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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script
Jason102 Wrote:It's to maintain a constant volume between shows. It's only tangentially related, hence the new thread.

I don't understand the value of what you're asking. Why would you want to start a separate instance of PTV on another computer that only updates playlists and doesn't update shows when one that does play could update everything just as well? The end result seems to be the same, except that your method adds an additional computer.

Hmm..how to explain. The Master computer is the one I have that downloads shows, updates XBMC, etc. It is also the one that I want to be running PseudoTV all of the time or at least once a day so that any new shows or movies can be added to the PseudoTV playlists. I don't plan on watching the Master computer at all, hence it is a waste of "watched Status" for anything to actually be playing on the computer. The purpose is so that when I turn on one of the 3 slave computers and they connect to the Master computer, the playlists (i.e. Channels) will already be updated with the latest shows and movies and will fire off on all channels. Maybe I am mistaken in the need for such operation. If I am, please tell me.

Regarding the Dynamic Compression thing. Is this a plugin for XBMC or a program that runs in Windows?

I have been getting the error:

Assertion Fail


Something like that (i'm at work). Its a popup error with the Ignore / OK / Abort options and it happens sometimes just before a new program starts on a channel (before the transition between videos). I am unable at that point to get anything to happen (PTV just stops at a black screen) and I have to restart XBMC.

I know a log would probably help at this point but just checking to see if this is known?

Using one of the latest versions of the Pre on 10.1 Stable
phsyraxion Wrote:I have been getting the error:

Assertion Fail


Something like that (i'm at work). Its a popup error with the Ignore / OK / Abort options and it happens sometimes just before a new program starts on a channel (before the transition between videos). I am unable at that point to get anything to happen (PTV just stops at a black screen) and I have to restart XBMC.

I know a log would probably help at this point but just checking to see if this is known?

Using one of the latest versions of the Pre on 10.1 Stable

I get this error frequently, but far from between every show. I've actually found that if I hit ignore fast enough it keeps playing. I'll try to get a log of it, its just sporadic enough that I don't want to sit down and watch TV with that debug junk on the screen for that long. Maybe just have to run it overnight.
Nope, I haven't seen this error. If either of you can get a debug log for me then I can check it out.

mwkurt: I really don't think you'll need an extra computer to get the same result. Just try sharing the channel data and ignore the whole master / slave setup thing. I've written the code for setting reset time by channel, I just need to test it out. Hopefully I can a stable build out soon.

The program is just Windows software. I found an issue in the current version, but based on the thread so far this will stay a tool that I keep for myself.
Channel surfing for your video library
Development Blog Repository
Jason102 Wrote:mwkurt: I really don't think you'll need an extra computer to get the same result. Just try sharing the channel data and ignore the whole master / slave setup thing. I've written the code for setting reset time by channel, I just need to test it out. Hopefully I can a stable build out soon.


If I can just share the channel data, what is the purpose of the Master/Slave settings that are in PseudoTV?

Just wonderingHuh

As I said before, the master / slave thing is completely internal. There is no mention of it in the settings at all. It's setup so there is always 1 master, but there can be multiple slaves. Only the master is allowed (and will) update channel data...this way the systems aren't all trying to update the same files at once. You can completely forget I said anything about it...it's in place so that things "just work".
Channel surfing for your video library
Development Blog Repository
Update to stable-pre:

Handle exceptions in the EPG and channel thread a bit better. I've seen a couple, but haven't been able to get logs, so this should exit gracefully (relatively) instead of crashing. It will also log the error and stack trace.

Updated the Night skin.

Added a rule to Reset a channel every x days.

Added a setting to change the length of a "short" clip.

Added a couple of additional traces to help narrow down channel sharing problems.

opentrick1: can you please get another debug log based on this version for me? Hopefully it will tell me what's happening...
Channel surfing for your video library
Development Blog Repository
Just had a little play with stable-pre, nice work Jason102, this app gets quicker & more versatile with every rev. Keep up the good work. Wink
scilz Wrote:has anyone tried using ice library with PseudoTV i got tons of movies and shows scanned into library but they dont seem to work with PseudoTv it just says ice library opening stream when i change channels but it never opens

Did you ever get this to work? I get the same thing
Someone sent me a log of this at one point, but it wasn't a debug log. Can someone get one of those for me?
Channel surfing for your video library
Development Blog Repository
Jason102 Wrote:Someone sent me a log of this at one point, but it wasn't a debug log. Can someone get one of those for me?

Great plugin by the way - if i get this to work Im ditching my cable box ...

Sorry for the new beeee question here but how do i generate a log from xbmc?
I see the debugging option in system - but where does the log file go?

Just decided to try this sweet jewel on my ATV2, and wow, most excellent!

I too ran into the Menu key issue (and OSD) but was able to work around both by using XBMC Remote on my iPad2 (Back button would back me out and the OSD worked as well).

Interestedly, the menu button did work in some areas (i.e I brought up the OSD from the iPad and then I could Menu out from the ATV remote.

I also could use the XBMC Remote on the iPad to use Customize Channels, whereas the ATV Remote was relatively useless there.

Here's a pretty cut-up log as it was pretty big and I cut out some personal content. Let me know if it doesn't help and I'll see what I can do.
Hey jason, I've decided to go back to Pre-Eden, now that pseudo seems to be working better for it. I do have a couple questions though, as I haven't paid as much attention as I should be in this thread.

1) Did the odd redraw problems ever stop for you (or anyone else)? I've still got them, on the linux version compiled Oct.28.

2) Is there a way to change the button mapping? I can't get the menu button to work in pseudo, and some over the other ones, don't work like they should (i.e. #2-0, exit). If you could just point me in the direction of where they are stored.

Also, is there a plan on releasing a new version before Eden comes a long? I've got some skins that I've been working on, but since some people are waiting to update skins for Eden, I've been waiting on putting them out.
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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script25