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Proposed changes for skin v2.0
be nice if the visibility conditions for the codec info could be done before v2 skin is out of the door Smile

i just think that the info button on the remote could be utilised a lot better from a skinners perpective than what it is at present.

bring it more inline with music information.

when the <info> button is pressed on remote up pop your videoinfo.xml (videothumb,year,title etc...) similar to music.

maybe even add a new condtion for video.codecinfo? so this can still be accessed from the videoinfo.xml screen? via a button 'codec info'

what do you think?

yes, that will be in before 2.0.
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(jmarshall @ jan. 30 2006,16:56 Wrote:affini: this is not what you want.  the list control has no onclick or execute action - you'd only want it to run when an actual video or audio file or whatever is started - not just when the control is clicked!  thus my suggestion.
i'd settle for the extra tag (running the script) from the main buttonscroller control.

even if it ran the script before actually running the video, while going into the tv or movie section... it would still have time/effort from needing to launch the python script, then exit the script, then go into the movie menu, etc.

all that is required is to enable <execute> to parse more then one entry? not much new code right?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
i really like the way includes.xml works..(can't say it enough) it allready saved my days of work with my skin settings, effects.. this is so freaking cool, cannot thank you enough for implementing it :thumbsup:

(jmarshall @ jan. 26 2006,00:32 Wrote:2. <onfocus> has been added to button controls. this performs the action when the button is focused rather than clicked. the action will be performed after any focus animation is completed. you can now have buttons that automatically do stuff when the user focuses them (most useful for switching screens).
so this means that i can make sort of a menu like settingscatagory.xml, when a button is focused i can let it bring up a dialog that contains options ?

(jmarshall @ jan. 26 2006,00:26 Wrote:for multi-coloured text, you'd also need multiple <label> tags, or multiple <info> tags. this would cause issues (should they be concatenated, or should they be on different lines?) etc.

it's better if you just use multiple label controls, but i know this isn't ideal.

perhaps if you come up with a useable xml layout for such an option?
no i don't want more <label> tags, or multiple <info> tags or issues with conflicting labels, only a way to bracket it into the label or info tag itself, only doing it this way will prevent multiple labels to conflict with each other.


<label>current time: {$info[system.time]=ff000098}</label>
<label>current time: $info=ff000098[system.time]</label>
<label>$color[current time:] $info=ff000098[system.time]</label>

<onfocus> - yes, that should be doable. one example use is in the new mc60 skin in development - you move right onto a button (the "blade") and it automatically loads the next window.

you could use this to show/hide a bunch of controls to get a settings screen exactly like settingcategory.xml, yes.

i don't think i'll do the color label thing - i would rather have a better method (if possible) for doing the multiple label. i don't like the current system (it is not obvious to code for the skinner, is not very "xml"-like, and is time consuming as it must be parsed at render time).

for instance:

<info color="ffff00ff">musicplayer.title</info>
<label> / </label>
<info color="ff00ffff">musicplayer.album</info>

could be used. they'd all be displayed after each other unless line breaks were added. the only problem with this method is that if a piece of information is not present the "separator" labels won't be removed (eg if the album has no info, it will display "title / "). we could perhaps get around this by specifying the "separator" in a specific way:

<info color="ffff00ff">musicplayer.title</info>
<separator> / </separator>
<info color="ff00ffff">musicplayer.album</info>

that way the <separator> piece will only be shown if there is valid info immediately before it or valid info immediately after it.

this doesn't handle the case where you want the year in brackets though - perhaps this:

<info color="ffff00ff" prefix=" (" postfix=")">musicplayer.year</info>

could be used rather than the separators? this will allow the brackets to not be shown when the year info isn't present. it doesn't allow for different colours for the separators though.

this all seems kinda messy to me - anyone else have any ideas?

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(jmarshall @ dec. 12 2005,20:44 Wrote:kobazz: yep, no problems with sliding in the videoosd. zoom in/out is probably be doable - unsure how easy rotate is though (we currently only position and scale stuff - there is no facility for altering via a rotation). i don't see the effectiveness of some of that though to be honest (other than just pure wizzbang looks, which get kinda tiresome after a while)
any chanses rotation of textures will be added to the animation part of the skinning engine before a 2.0 release? i'd like to be able rotate a texture when switching focus on the buttons in the home screen of the retro skin. sure it's probably just "wizzbang looks" thing but would it be tiresome? and how is a sliding or fading effect not a wizzbang thing compared to rotation? :p

if you don't remeber it here's a really old retro preview just to give an idea of what i want to do.

:lookaround: new icon in my settings...

a radiobutton is appearing on each settings-page


:lookaround: xlink hosting

after hosting a private arena the labels disappear

Image     Image

cheers ceomr
i have 2 suggestions
1) all images like weather or cdcover could fade from one to another and in/out instead of switch. this effect is everywhere else and looks great would be nice to see it here as well.
2) since rotation has been asked for id love an animation of stauration. eg an image would go from white (way over saturated ) to the image true saturation. this can have nice over exposure looks and can make things look flashy and lens flairy Smile

cheers.......... im really happy with the new feature though, as is Smile
i have one suggestion too..

a third line for general weather labels in my weather
sometimes more than 2 strings are shown...and overlap the strings of a different day

@ceomr: i had the same problem .. when using <include> stuff in settingscatagory. it seems to me that whenever using <include> on radiobuttons or default category button there seem to be issues (radiobuttons out of place and strange buttons appearing on the screen under the text). therefor removed all include stuff from settingscatagory.xml untill theres a solution for it.

@jm: i have this strange issue with spin controls, they are visible when using view:icons/big icons, but not when using view:list .. Huh

icon/big icon:

also library view state isn't rememberd, so when i go to mymusic and switch to libview, and than go back to home and than again back to mymusic, somehow the settings get lost.. i use controlgroup tags on the buttons, and i have settings/appearence/look and feel --> "remeber selected file on forward navigation" enabled.

sorry to add to the list... and i can confirm the radio button in all settings windows.

also jm another user opened a thread regards noise filter on video settings... i can confirm that its also missing.

noise filter - video settings

(smokehead @ jan. 31 2006,11:25 Wrote:@ceomr: i had the same problem .. when using <include> stuff in settingscatagory. it seems to me that whenever using <include> on radiobuttons or default category button there seem to be issues (radiobuttons out of place and strange buttons appearing on the screen under the text). therefor removed all include stuff from settingscatagory.xml untill theres a solution for it.

@jm: i have this strange issue with spin controls, they are visible when using view:icons/big icons, but not when using view:list ..  Huh

icon/big icon:

also library view state isn't rememberd, so when i go to mymusic and switch to libview, and than go back to home and than again back to mymusic, somehow the settings get lost.. i use controlgroup tags on the buttons, and i have settings/appearence/look and feel --> "remeber selected file on forward navigation" enabled.

change your spinpos controls in references to approx the following should solve your problem Smile

(deanrparry @ jan. 31 2006,14:51 Wrote:change your spinpos controls in references to approx the following should solve your problem Smile

thanks m8, :bowdown: works like a charm .. i noticed that spincontrol has <spincolor>,<spinwidth>,etc but no <spinfont> i think it would be very nice to make such a tag for usage in references.xml, cause when i now change the list font, all stuff is changed including spincontrols.


i'm not sure how easy it would be to implement, but i will look into it when i have some spare time. it's not a feature freeze killer anyway as far as the skin version goes - if it's not there it simply won't do the effect.

<animation effect="rotate" start="0" end="45" center="45,60"></animation>

would probably be the syntax.


will look into the radio button appearing in settings - i'm sure it's an easy fix. does it occur in pm3?

will keep in mind the multi-line-ness of the weather labels - once again i'm not sure how to best handle this at present.

as i don't have internet from the xbox i can't really check the kai stuff. does any of you know a way where i can "fool" kai on the pc into it being connected (perhaps a server application that it can connect to on the local machine so that i can simulate being connected?)

deanrparry: the noise filter is on the video osd settings dialog.



i'm not sure if that is possible (cross fade of changing info images) under the current system. i agree it would be nice to have, but am unsure how easy it would be to do.

the saturation control would need a simple way to apply it (ie given a texture, how does one simply render it on screen with such an effect - see if you can find that out from some directx tutorials or something).

smokehead: remember that the spin controls aren't shown if there is only one page of items (like in the screenshot you showed).
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(hardc0r3 @ jan. 27 2006,05:14 Wrote:another problem with the listcontrol and the thumbnail panel
they slide fine on windowopen but on windowclose they dont slide at all they die at start of animation.

this is the animation code used and its identical and  works fine on all other controls :
[code]<animation effect="slide" start="720,0" acceleration="1" time="500" delay="0">windowopen</animation>
<animation effect="slide" end="720,0" acceleration="1" time="500" delay="0">windowclose</animation>[/code
thanks for the fixes for my sliding problems. Smile
this still gives me problems though.
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