Movie sets not working for smart playlists?
I am not able to see movie sets for smart playlist since a couple of days. Movies inside a set are presented now individually if i use smart playlists and that was not happening a week ago (or so). I am using nighties.

Has anyone noticed this? Any tip to fix?

Thanks in advance Smile
yes, it was changed. it's impossible to satisfy everybody here, some wants it one way, others the opposite...
Oh, i see. As usual, i was in the wrong 50% group. My fully customized home menu is full of smart playlists, with lots of (now broken) movie sets.

Would you or someone be so kind to point me to the relevant code sources responsibles of this functionality? Time for me to learn.

Thanks for the input spiff, and for the good work.

Edit. Got the answer. Commit with chabges were made on 26-Aug, in xbmc/video/VideoDatabase.cpp
why not have an option on whether or not to view Movie Sets when setting up smart Playlists
isamu.dragon Wrote:why not have an option on whether or not to view Movie Sets when setting up smart Playlists

That is imo the perfect solution, some kind of flag to control that feature.
IMO this would over-complicate things. The majority of users is not using sets. Furthermore a set does not necessarily have similar (smartplaylist-wise) values (eg. studio, rating etc..).
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vdrfan Wrote:IMO this would over-complicate things. The majority of users is not using sets. Furthermore a set does not necessarily have similar (smartplaylist-wise) values (eg. studio, rating etc..).

Yes, a more complicate configuration would be needed if we are looking for a complete solution, but a simple flag is enough to mantain the two worlds (how it was before and how it is now).

I sadly agree vdrfan, seems people doesn´t use movie sets. Sad
Even though i think it's not worth the hassle .. Patch welcome Wink This is a good candidate to be discussed on a Pull-Request.
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To bad i don't program. I also would love the sets back in smartlists. Simple on of option would suffise.
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vdrfan Wrote:IMO this would over-complicate things. The majority of users is not using sets. Furthermore a set does not necessarily have similar (smartplaylist-wise) values (eg. studio, rating etc..).

If most don't use sets, my guess is that the ones who do want to see them in their smart playlists. They Just don't want the ones irrelevant to their Playlist (e.g. Batman (1989)(480p) showing up for a HD Playlist).

An easy solution for smart playlists is a Boolean "Flatten Movie Sets" in the smart playlist selection.

The Boolean will work on a system of checking for the field <set></set>.
If <set></set> is present then It will show it the Set, if not then viewed as normal movie.

is this a reasonable request?
Trac it please. TBH, I have no interest in changing it as it still makes only little sense to me. Sorry.
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Most are not using sets? back up your information before opening your "mouth". That aside:

I am using DH 10.1 at the moment, and I get the movies appearing in sets AND as individual movies. I would like JUST the sets.

Someone said you can't satisfy everyone. Of course you can. Add in some CHOICE (an option in the system menu or something) OR code in a rule into the smart playlists options.

Both sides get what they need. It doesn't need to be complicated, it's just a single setting. It doesn't have to get to an argument for either side either, as both are catered for.

It doesn't really matter if everyone are using sets or not. The simple fact is; that if you have sets, then smart playlists are BROKEN. And we don't want a broken product do we?
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Ticket Posted
I would like to see moviesets in my smartplaylists too.
me too
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Movie sets not working for smart playlists?0