ASRock 330 + Windows 7 (64bit) + DTS?
Hi all,

I've recently installed XBMC 10.1 on an ASRock 330. The machine has a fresh install of Windows 7 (64-bit). So far, everything works except DTS tracks. My video is hooked up via HDMI and my audio is going to my receiver via optical SPDIF.

When I do a DTS test in the sound manager for Windows 7, it plays properly. When I try to play DTS via a DVD in XBMC, it gets down-mixed or something. My receiver reverts to Dolby PLII.

AC3 (Dolby Digital) tracks work fine; my receiver switches to DD mode.

In XBMC, I'm set for SPDIF pass-through and selected both DTS and Dolby Digital for my receiver. I've played with different audio device selections, but I get no DTS on either DirectSound and WSAPI.

Debug Log is pasted at:

This particular debug log says it can't do DTS with WSAPI, but I can't get sound no matter which device I choose. The debug log is starting XBMC, playing a DVD, switching to DTS via the Languages menu on the DVD, letting it do the DTS clip (the piano strings), then exiting. Points of interest are around the 20:37:37 mark.

Thanks for any help.
Anyone have any ideas? The tl;dr version is that DTS gets down-mixed for some reason and AC3 plays just fine.
Someone's gotta have something!? Check/uncheck certain sound options in Windows? Proper sound device in XBMC? An advanced setting to try? DTS isn't a deal breaker, but I'd sure like to solve it. I've played DTS with other software; it'd be nice to get it to pass through in XBMC as well.

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ASRock 330 + Windows 7 (64bit) + DTS?0