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[GUIDE] Simplified Guide for a perfect minimal HTPC on INTEL platforms
Hello Alan & Happy New Year To All

My question is related to getting my Harmony 650 universal remote and Aureal Semiconductor receiver working. Quick FYI the remote was working fine until I attempted to switch USB receivers. Reason for switch is the previous build went out as Xmas gift, the new build is an exact clone with the exception of the USB receiver. I thought this would not be an issue but obviously I'm missing something. Also lirc now resides in the kernel adding to the confusion. Ive been reviewing these links.

If you can point me in the right direction to get these devices working again within your excellent build it would be much appreciated.

Here is my cat output on receiver as you mentioned you'd like to add to your list.

I: Bus=0003 Vendor=0755 Product=2626 Version=0110
N: Name="www.irfmedia.com P-03R UIR_V2A"
P: Phys=usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.6/input0
S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.6/2-1.6:1.0/input/input29
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=sysrq kbd event2
B: EV=120013
B: KEY=e080ffdf01cfffff fffffffffffffffe
B: MSC=10
B: LED=1f

I: Bus=0003 Vendor=0755 Product=2626 Version=0110
N: Name="www.irfmedia.com P-03R UIR_V2A"
P: Phys=usb-0000:00:1d.0-1.6/input1
S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.6/2-1.6:1.1/input/input30
U: Uniq=
H: Handlers=kbd mouse0 event3
B: EV=1f
B: KEY=4837fff072ff32d bf54444600000000 1f0001 20c100b17c000 267bfad941dfed 9e168000004400 10000002
B: REL=1c3
B: ABS=100000000
B: MSC=10

Bus 002 Device 006: ID 0755:2626 Aureal Semiconductor
Hello !

Sorry, but my list is only for enabling certain receivers to wakeup the machine. I guess your receiver is treated like an usb keyboard. So I think the kernel don't need an additional trigger to enable wakeup from that device.

Maybe it would be good to have a thread opened with how to handle these devices with new kernels. Btw I found a thread with the exact same receiver:


I suggest buying an mce remote. That's working perfectly with kernel and xbmc.
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I got this up and running on my Biostar TH61 ITX board, thanks alanwww1. My one question is, what settings are people using for audio. After setup, I'm getting no sound whatsoever using HDMI to my television. I have audio output set for Digital, with the lower output set for HDMI and Passthrough set for HDMI.

Before I start playing around with asound.conf files and aplay -l output, anyone get it working with less effort?
pumkinut Wrote:I got this up and running on my Biostar TH61 ITX board, thanks alanwww1. My one question is, what settings are people using for audio. After setup, I'm getting no sound whatsoever using HDMI to my television. I have audio output set for Digital, with the lower output set for HDMI and Passthrough set for HDMI.

Before I start playing around with asound.conf files and aplay -l output, anyone get it working with less effort?

Should be ok with hdmi output.

Try it with

speaker-test -Dhdmi -c2

Also unmute ALL digital channels in alsamixer !
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Thanks, I'll give that a try as well. I got audio working last night with an asound.conf of:
pcm.!default {
   type plug
   slave {
       pcm "hw:0,7"
       rate 48000

And then "plughw:0,7" in the output sections of Settings->System->Audio. This gives me AC3 and DTS multi-channel audio, stereo, and menu navigation sounds.

I'll try it with just a straight "hdmi" tonight.
DON'T use resample ! NEVER !

It significantly degrades quality ! Specially to 48000Hz.

Just imagine how shit that would be to resample the 44100Hz CD material to 48000Hz. That is just no good.

Just use hdmi and you will have untouched quality for music and everything else.
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The sampling statement is a carryover from before where, if it wasn't there, some sounds wouldn't play using audio over HDMI on an nVidia chipset.
Everything should work, except navigation sounds, if not than it is a problem of the settings.
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One other thing I've noticed, and this may be a quirk of my board, is that when I try to shutdown via the XBMC gui, XBMC just quits and restarts. I have the shutdown behavior set to shutdown and not suspend or hibernate.

If I issue a "shutdown -h now" command, the PC powers down as it should.

sudo visudo

Then add the following lines at the bottom of the code (if they are missing):

### XBMC-specific configuration ###
Cmnd_Alias SHUTDOWN_CMDS = /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/halt # XBMC
Cmnd_Alias MOUNT_CMDS = /bin/mount, /bin/umount # XBMC

You may also need to add the following file - check to see if there is already a file in this location. If there is and the content is the same then you can ignore it.

sudo nano /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/xbmc_rule.pkla

and paste the following:

[Actions for xbmc user]

Reboot and see if shutdown/suspend/etc. now work.
I took out the 48kHz resampling bit without any effect, that's a good thing.

Drae, XBMC can now power down the PC, thanks.
pumkinut Wrote:I took out the 48kHz resampling bit without any effect, that's a good thing.

Drae, XBMC can now power down the PC, thanks.

Resampling is up to you, but If you have a HI-Fi system you will surely hear the difference. I made several tests with native 44100hz and resampled to 48khz. There is a huge difference with high frequency sounds. And also note that it uses the CPU to make the resampling so I'd still say to avoid that.

Anyway, good to hear that things are sorting out for you.
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hi everyone,

any progress with the VAAPI deinterlacing?

Considering how powerfull the hd3000 is, the playback quality with 1080p is quite on the low side!

I'm running 11.10 srv 64bit with krn 3.0.

What do you mean 1080p playback quality is "on the low side"? I'm not sure how to parse that sentence. Are you saying the image quality is lower than other GPUs? Can you provide side by side comparisons?

I moved to Intel from nVidia and haven't noticed any appreciable quality differences.
pumkinut Wrote:What do you mean 1080p playback quality is "on the low side"? I'm not sure how to parse that sentence. Are you saying the image quality is lower than other GPUs? Can you provide side by side comparisons?

I moved to Intel from nVidia and haven't noticed any appreciable quality differences.

Should not be an difference. Only with intelaced material. As I informed you guys, hw deinterlacing is not available at the moment. Of course you can always use SW decoding with a pretty decent YADIF based deinterlacer to choose from.
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[GUIDE] Simplified Guide for a perfect minimal HTPC on INTEL platforms2