View Currently playing song during slideshow
As my screensaver I have selected the slideshow. How do i display the currently playing song information while the slideshow is playing. Pressing 'i' does not display the song information and it stops the slideshow.

what do I need to configure?

Is it possible to see the song currently playing in the background when the slideshow is on? Specifically, if the slideshow is configured to be a screensaver?

I've just tried using the Slideshow screensaver, configured to use fanart as the images, and it shows me the song info. Tnis is what my display looks like:


I must admit I'm not sure what if anything I did to enable this. I'm using the Confluence skin and apart from changing the screen saver to Slideshow and turning off visualisation for music playback I didn't change anything else.

Experiment suggests that if you start the music playing then press i to display the Info and OK to close the Info dialog again, then once you've done this the slide show will display the info.

Thanks JR. For whatever reason, I now see the song information being displayed during the slideshow as well. I had pressed the 'i' button before hand.

What I have noticed is that this information displayed seems to be very random. Basically, I have not entirely figured out under what circumstances the information is displayed and when it is not.

for now it works!
i have the exact same thing, hoping to figure out what triggers it to work, cause i like it Smile
yeah, looks to be the info button, triggering between values, nice now i know, it has been driving me nuts lol

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