XBMC Music folder, for singles advice please
Hi a new user to xbmc, and what a fantastic programs.

Now my little problem is as follows.

Under Music,
i have all my albums and artists working fine.

But I also have a folder called singles, which is full of individual music tracks by different artists.

This is showing up in artists, albums etc.

But I cannot find the folder SINGLES when in File view, only when in library view.

What I want is just my singles folder and its tracks to be in 'Singles'

Hope this makes sense.

just a new user to all thie xbmc. How do you people organise YOUR folder which just has single tracks in it not the complete albums...

can i also sort some form of album art out for this folder as well?

Many thanks.
If you're in Files view, then XBMC will just browse through the driectories on your PC. If you have a folder called "singles" it will surely be visible in files view.

However, if all your music is tagged correctly it will look way nicer in library view. In order for your singles to show up as singles, all you have to do is leave the "album" tag blank.

If you don't want a singles artist to show up in your artists list, then set the "album artist" tag for your singles to "Various Artists", and make sure the music setting to "hide artists that only appear on compilations" is enabled Smile
sorry, er tagged? what do you mean? my mp3's are stored as follows



apart from SINGLES folder which is


If I have to tag, what do I use?

OK, keeping your file and folder names well organised is great for your own personal organization. However XBMC's library, (and most good media players) derive all their information about a mp3 file from metadata stored in that file. The various fields for this metadata are called tags.

Organise these tags nicely, and you will find library view extremely pleasing! It may take a bit of work to tag all your files well, but I would highly recommend it. Then in the future it's a small job to ensure that all new music you add to your collection is well tagged.

I use a program called mp3tag for tagging my files before adding to XBMC. Some of your files may already have tags - if not you could take advantage of your good file / folder organisation and use mp3tag's feature to convert filename to tag. This should help you out with at least the title tag for every song.

More info and some alternatives to mp3tag can be found here.
Good luck! Let me know if you need more help Smile
To tag a single you simply set the album tag to empty. That way it shows under the "Singles" node in the library.
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sorted, brilliant, works like a charm now. Just some singles need some work renaming etc to get correct album info/fanart thing.
Hey all. After having tried that feature I wanted to leave a bit of criticism:
Although I love the spirit behind this idea I find the actual feature or rather its current implantation rather useless. For instance I have applied this to my Blink 182 collection. Yes the initial view I get when I enter the Albums view looks a lot less cluttered due to less items. However entering singles view reveals a mess. Everything is mixed together since you can't really sort via release title (which you had to remove in order to activate the feature in the first place - a thing I am also at odds with - why should I delete tags in order to improve my musiclibrary that seems strongly contra-intuitive). So you really can't find anything. This gets even worse if you have multiple versions of the respective single. Finally the item "single" which leads to the singles has not really a fixed location (depending on the feature you use to sort it either gets sorted in aplhabetically - which forces you to look for it every time you enter another artist or if you sort by release year it gets even more arbitrary since the single item gets its release year assigned by one of the elements it contains).
All in all I believe it would be much more interesting if one could allow XBMC to use the releasetype tag which one receives by scrapers such as music brainz (which gotham claims to have integrated more profoundly anyways). In this way one could also have distinct views for compilations, EPs and stuff like that.

EDIT: Just realized I posted this in the wrong threat sorry. Could someon delete this?
EDIT deleted -- old thread

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XBMC Music folder, for singles advice please0