issues (should they be concatenated, or should they be on different lines?) etc.

it's better if you just use multiple label controls, but i know this isn't ideal.

perhaps if you come up with a useable xml layout for such an option?

as for slideshow.xml - i agree that that is a simple fix. if you have time, do you mind quickly doing the change for us?

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new stuff added

this new stuff will work with any skin version, so no need for a version bump.

1. <execute> has been replaced with <onclick> in button/toggle button controls. <execute> will still work, but <onclick> is the favoured tag.

2. <onfocus> has been added to button controls. this performs the action when the button is focused rather than clicked. the action will be performed after any focus animation is completed. you can now have buttons that automatically do stuff when the user focuses them (most useful for switching screens).

3. an attribute always has been added to the <defaultcontrol> tag in windows. if set to true, then the default control will always be focused when the window is started (ie xbmc will not save the previous focused control.) it only works in custom windows and on the home page at this stage - i think that there may be a better way to do it yet, but am currently unsure. let me know if you have any bright ideas. the main reason for needing it is if you change windows on button focus, then return to the window it will change again before you can do anything.

4. added a new built in command replacewindow(window, path) which is identical to activatewindow except it doesn't add the current window to the window history, so going back from the new window will return you to the window before the current window. (eg home -> my music (via activatewindow) -> my videos (via replacewindow) then back will take you to home.)

5. the <id> tag is now optional for image, label and fadelabel controls, as they don't need it in most cases.

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hi there these all seem great, one suggestion id have is for the control.hasfocus() command. id like it to allow control.hasfocus(10)-control.hasfocus(20)
instead of control.hasfocus(10) | control.hasfocus(11) | control.hasfocus(12............ to 20. this will simply something coming on screen if any button is focused for me.

cheers :kickass:
(britneyspairs @ jan. 26 2006,05:08 Wrote:hi there these all seem great, one suggestion id have is for the control.hasfocus() command. id like it to allow control.hasfocus(10)-control.hasfocus(20)
instead of control.hasfocus(10) | control.hasfocus(11) | control.hasfocus(12............ to 20. this will simply something coming on screen if any button is focused for me.
i agree that this will save long lines of code, but doing it that way means that it only works correct if you use a numeric order of id's.. i suggest to do it a little bit diffrent like this: control.hasfocus(10,11,23,25,29) don't know if it's possible but it's a great idea.

just my 2,5 cents

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Proposed changes for skin v2.00