xbmc not scanning and finding new episodes from unraid server
its just started to happen today. i scan, and new files aren't being found. any solutions for this? its VERY VERY annoying obviously. they show up in files - library.

could this be a tvdb scraper issue because the site seems to be unaccessible ATM? (would make sense but i'm not sure)...
Major Props Poofy and Eskro! Check out their sigs for the best help/advice.
Viewing the actual files, how are they named? I've had issues with movies being named odd like Back to the Future 2 being named bTtF_too!

Do you have xbmc automatically scan on start up or do you manually refresh?
sickbeard does the naming.

naming/filestructure is fine.

http://www.thetvdb.com is just not loading for me...
Major Props Poofy and Eskro! Check out their sigs for the best help/advice.
Have you tried removing the root folder as a source and re adding/re selecting thetvdb as your scraper?
no ill try that after i confirm if the website is down or if i've been blocked.

ATM as far as I can tell, the TVDB is inaccessible to me via google chrome... so can't it be that the scrapr is down or am I wrong?
Major Props Poofy and Eskro! Check out their sigs for the best help/advice.
TVDB works for me. I'm afraid you may want trash your video user settings and rebuild your whole library database. Thats all that worked for me when I had similar problems. I always export library to individual files anyway so each video folder has its own art and nfo file (or you can use an organizer tool like ember to do the same thing). It takes a while to rebuild the library but you don't have to watch it, just re-add the sources and let it run.

If thats it, BTW, it has absolutely nothing to do with unraid BTW - just that your XBMC mySQL database has gone haywire somehow.
Acer Revo 3610 w/ Ubuntu 10.10, Giada Cube Win 7, 2 ATV 1's one w Crystal HD card, UnRaid server w/ SAB/SickBeard/Couch Potato/Transmission, MacBook Pro, Hackintosh Dell Mini 10v
TheTVDB was down till yesterday night

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
I stand corrected. My Sunday shows scraped fine as usual last night sometime after 11:00 so I did not know of any interruption of TVDB service.
Acer Revo 3610 w/ Ubuntu 10.10, Giada Cube Win 7, 2 ATV 1's one w Crystal HD card, UnRaid server w/ SAB/SickBeard/Couch Potato/Transmission, MacBook Pro, Hackintosh Dell Mini 10v

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