Windows NOOB
i just copied and pasted from here

can anyone link a demo advanced settings so i know what its supposed to look like? im struggling with the wiki guide
the xml has to have an open tag (such as <videoscanner>) and a close tag (</videoscanner>). Anything that is not part of the xml code needs to have <!-- in front of it and --> at the end to indicate it is a comment

That example in the link you posted is taken from the wiki. The first <videoscanner> is just a heading. Then there is an uncommented comment. THis causes errors in reading the xml file.

You want your advancedsettings.xml to look like this
     <ignoreerrors>true</ignoreerrors> <!-- Set to true to silently ignore errors while scanning videos -->

I really recommend using notepad++ to edit your xml files as it will tell you when you haven't closed an xml tag properly. Makes it very much easier
Openelec on ASRock ION 330 / Kodi on Win 7 PC
I installed notepad++, i couldnt find notepad+, Wiki says something about it stopping in 1996. Anyway i used it and copied the code above and im still getting errors in the log. I'll try without the uncommented comment thing. It looks out of place.

EDIT: Woo! Worked. I didnt realise you were supposed to delete the comment. lol. Well theres no errors so ill see if it actually works.

Thanks for the patience. Im not familiar with the xml stuff at all.
My bad on notepad+ - should have been notepad++

Glad you got it working
Openelec on ASRock ION 330 / Kodi on Win 7 PC
I'v got even more questions.

Not problems really just ways to improve my setup.

I made 2 new topics, so if anyone missed them heres the links.
Apologies for bringing up old thread, but experiencing the same problem;

11:07:53 T:4128 M:1073741823   ERROR: Error loading special://profile/advancedsettings.xml, Line 0
                                            Error reading Element value.

Using advancedsettings.xml with the following inside;

     <ignoreerrors>true</ignoreerrors> <!-- Set to true to silently ignore errors while scanning videos

Any help would be appreciated.
You've missed the closing --> from the comment. Comments need to be entered as:

<!-- Here's a comment -->


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