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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script
is there a way to stop the same movie showing at the same time on two different channels?
krish_2k4 Wrote:is there a way to stop the same movie showing at the same time on two different channels?

Sure...adjust your movies genres or channel genres so that they don't overlap on more than one channel. I think as far as them showing at the same time, that is the luck of the draw.

mwkurt Wrote:Sure...adjust your movies genres or channel genres so that they don't overlap on more than one channel. I think as far as them showing at the same time, that is the luck of the draw.


A great example of this is to create smart playlist files for several genres:

Smart Playlist 1 - Sports Movies
genre contains sport

Smart Playlist 2 - Dramas
match all
genre contains drama
genre does not contain sport

Smart Playlist 3 - Westerns
genre contains western

Then assign each smart playlist to its own channel. There is likely little overlap between sports and westerns but could be between drama and sports. For this reason, we decided that there are fewer sports films and any qualifying movie should show up there. For dramas, we only want the films that would not qualify for the more restrictive (in terms of results) sports channel.
Unwatched versus Playcount

I go back and forth with this one. I prefer to mark old series as watched if I have watched them. This keeps them from being presented along with new content. But then it seems harder to deal with those shows in PseudoTV.

For now, I have settled on using channels with older content being driven by smart playlists, sorted by playcount. This should let me cycle through shows in order without having to mark and unmark them.

Any other ideas to see them in order without having to mark/unmark them? Is this what PseudoTV does when you use "show in order"?
Great plugin. Just discovered it.

Anyway, lots of shows doesn't display my default subtitles and instead display the subtitle inside the mkv file. No big deal if i could just switch the subtitle pressing the "next subtitle" button on my remote, but it doesn't work inside pseudotv (it works fine outside pseudotv).

How can i enable it? If i can't, could you please make it posible in the next update? (Actually it would be better if the plugin forced the external subtitle with the same filename to be the default one, but thats probably asking too much)

mwkurt Wrote:Sure...adjust your movies genres or channel genres so that they don't overlap on more than one channel. I think as far as them showing at the same time, that is the luck of the draw.


GJones Wrote:A great example of this is to create smart playlist files for several genres:

Smart Playlist 1 - Sports Movies
genre contains sport

Smart Playlist 2 - Dramas
match all
genre contains drama
genre does not contain sport

Smart Playlist 3 - Westerns
genre contains western

Then assign each smart playlist to its own channel. There is likely little overlap between sports and westerns but could be between drama and sports. For this reason, we decided that there are fewer sports films and any qualifying movie should show up there. For dramas, we only want the films that would not qualify for the more restrictive (in terms of results) sports channel.

yes that is what i have done, I have created smart playlists to mimick Sky Movie channels and one of my channels are "Movies Premier" and "Movies Premier 2" with all 2011/2012 movies. sometimes two movies are shown at the same time which is pointless so was wondering if there was a fix or something i can do to stop two movies showing at the same time.
krish_2k4 Wrote:yes that is what i have done, I have created smart playlists to mimick Sky Movie channels and one of my channels are "Movies Premier" and "Movies Premier 2" with all 2011/2012 movies. sometimes two movies are shown at the same time which is pointless so was wondering if there was a fix or something i can do to stop two movies showing at the same time.

I would make one of them include movies from A-M in the smart playlist. I would make the other one include a rule that the other playlist is excluded.

Movies Premier 1 - Smart Playlist

match all
Year greater than 2010
title less than n

Movies Premier 2 - Smart Playlist

match all
Year greater than 2010
playlist is not Movies Premier 1

Movies Premier 2 - Smart Playlist (alternate)

match all
Year greater than 2010
title greater than mzzzzz
Sorry Jason ... I tried it but no luck on Eden Beta 1 on Mac Mini Intel.

I downloaded the zip from github, renamed it script.pseudotv, shutdown xbmc, backed up the previous one script.pseudotv folder, copied the new over, copied the settings.xml from the previous one into the resources of script.pseudotv ... fired up xbmc and then pseudotv.

It rebuilt the channels but on the channel changes, the loud noise that we've come to refer to as *FLICK*
GJones Wrote:Unwatched versus Playcount

Any other ideas to see them in order without having to mark/unmark them? Is this what PseudoTV does when you use "show in order"?

One of the ways that I do this is to use the rule "Not played in the last". You can set this to however many days that you like and your show will start recycling after that amount of days. Makes it totally hands off.

Saverrio Wrote:/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome/system/keymaps

Dirty fix doesnt seem to be working
any other thoughts or ideas


other than this issue everything works fantastic

Sorry, copy joystick.AppleRemote.xml and place it into /User/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata/keymaps Wink
since this is in the video addons can it be moved out of "programs" so we can put the addon on the homepage!
Jason102 Wrote:I haven't responded in a couple days, so here we go:

RockDawg: I imagine this is the crappy SMB problem. There may actually be something I can do about this particular case (shared channel data) but I'll have to think about it a bit more.

Just wondering if you maybe figured out a solution for this. As I posted before, I managed a workaround by storing the addondata folder for PTV on my NAS and then mounting that directory locally on each machine. While this works relatively well, I do get occasional lockups that I can't figure out. Hopefully you can figure something out that would be a little more stable.
I've been unable to use the Channel Type: Movie Studio Option. No studios are listed. Have I done something wrong?
I'm having issues with this on the apple tv 2, I'm getting Unable to populate channels Please verify that you have scraped media in your library and that you have properly configured channels. Any help?
I was wondering, is there a rule I can use on a channel to ensure certain age rated programs or movies don't play until after a certain time?
I know I can schedule certain shows, but I am more thinking about just a global rule (or channel rule) that says for instance "only play TV-MA rated shows between 21:00 and 05:30".
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[RELEASE] PseudoTV Addon: Virtual EPG and TV Channel Surfing Script25