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RavenNL Wrote:[b][b][i]
My apologies if I step on your toes there, but I'm just giving my opinion about your approach on this subject. I don't see any other skin / addon developer using this kind of rules regarding bugs / features. You have done a great work on the skin but should be able to take critics when bugs are posted.

Like I said above but again just giving my opinion on that method, but what kinda upset me is your new rule what you call 'flooding' more then 10 bugs. The board is there so bugs and feature requests can be logged there, people can star it if they experience the same or want the same feature request. That way the highly requested bugs or features can be reviewed. It's up to you when you look at them and possibly fix them. Some bugs don't need to be fixed asap but it's still good to have them logged. Other people who might experience the same problem could check the board if it's already logged there and accepted, that way people can also stop troubleshooting the issue themself and just star it so that they will be notified when it's fixed and you will see what kind of impact a certain bug has on the users.

So why 'punish' someone who is spending their time noticing the bugs and log them on the board to the lowest priority and when it's above 10 even delete them instantly. That takes away the use of using that kind of tracking tool to be honest.

So no need to throw in the towel just because of what you call 'this' incident, people love your skin. It's probably the most used skin that is being used from all xbmc users. That should say enough about your appreciation about your work but also be able to take critics and dont get angry when someone finds a bug. There is no software that is entirely bug free and there never will be.

And this is and should be a hobby and personal life always comes in first place.
MarcosQui Wrote:To all;

I decided take a break on this project. I appreciate the words of support, but I think 'this' was the last straw that missing in a glass that was already full.

I have many personal problems to resolve and need a time to this.

I'll release that version 1.1.1 soon and I will dedicate myself to my family and professional life, this is more important.

Return ? I do not know when, tomorrow, next month, next year, I do not know.

Best regards to all users Aeon MQ.

Understandable m8! Take good care of yourself and those around you.

Hopefully we see you back soon!

Take care.
XBMC: XBMC 12.3 Frodo, Aeon MQ5, Win7 x64
MarcosQui Wrote:(...) I will dedicate myself to my family and professional life, this is more important.

That is a very wise decision. Nod

MQ1 then was the reason to buy my HTPC and try out XBMC.

I hope you will stick with us feel better soon.

RavenNL Wrote:Like I said above but again just giving my opinion on that method, but what kinda upset me is your new rule what you call 'flooding' more then 10 bugs. The board is there so bugs and feature requests can be logged there, people can star it if they experience the same or want the same feature request.
I think you missunderstood...I would say he meant with flooding that people report a bug and if they do not get an answer instantly, they bump nd post again and again and again the same bug...

- - - Tribute to Metallica - - -
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mad-max Wrote:I think you missunderstood...I would say he meant with flooding that people report a bug and if they do not get an answer instantly, they bump nd post again and again and again the same bug...


Don't think so.

Quote:- I will consider how flood when there is more than 10 different issues created by the same user
I've only just discovered MQ3, my personal life takes a hit just setting it up. I don't know how you guys do it. I also agree that MarcosQui could just keep the skin for himself, then everyone would have to learn to skin and code for themselves. We're damn lucky to have the community that we do and it costs us next to nothing. So what if your request doesn't get answered, there are a whole load that do. Personally, I'd like to thank MarcosQui and all the skinners, coders and moderators here for all they've done for us. Look forward to any update, whenever it comes. Take care of yourself MarcosQui, hope all goes well for you. (",)
take care marcos was a pleasure workin with ya thou you did most of the work xD,
and thanks to you alot of people became xbmc users including me , rock on bro wherever life takes you yarrrr!!!
MarcosQui Wrote:To all;

I decided take a break on this project. I appreciate the words of support, but I think 'this' was the last straw that missing in a glass that was already full.

I have many personal problems to resolve and need a time to this.

I'll release that version 1.1.1 soon and I will dedicate myself to my family and professional life, this is more important.

Return ? I do not know when, tomorrow, next month, next year, I do not know.

Best regards to all users Aeon MQ.

Sorry to hear this MarcosQui,

Thank you for your beautiful skin and all your hard work, I hope to see you back in the near future, All the best to you and your family Big Grin
I've never seen anyone on the XBMC forum doing such a professional job as Marcos does. I was so glad there was finally a developper that started a decent bug report system at the google site. Marcos is right, the forum threads become completely unreadable and sometimes even useless with more than 20 posts a day.

@Marcos. Family and work come first. I wish you all the best, but I do really really hope that you come back to us when you've had some time off. MQ3 is the best skin on every level.

Thanks to all the children out there for screwing something like this up so badly!
sorry to hear that you are fed up Marcos, but I am not surprised. I think I know enough about you to predict that you won't be able to stay away for long!

Hopefully you can take enough of a break that when you come back it will be fun for you again. Maybe at that point you can find a way to distribute some of the work to other skinners and volunteers, and try to only spend a few hours a week on the critical stuff. I know it is very hard, since a few hours can pass by in the blink of an eye when working on this stuff!

All the best for now. Be well!
Thanks for a great skin you've given us.
Hope you leave the door open when you leave, so it's easy to get back in.., and good luck to youSmile
Sincerely Marcos, your skin is a piece of little art, when people comes to my home, everybody ask to me what is that and how can they have in their computers.

Thanks, thanks, thanks to make me happy with this skin and for heard us.

Don't forget you, don't forget us.

(sorry for my bad english)
Im following Marcos work since i became a xbmc user (januari 2011). During this period ive seen a lot of questions (inluding those from myself) and you see that you cant satisfy everybody. Aeon MQ is like a car. some like it...some dont...and some always think it can be better looking. If you dont like it? Get a different car....i mean skin.

A lot of people forget the "MQ" in Aeon MQ". It stand for MarcosQui. Its his creation and he made it how he likes it. Thank god he shares it with us. But we have to respect his choices of how it looks. He can and will never make it perfect for 100% in everybodies eyes.

Though if there are bugs then we let him know, as we should since 1 person cant see everything. I mean how many employees does Apple have on making the Iphone. Though it still has bugs (and its not even free!!)!

Im trying to say. If marcos comes back and i hope he does, give him some slack. Report the bugs in the proper way and be patience.
XBMC: XBMC 12.3 Frodo, Aeon MQ5, Win7 x64
toineb Wrote:Have you activated the other views ?

D'OH!!! Didn't see that, I've been changing the video views!!!
jitterjames Wrote:that's odd, how did you create the previous screen capture that you posted? (edit: ah you said taken from wiki)

It sounds like maybe it's time for a clean install. If you want though you can take a look in your guisettings.xml file. Here's what mine looks like (part of it)


maybe you can add / modify the line:

You were right. I did a clean install after wiping my XBMC profile. Now the flatten tv shows option shows up, and in fact was on by default.
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