Only half of TV seasons appearing TV SHOW and Scraper not detecting shows
Hey everyone, Im new to XBMC and have a couple of problems (and am fairly certain that they are easily solved noob issues).

Only half of TV seasons are appearing TV SHOWS (For instance seasons 5 and 6 of Dexter appear in full whilst missing seasons 1 - 4 are no where to be seen) however seasons 1 - 6 appear in full in FILES or Mad Men will have a banner only and no episodes in TV SHOWS but seasons 1 - 3 are in full in FILES and i also have tv shows like HIMYM where all seasons appear in full in both TV SHOWS and FILES. How can I fix it so all of the seasons appear as they should in TV SHOWS?

Also, thetvdb lists a new show (Bomb Patrol Afganistan) on the website but the scraper doesnt add the information to XBMC for it when i try to update its file. How can i fix that?

Thanks for your help and time guys and girls.
Problem solved on the TV Shows front. realised the files werent named in a way for XBMC to read. quick question, the only show that thetvdb wont d/l information for is a MKV file, would that be causing the scraper to not work?
The type of media file itself is irrelevant (.avi, .mkv, etc.)
The main thing that matters is the file (or folder if you have 'use folder names for lookups' selected) name matches up correctly with the scraper sites such as imdb, tmdb, tvdb. The spelling and special characters like hyphens, colons, commas etc. must also match. For TV Shows you must have your season and episode naming conventions match up with the scraper site listing.

The second part to that is the show/movie must be listed on the scraper site for xbmc to be able to download anything.
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Only half of TV seasons appearing TV SHOW and Scraper not detecting shows0