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Maraschino (formerly HTPC Frontend) - a summary web interface for your XBMC HTPC
Found a solution to get Maraschino working under domain.com/maraschino:

Put this in your Apache Conf:
PHP Code:
Alias /static/ "/path/to/maraschino/static/"
ProxyPass /maraschino http://localhost:7000/
ProxyPassReverse /maraschino http://localhost:7000/
ProxyPass /xhr http://localhost:7000/xhr
ProxyPassReverse /xhr http://localhost:7000/xhr 
How does Maraschino communicate with XBMC? Via sockets/http/json-rpc? So that means I can set it up anywhere on my LAN, not necessarily on the HTPC itself?

I'm pretty sure this is the way it works, just wanna be 100% Big Grin
hagur Wrote:How does Maraschino communicate with XBMC? Via sockets/http/json-rpc? So that means I can set it up anywhere on my LAN, not necessarily on the HTPC itself?

I'm pretty sure this is the way it works, just wanna be 100% Big Grin

Correct. Mostly done via JSON-RPC. Wink
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
Home Page - Repo - Bug Tracker - Support Forum.
N3MIS15 Wrote:I have been working on an information view for media library module. Here is a sneak peak.


Wow, this looks good!
N3MIS15 Wrote:I have been working on an information view for media library module. Here is a sneak peak.


That's really cool !
Gomez Wrote:Found a solution to get Maraschino working under domain.com/maraschino:

Put this in your Apache Conf:
PHP Code:
Alias /static/ "/path/to/maraschino/static/"
ProxyPass /maraschino http://localhost:7000/
ProxyPassReverse /maraschino http://localhost:7000/
ProxyPass /xhr http://localhost:7000/xhr
ProxyPassReverse /xhr http://localhost:7000/xhr 

This didn't work for me. I added this to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
Alias /static/ "/opt/maraschino/"
ProxyPass /maraschino http://localhost:7000/
ProxyPassReverse /maraschino http://localhost:7000/
ProxyPass /xhr http://localhost:7000/xhr
ProxyPassReverse /xhr http://localhost:7000/xhr
(I tried with /opt/maraschino/static and with /opt/maraschino/)

In that folder resides the static folder that I figure you were talking about. Double checked that the service is running on 7000 by going to localhost:7000 and it is there working. I also had to "sudo a2enmod proxy" to get it to let me do the apache2 restart correctly.

Can you give me any pointers on what is wrong? When I got to the site I get Internal Server Error
Great work to you guys for developing this! It really takes XBMC to the next level!

I know this was suggested somewhere back on around page 116 or so, but a module supporting integration with EventGhost would be truly phenomenal, something along the lines of the existing application module, where buttons are set up to send individual commands to EG for processing. I can't even think of all the possibilities that would open up for control. Dimming the Lights through X10, changing Receiver Settings, one-click XBMC repair/restore operations, etc...

Anyway, I just wanted to second that suggestion! I've got 4 instances of Marachino running now, one for each XBMC, and a 'Main' one that links to the others, and SABnzbd, sickbeard, couch potato, etc... Its really helped integrate everything!

saitoh183 Wrote:My only issue atm is how to get custom wallpapers. I created a custom folder in background folder and enabled random backgrounds...but still nothing...anyone got an idea?

any help?

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
backgrounds isnt working the way they should atm. easiest way is just to replace static/images/backgrounds/grass.jpg with your image
N3MIS15 Wrote:backgrounds isnt working the way they should atm. easiest way is just to replace static/images/backgrounds/grass.jpg with your image

Thank you

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
You need to put the backgrounds in the background folder, not in a custom folder.
If that does not work, it could be the file itself your using. I have loads of custom backgrounds and only certain types worked.

Upload the file or email it to me deja-vu(at)webname.com and I'll take a look at it.
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
Home Page - Repo - Bug Tracker - Support Forum.
DejaVu Wrote:You need to put the backgrounds in the background folder, not in a custom folder.
If that does not work, it could be the file itself your using. I have loads of custom backgrounds and only certain types worked.

Upload the file or email it to me deja-vu(at)webname.com and I'll take a look at it.

ok...will check that out tomorrow Smile

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
Thumbs Up 
Gomez Wrote:Found a solution to get Maraschino working under domain.com/maraschino:

Put this in your Apache Conf:
PHP Code:
Alias /static/ "/path/to/maraschino/static/"
ProxyPass /maraschino http://localhost:7000/
ProxyPassReverse /maraschino http://localhost:7000/
ProxyPass /xhr http://localhost:7000/xhr
ProxyPassReverse /xhr http://localhost:7000/xhr 

Thanks a lot for this, because wsgi method use / alias, and that broke newznab. Now i have maraschino in xxx.com/maraschino, just have to put index.php in / with redirect to /maraschino (because i use maraschino for access to all other service, i want it to be accessible if i go to xxx.com), and newznab is fully functionnal, no more weird problem with apache due to maraschino camping / path
Is they any way of increasing the size of the mods (ie sickbeard) it only shows the next 2 TV shows and would it it to show then next say 5 with banners ?

I am using debian linux

Thanks for the great work Smile
Hi guys,

Just discovered this amazing thing and set it up, worked like a charm. I'm keen on developing my own modules, but I'm not sure how it's done.

Let's say my module is called mymodule.

This is what I've done so far:

- Added my new module to maraschino/modules.py
- Created mymodule.html in maraschino/templates
- Created mymodule.py in maraschino/modules
- Edited maraschino.py and added: "from modules.mymodule import *"

Now I can enter the config mode and select mymodule and add it to the page. Works fine. The mymodule.html template is rendered out, works fine.
When I edit mymodule.py I can see that the dev server detects the change, restarts and a mymodule.pyc file gets created, so my module is being picked up and compiled by python, apparently.

BUT ... It's not like any code in mymodule.py is actually being run. I can type whatever crap I like in there, and still get no error messages.

I'm also confused about the "entry point" in mymodule.py, does it need to have a constructor? Looking at some of the other modules, I see that there's a function with the same name as the module, so I typed that in, like so:

def xhr_mymodule():
print "ASDF"
return render_template('mymodule.html',
caption = "HELLO WORLD!"

but this never seems to run. Nothing gets printed out and the render_template method seems to do nothing.

In fact, I can remove mymodule.py completely and remove the "from modules.mymodule import *" line from maraschino.py file and my module still "works", that is, it gets rendered out. If I remove mymodule.html from the template folder then I finally get an exception from Flask, saying it cannot find a template called mymodule.html.

So I guess the real question is, what do I have to do to "link" mymodule.html to mymodule.py so I can call render_template and pass it some data?

Hope someone can help ... I've looked through most of the modules that ship with Maraschino and I cannot see what I'm doing wrong (or not doing).
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Maraschino (formerly HTPC Frontend) - a summary web interface for your XBMC HTPC4