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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
This skin has no mouse support, it's meant to be used on a TV. Disable it and use the keyboard or remote to navigate.
I just started trying out this skin this evening and I think it's excellent!

I read through a bunch of posts to see if there was any info about any other viewtypes planned and saw that you were not planning on adding any others.

On the off chance that you might consider adding another vewtype, I'd like to request something similar to the gallery view in reFocus (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pla...SVU#t=180s for an example) which is also very similar to the Landscape view in Alaska Revisited.

Hey there.
Awesome skin, really loving it.

I have one problem so far, that is the watched flag which does not refresh itself somehow.
After i watched an episode the episode is still marked as unwatched. When i go up one level and then back to the episode it is refreshed as seen. Same happens when i watch another episode, the one i watched is still unwatched, the previous one is updated then.

Straneg behaviour.
Does it happen in other skins?
Lucleonhart Wrote:Hey there.
Awesome skin, really loving it.

I have one problem so far, that is the watched flag which does not refresh itself somehow.
After i watched an episode the episode is still marked as unwatched. When i go up one level and then back to the episode it is refreshed as seen. Same happens when i watch another episode, the one i watched is still unwatched, the previous one is updated then.

Straneg behaviour.

This happens to me too. In others skin too (mod alsaka revisited mod, refocus)

Doesn't happen to me, everything is fine. But anyway, obviously not a skin related problem.
We'll, i do not have this problem in any other skin, but i will try some more skins just to see.
Using RC2 BTW.
Well I have been an Alaska skin user for 3 years and now I am converted :-)

Only thing that I would like to know, can the rss feeds be enabled so that they scroll along the bottom of the home screen and all other screens? I dont use the guise and this seems to be the only plae that they exist.

This is the only thing I now miss in comparison to Alaska skin.

Super work Black, you do us proud Sir.
Love the metro home screen. There is two things I would absolutely love (i hate to make a request but i just have to) and make this my absolute favorite.

1. would love if the views mode were designed to fit into the style of the metro home better. A good example of this would be the favorites. it has same look as metro home by keeping the white background and similar icon set. but when you click on movies or tv, it goes into the old style (mine is a purple background) of the skin. as if the metro was just put on top of a different skin. would love to see the views function more like the favorites section, where it is more integrated into the metro home (keep the white background, maybe make some views like list little more minimalistic and le spacy ss between items) giving a more unified feel to the metro home screen. I want to feel like i didn't leave the home screen, rather than jumping between styles. (i keep picturing what it be like to have poster view mashed up with favorites view)

2. Would be a lot cooler if you didn't have to first click the giant search bar found on the far left of nav to make an entry. As in when you are hovered over the search bar, if be cool if you can start typing your search directly on the metro screen. cuts out a step.

Let me know your thoughts on these even if you say you hate it and want to kill me LOL. I tried to edit the views myself but that was a nightmare. So here I am Smile
1. I have plans for that but rather than making everything else white, home screen will be dark by default (will drop the light version eventually). Also I'd like to drop some views, i.e. posterlist and tri-panel because I would like to have a unified info on the top left, now playing, next aired info & notifications on the right. But don't expect any major changes for at least the next half year.

2. I wanted to do that it's not possible.
Yea I figured the search prob wouldn't be possible. Maybe as xmbc progresses.

Funny I'm usually a dark person too. But i got to say I really love the white. Makes my tv look really clean and sharp. Any chance to make it a toggle to make it light or dark? hate to see it go (really like the purple slightly shining through).

It would be good idea to drop / change the view selections, especially now with all the changes. Other skins I used list view a lot for ice films and plugins, I think my biggest issue with the current list view is this is the filesystem look. I would prefer the list items to be more minimal and a lot closer together in terms of space between list items (line height, leading, padding, whatever you call it here) so i can see more items on the screen. maybe even a big poster to the left of the list.

anyways I wouldn't expect you to have anything soon LOL. work is more important. Look forward to seeing what you have in store! Sweet skin. Also if you ever need an extra contributor, im a graphic designer (looks like you guys have it under control). So if you need anything, even small stuff like icons sets or concept mock-ups for views, would be happy to be part of something amazing.
(2012-03-14, 18:56)deafmouse Wrote: 2. Would be a lot cooler if you didn't have to first click the giant search bar found on the far left of nav to make an entry. As in when you are hovered over the search bar, if be cool if you can start typing your search directly on the metro screen. cuts out a step.

Let me know your thoughts on these even if you say you hate it and want to kill me LOL. I tried to edit the views myself but that was a nightmare. So here I am Smile

ill try some tests to see if i can get the search bar to do that
It's only possible with an edit control... problem is, you can't have a custom onclick action, it always opens the keyboard. Also you could only use it with a keyboard, with a remote you would still need the onscreen keyboard.
(2012-03-16, 13:48)`Black Wrote: It's only possible with an edit control... problem is, you can't have a custom onclick action, it always opens the keyboard. Also you could only use it with a keyboard, with a remote you would still need the onscreen keyboard.

then how about you give the keyboard a false visible condition only if the search controls hasfocus then in the keyboard.xml you create an edit control that is visible when search controls hasfocus that way when the keyboard pops up the only thing that will show would be the edit control only if search controls has focus.
also instead of the keyboard showing when clicked it would show onfocus if search label wasent empty showing nothing but the the edit control.
An edit control in the keyboard dialog makes no sense because you can already type there... and to open the keyboard every time you focus search on the homescreen isn't an option. There is no good solution currently and as I said, you can't hide the keyboard when using a remote. Also I would need to change how the script works.
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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)14
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