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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon
ok, I figured out why it isn't working on my Apple TV. There is no 720p folder.
I created the 720p folder and copied the script-pandora.xml into there and added <resolution>720p</resolution> and I am able to get into pandora.
The only problem is that now it is showing up really small in the corner of the screen. I will keep working on this and see if I can figure out the xml files.
grab the files from this post and replace the media folder you currently have. Its a new skin I made that looks great. I am curious how it looks in 720p. It should work. Just back up your files first.
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| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
Thank you, I just got done modifying the SD version so that it would work on the TV. I will give yours a try and let you know how it turned out.
Tried it out and things don't line up properly. I will post a screenshot as soon as I figure out how to get those on the apple tv. here is the xml file that I created by modifiying the NTSC version that seems to work.
YellowSheep Wrote:ok, I figured out why it isn't working on my Apple TV. There is no 720p folder.
I created the 720p folder and copied the script-pandora.xml into there and added <resolution>720p</resolution> and I am able to get into pandora.
The only problem is that now it is showing up really small in the corner of the screen. I will keep working on this and see if I can figure out the xml files.

I assume that instead of a 720p folder there was a NTSC folder, and renaiming it fixed the problem?

If this is the case, I found a bug responsible for this behavior and I'll commit the patch when I get a chance
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htpc guy Wrote:^^
Can you copy the text from the keys into notepad and save the files as crypt_key-input.h?
Once you have the key files created you should be able to drop them into the addon folder and be good.

On a side note, I installed the most recent version by pulling from git and did not have to update keys.

Thanks for your prompt reply, and sorry for my own tardiness.

Previously, I tried pasting the content of the crypt_key_input.h file into notepad and saving it as key_in (no extension), since that's the filename I saw in the log. That didn't work (the log mentioned an unexpected "/" character, I believe).

I have no experience with Python, and am still a bit confused as to exactly what I should do. To give us something specific to discuss, this is what I'm guessing I should try:
  1. Load the crypt_key_input.h file from URL
  2. copy all the text in that file
  3. paste that text into notepad
  4. save the new file as crypt_key_input.h in the addon-folder: C:\Users\test\Appdata\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\addon_data\script.xbmc.pandora\
  5. Start up XBMC
  6. Load Pandora from Music > Add-ons > Pandora
  7. Profit?

Is this correct, or am I missing something?

I don't have access to the XBMC machine right now, but I might be able to test the needed steps tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks again for your hard work and being generally awesome.
Should fix your keys if you are having a problem. Like I said though, if you pull from git it will grab the correct keys. If you need help with git I posted a short walkthrough a few pages back that has helped a few other peoples.

I suggest the following:
  • Delete your current Pandora install from ~\xbmc\addons and ~\xbmc\addon_data
  • Pull a new copy from git
  • Profit?
  • If no Profit then go to Pandora Settings choose "Force Refresh Keys"
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| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
I've been working on the skin some more today. The changes are minimal when compared to the previous version but it will make the process of creating additional skins much easier.

  • Adjusted placement of the Pandora Logo
  • Adjusted placement of the Now Playing Window
  • Modified the station select focus graphic
  • Removed the Stations Border and Button Background from the background image itself. Now there is code in the script-pandora.xml that places the images. This makes it much for other to create skins if they like.
  • I've tested this on Eden w/ 1920x1080 resolution. Let me know if you have issues with 720p resolutions (should work though)
  • Copy these files (Download Link) and place them in ~xbmc\addons\xbmc-pandora. Please backup your current resources folder first.

I know spbogie doesn't come here often. I would like to know if anyone could help me out. I would like to make additional skins with an option in the settings for the user to select which skin they prefer. This was an option when smorloc modified the plugin but the link to the files is dead.

I'm hoping that someone could take the files in this post and edit the plugin to accept multiple skins. I could take it from there and make several more. For time being they could just dupe/rename my current skin files and name it default2 with an option to choose between the two.

Hopefully someone takes me up on this offer.Nod

EnjoyBig Grin
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| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
I'll give the new skin a try on my apple tv and let you know how it turns out.

Also I've done a little bit of python coding in the past. I'll take a look and see if I can do anything to help you out.

Skin looks great on 720p. Nice work.
I'll try it out too. Looks sharp!

Edit: really sharp! Looks great. Love that it covers up the background too. Cause I don't have art for every band. So it's nice not to see the normal background sneaking in.
So I managed to modify the script so that you can switch skins but right now you have to actually type in the name of the skin folder for it to work. I'm not sure how to make it "load" the names so you can just select through them like you can for the main XBMC skins. Will work on it some more in the morning.
YellowSheep Wrote:So I managed to modify the script so that you can switch skins but right now you have to actually type in the name of the skin folder for it to work. I'm not sure how to make it "load" the names so you can just select through them like you can for the main XBMC skins. Will work on it some more in the morning.

Thanks. I figured out how to edit the settings.xml file so it provides a setting called "Look + Feel" (may change to just skin or appearance). This will give the user a spinner button to choose which skin. If you could send me the default.py file you edited that would be great. Please comment in the changes you made so I can easily detect what is new and get this going.

Thanks again.Big Grin
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
<setting id="skin" type="enum" label="Look + Feel"
        values="Default|Alaska" default="0"/>

This is added to the settings.xml file. It lets the user choose the skin using a spinner.
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
Is this script in a repo yet or is it a manual install? If repo which, if not please do so as it looks great and would love to have the auto update feature working as it looks like its ever evolving Smile
Unfortunately no Repo. I'm modding the files adding more skins. It is on git but if you use my modifications then you will not be able to update from git. Spbogie doesn't come around often. Seems he only makes revisions in order to keep the program functional.
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon11