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Linux [RELEASE]Plugin for Timer- and Powermanagement in XBMC/Kodi and TVHeadend
Thanks for the language file. It's implemented now.
plugin also works on AlexElec !

I am a linux newbie but I am trying to get this to work.

I have installed Kodi with tvhead on Ubuntu Mate. It's all working to watch tv. I installed the powermanager kodi addon properly.

The pdf is slightly hard to understand.
I cannot find any xbmc or kodi directory under home or anywhere else. When I look at profile data in Kodi the user is "Master user".
You'll find the nesserary paths in your kodi installation simply under


as I said (III.) simply replace all occurences of kodi/xbmc (not that hidden folder .xbmc) with yourusername Wink
Ok thanks.

Couldn't get it to work on Ubuntu.

I tried

Cmnd_Alias PVR_CMDS = /home/moviepc/.kodi/addons/service.tvh.manager/resources/lib/shutdown.sh

I tried suspend and shutdown, but it wouldn't turn on at the recording time.

Is there anything else to try that is easy for a newbie?
If kodi runs under moviepc that should be ok. Look into the BIOS and verify that 'Wakeup by RTC' (ACPI) is set to on or by OS. Next in setup of the addon, verify that:

- wakeup method is set to: OS
- need root privileges ist set to: On

Power down the PC with the power button on remote or F12 on keyboard, don't use the power button on the device or in the menue of kodi. Also be sure that the remote.xml exists and was setup properly.

I've got a little problem.
The system shuts down and wakes up at he right time. But after the recording it remains on. Why kodi wont turn off after recording is finished?
Thank you in advanced.
This addon is alost perfect for me.
On version 0.3.20
Tell about your system (Platform, distribution, ...). Also, it seems you came from a german speaking country. If so, You are invited to visit the german forum www.kodinerds.net. There's a thread about this addon: http://www.kodinerds.net/index.php/Threa...-04-12-04/

Do I understand correctly that this addon requires the user to press "power" button to be activated or not?

To explain my use case - I use standard Power Saving feature of Kodi:
  • suspend after 15 minutes of idle state
  • check if TV back-end is idle (TVHeadEnd) and save RTC alarm for wakeup.

This seems to work reasonably well, but the problem is that it suspends the HTPC even when other users are connected via network (SSH, SMB shares) and Kodi does not have option for any "pre-shutdown" user script, which would run further checks to avoid unwanted shutdown.

Back to tvh-manager: can it shutdown the PC also after some idle time even without pressing the "Power off" button on remote/keyboard? If so, I could use the "shutdown" script to run my checks.
Use the 'sleepy Watchdog' of my repo (or kodinerds repo). Within the setup of sleepy watchdog you can set up a plugin then runs if a defined amount of idle time is over. Choose 'service.tvh.manager,poweroff' there. Set up your network ports in the thvheadend powermanagement properly and that suites all your needs.
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(2017-02-08, 09:54)_BJ1 Wrote: Use the 'sleepy Watchdog' of my repo (or kodinerds repo).

Thanks for a quick response, this workaround works. (BTW, I also tried the more complex Kodi Callbacks Add-On as a watchdog, but it spilled some Python errors on me. )

Just few minor comments:
  • Sleepy Watchdog can display only "Perform action 'Run Addon' in XX seconds...", which is too technical.
    It would be nice if the user can define the message to replace the 'Run Addon'.
  • Sleepy Watchdog actually displays a Pop-up Window, not a Notification. The Pop-up Window requires a particular user action (click on a button) to cancel the count-down.
    It would be better, if a simple mouse movement cancelled the count-down, like it does before the Pop-up Window appears.
If you think the above is not worth implementing, I will try myself to hard-code in the script what I need -- although Python looks quite cryptic to me ;-)
Quote:It would be better, if a simple mouse movement cancelled the count-down, like it does before the Pop-up Window appears.
Most users control their home equipment with a remote control or an app like core or yatse. There isn't a mouse Wink But I think about of a repeating notification of 3 secs within the defined notification time, so if the user presses a button (on remote) ore something like this, the countdown will disappear.
Yep, the family uses the HTPC as a general purpose PC as well, and keyboard & mouse is way faster then remote control. So my attemps to get rid off the mouse were not met with understanding.

I checked the TVH Manager code and it seems to me that it repeatedly checks the global "Idle" time even during the notification display, does it? So it does not have to check for any key presses manually.
Just an update, if others are interested:
  • Sleepy Watchdog was not the best fit for my use case, because it triggers "idle" also while video is played back.
  • Therefore, I switched to Kodi Callbacks. The "event" is "On Screensaver Activated", the "task" is builtin function "XBMC.RunScript(service.tvh.manager, poweroff)". Then, I activated Kodi's screen saver time out.

  • service.tvh.manager runs the checks for open ports (incoming network connections) only when it receives the command "poweroff". I use "Display Time for Shutdown-Confirmation" set to 180 seconds and even if during this period a new connection takes place, service.tvh.manager still shuts down the computer.
    It would be better if it runs the pre-shutdown checks once again before actually shutting down.
  • Even that the above solution works for me, I believe that requiring the user to press "power-off" button on the remote might be optional. A lot of home appliances turn off automatically when idle and Kodi should not be an exception .
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[RELEASE]Plugin for Timer- and Powermanagement in XBMC/Kodi and TVHeadend2