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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon
Just want to echo everyone else. This add-on is used every day by the whole family. When an update is needed, we eagerly await the result of your hard work. Thanks so much from all of us!

(also echo on auto-updating repo) Smile

Auto-update would certainly make my life easier. I'm trying to maintain an XBMC setup for my family many miles away (among others), and running people through installing from .zip by phone is something I'd like to avoidSmile
is anyone having problems with this addon .its saying my password isn't right and I know it is. Any idea on a fix running 1.28
Ryan00 Wrote:is anyone having problems with this addon .its saying my password isn't right and I know it is. Any idea on a fix running 1.28

Yeah. Read the last 20 or so posts.
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
Sorry for the delay everyone. My dev machine is in a rather sorry state right now. Turns out Pandora got a little more picky about the timestamp offsets. Bonus: album art should be higher res now (thanks pianobar.)

v1.2.9 is up.
Are these steps the correct way to install the latest version?


I just followed that and I still have version 1.2.8

Master Bedroom | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Living Room | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Boys Bedroom | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Game Room | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Bonus Room | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Server | Raspberry Pi 2b | Debian Linux 8.0 | MySQL | DNS | DHCP | Webmin
Storage | MyCloud EX4100 (24TB)
Media Manager | ViMediaManager
excellent work 1.29 works great on atv2 thanks
Not sure for ATV2 but I can tell you how to install from git. I always install from git on my test machine and then push the Pandora folder to all of my xbmc machines and drop it in the addons folder. I assume you could do this on a windows/linux/max machine and ssh them to the ATV2. Here is how you use git to install Pandora in Windows. Adapt this to your OS of choice.

First install Git. Its available on multiple platforms. If you don't know how to install it then use google.

open the git command terminal and change directory to the addons folder
cd '/c/Users/CPU Name/AppData/Roaming/XBMC/addons'

Now pull the files from the git repository
git clone git://gitorious.org/xbmc-pandora/xbmc-pandora.git

This will download the addon and put it directly into your XBMC addons folder.


In the future when spbogie updates the addon you can do a quick update.

To update:
Open git and change directory to the Pandora addon
cd '/c/Users/CPU Name/AppData/Roaming/XBMC/addons/xbmc-pandora'

Then pull any updates
git pull

@spbogie, feel free to copy this into the first post. I think it will help a lot of people out and its just going to be buried in a day or so and people will ask again.
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
Loving the update, not feeling the skin...something's different, i can't put my finger on it though. The wife sends many thanks, i had to remote into the htpc today from work to fire up pandora in a browser since there's only a remote lol.
spbogie Wrote:v1.2.9 is up.

Can't thank you enough for getting this fixed for us!!!

bimmerd00d Wrote:Loving the update, not feeling the skin...

The only thing I noticed is the highlight over the station name is wider than the background so it bleeds over. This was on Dharma and the (I can't remember which) nightly I was running, but it did the same there. Knowing everything is being prepared for Eden I had a hunch and switched to the 12-10-11 nightly...it is correct there. =)
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
So I have 1.29 installed. And when I chose to run it, it says loading script. Then, it gets to the point where it used to say "logging in" and it stops.

Down under the big Pandora "P" on the XBMC screen, a red X comes up and it says "script failed!: script.xbmc.pandora" where the items and page count numbers usually appear.

This was actually happening on my previous install of 1.2.3, and I tried to upgrade to 1.2.8 and now 1.2.9 and still have the same problems.

Any ideas? I get no other error messages or diagnostic codes Sad

By far my favorite Apple TV 2 app Sad Wish there was a way to get it added to a repository. I think I may have accidentally screwed something up while SSHing into the Apple TV 2 and am not willing to reinstall the Apple software since the new version is a tethered JB.

Thanks all for the countless free hours you donate here.
TechLife Wrote:Can't thank you enough for getting this fixed for us!!!

The only thing I noticed is the highlight over the station name is wider than the background so it bleeds over. This was on Dharma and the (I can't remember which) nightly I was running, but it did the same there. Knowing everything is being prepared for Eden I had a hunch and switched to the 12-10-11 nightly...it is correct there. =)

Hmm... Which skin are you using? Does this happen in all skins? I'll take a look and correct it soon and send spbogie a merge request.
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
Please post a log with the error. Make sure you blank out any passwords, and use one of the pastebin links in the first post. Feel free to send it as a PM if you're more comfortable with that.

htpc guy,
I haven't used the script myself much lately, but from what I've noticed in testing, the station list and it's background image seem to pull away from each other at non-16:9 resolutions (take it out of fullscreen and resize the window). Do you perhaps have preserve aspect ratio set on the station list background image? My only other "complaint" would be that I'd personally prefer the buttons to be a bit more subdued, with a more obvious indication of which is selected.
Is anyone working on a web remote control for this great addon?
dallasnights Wrote:excellent work 1.29 works great on atv2 thanks

Do you mind sharing with me the steps you took to get it working? I have the old version on my ATV2 and need to update it. I want to make sure I am doing it correctly. Thanks a ton!
Master Bedroom | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Living Room | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Boys Bedroom | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Game Room | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Bonus Room | Raspberry Pi 2b | OSMC | KODI
Server | Raspberry Pi 2b | Debian Linux 8.0 | MySQL | DNS | DHCP | Webmin
Storage | MyCloud EX4100 (24TB)
Media Manager | ViMediaManager
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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon11