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[GUIDE] Simplified Guide for a perfect minimal HTPC on INTEL platforms
The bug fix added it back as a Kernel Mode Setting - not sure it's read from xorg.conf (but tbh how this all fits together is still beyond me Big Grin). I think it "should" work (if it works at all) by using xrandr on the command line. So you could ssh into your box and enter the following:

xrandr -d :0 --output <OUTPUT HERE> --set "Broadcast RGB" "Limited 16:235"

where OUTPUT HERE is the actual output being used (HDMI3 in my case - but possibly HDMI2 or even HDMI1 depending on the board). It'll fail if the output isn't recognised (or possibly not connected). Equally it'll fail if it cannot set the value.
alanwww1 Wrote:@pumpkinut:

Could you please try that movie with this in the xorg.conf:

Option "BROADCAST_RGB" "0"

or try it with 1.


For 3.2 Kernel should have this option with this Kernel commit: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/gi...f68d221434
Unfortunately, it'll have to wait. For some reason XBMC decided to stop working for me. The machine boots, and XBMC starts, but it freezes immediately. I get the skin, but I can't do anything. Navigation by remote or keyboard doesn't work. I've tried removing guisettings.xml, removing (purging) xbmc and xbmc-bin and reinstalling, rebooting, but nothing seems to fix the problem.

Even though I did a purge, it's not removing the xbmc related packages, because if I reinstall it doesn't download them again. I thought the apt-get purge did this, but it doesn't appear to be happening.

Is there anything else I can try before I perform a nuke and reinstall? I realize we're running beta software here, so I should expect bumps in the road. I just don't really feel like reinstalling everything.
Drae, thanks for your post on Power & Suspend it cured my issue with Power just restarting XBMC.

Suspend is still not working.
When suspend is selected it shuts XBMC off. Any ideas?
Drae Wrote:The bug fix added it back as a Kernel Mode Setting - not sure it's read from xorg.conf (but tbh how this all fits together is still beyond me Big Grin). I think it "should" work (if it works at all) by using xrandr on the command line. So you could ssh into your box and enter the following:

xrandr -d :0 --output <OUTPUT HERE> --set "Broadcast RGB" "Limited 16:235"

where OUTPUT HERE is the actual output being used (HDMI3 in my case - but possibly HDMI2 or even HDMI1 depending on the board). It'll fail if the output isn't recognised (or possibly not connected). Equally it'll fail if it cannot set the value.

it should be without "limited" in <value> field, just 16:235, isn't it?
Guys, anyone having the Broadcast RGB thing working ? If so please let me know so I can update the guide with an option for this. Thanks
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i must say that using hdmi2 as output (i'm running 11.10 on a zotac z68itx a-e,hd3000 powered),I was able to enable the "perfect scan" mode on my Lg tv.
Setting the RGB range seems to have fixed something...

I'm going to take a look at "batman Dark knight" 1080p and see what0s goin on now..

ah..i'm on EDEN pre, 12dec 2011 n.build...(my apt-get say there's no newer builds...)
I was able to get Drae's command to complete without error. I haven't tried the xorg.conf insertion yet. Which subsection does it go under, Device, Screen, or Monitor?

Quote:...it should be without "limited" in <value> field, just 16:235, isn't it?
No, the command fails if not put applied as Drae has it. If you leave out the 16:235 or the "limited" it fails as follows:
xbmc@XBMC:~$ xrandr -d :0 --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Limited"
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  150 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  13 (RRChangeOutputProperty)
  Value in failed request:  0x44
  Serial number of failed request:  33
  Current serial number in output stream:  34
xbmc@XBMC:~$ xrandr -d :0 --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "16:235"
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  150 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  13 (RRChangeOutputProperty)
  Value in failed request:  0x44
  Serial number of failed request:  33
  Current serial number in output stream:  34

But having "Limited 16:235" in the command, it just completes normally.
xbmc@XBMC:~$ xrandr -d :0 --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Limited 16:235"
strange....no error output for me using just 16:235 as VALUE...

Drae Wrote:Try:

sudo visudo

Then add the following lines at the bottom of the code (if they are missing):


I've followed the guide verbatim (with additon of recompiling kernel and mesa). The above was not necessary on my on my system.

Drae Wrote:Try:

You may also need to add the following file - check to see if there is already a file in this location. If there is and the content is the same then you can ignore it.

sudo nano /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/xbmc_rule.pkla

and paste the following:

[Actions for xbmc user]

Reboot and see if shutdown/suspend/etc. now work.

However, the /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/xbmc_rule.pkla file *was* necessary to permit the shutdown via the Xbmc menu. Without this, clicking on shutdown would kill the xbmc process (displaying blank x-windows background), and xbmc would restart couple seconds later.

The /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/xbmc_rule.pkla file was part of the previous minimal install guide. Any reason for removing it?

-- Cheers
fd4ec3d7dc88 Wrote:The /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/xbmc_rule.pkla file was part of the previous minimal install guide. Any reason for removing it?

Strange, because things worked for me without the polkit thing. Or maybe I just left it out when typed in the guide. I will make a clean install and double check this when I have time. Thanks for reporting it !
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Hi all !

I have great news. Great developer Elupus enabled deinterlacing with VAAPI. You will need to have a git version after this commit https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commit/62a1...f347c1a4ed

And libva AND intel-vaapi-driver compiled form the "vaapi-ext" branch. I will upload packages.

Cheers to Elupus !
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I had a chance to try the broadcast rgb limited/full range option myself. I can't say I see any difference at all between either "Limited 16:235" or "Full". I used:

xrandr -d :0 --prop

to see which option was used each time and it "correctly" indicated either "Full" or "Limited 16:2" depending on which value I set. So I'm a little lost as to whether this; a) works at all on Sandybridge and b) if it does how to activate it. Adding a "BROADCAST_RGB" setting in xorg, least in the "Device" section did nothing. Reading the X.org.0 log it indicated it ignored the setting.
I didn't notice much of a difference with the xrandr command either.
Could you please provide me a sample file (a short part would be enough), +some screenshots.

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I extended the guide with VAAPI deinterlacing. For that please wait for the next ppa update and make the steps I have at the end of the guide. Or if you are inpatient, just compile a fresh xbmc from git.
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[GUIDE] Simplified Guide for a perfect minimal HTPC on INTEL platforms2