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[RELEASE] Official XBMC boblight Addon
I don't get the problem, you can just change the boblight.conf on the raspberry pi to suit your needs.
The options like saturation and speed have to be set from the client though.
of course i can, but imagination u want to set the channel order, lights information by an external program, u cannot provide this infornation to boblightd. For now, its not bidirectional as u can get the lights information provided by boblightd but u cant set them.

For example, if i use the ras pi only for daemon, as interface Lan -> Lights using its /dev/spidev0.0 - i want to set the lights information from an external gui, like a DreamBox satalite receiver. Or maybe from a second HTPC. Maybe only one time yes matching to that TV . for now i need to connect directly on that daemon device to change the boblight.conf one time at least. I will not be able to increase the blocks... or stuff directly from another device.

If the other device is able to create a boblight,conf fine, it would be nice if it would be possible to send this boblight.conf to boblightd and boblightd stores this configuration on the local device so u can provide transparent data.

Another idea... u can directly connect a RGB stripe to the RasPi and u can binary controll it over the /dev/spidev0.0

Is it possible to send binary values on an defined output?

I think a new type would be needed then or? no prefix, no postfix, blank binary RGB values on an defined output device

I dont have a RasPi right now but im in contact with one who has one raspi connected to rgb stripes ws2801 directly and this works fine.

Well that's the whole idea of having a daemon, you set it up once with a proper config, and then all the clients automatically know how many lights you have, and on which parts of the screen they should react to, without having to deal with hardware specific implementations.

If you want to control a ws2801 directly with a raspberry pi, you have to code another output device to boblight.
Latest version of boblightd (r442) for Windows uploaded:
Asus motherboard
Intel i5 8500
Win 10 64bit
(2012-07-07, 14:22)bobo1on1 Wrote: Well that's the whole idea of having a daemon, you set it up once with a proper config, and then all the clients automatically know how many lights you have, and on which parts of the screen they should react to, without having to deal with hardware specific implementations.

If you want to control a ws2801 directly with a raspberry pi, you have to code another output device to boblight.

thats right so far. If the lights hardware doenst change in any way, this setting can fixed one time in the daemon and fine.

I simply think it would be better if the users using your Boblight Addon for XBMC are able to directly enter the amounts of channels in width and height, without touching the boblight.conf file in an editor or by my smal generater tool.

Of course, the boblight.conf way is highly flexible and thats fine so far. Only thought it would be nice if maybe a 3rd party tool can connect to the same machine running boblightd on, and to switch to another device and output, maybe to control a second light system.

I thought the abillity loading an own configuration on connecting to boblightd could be smart too , to enter the connection information directly into a GUI and the 3rd party application can have influence on the output device as well as to the visual parameters like speed saturation and so on.

Is there a detailled API description of boblightd ?




Thanks for the link to the Windows boblightd.exe!

I just built my setup today and thought I would give it a shot. Are there directions somewhere on what to do with the exe file? I've used the boblight configuration program but when I run boblightd.exe I receive:

ERROR: unable to make directory /home/media/.boblight/

opening /etc/boblight.conf: No such file or directory.


Download, look into the start.bat

U will need to start up the daemon like this

C:\boblightd\boblightd.exe -c c:\boblightd\boblight.conf -f

in this case, the boblight,conf file must be availiable in c:\boblighd

-> in addition, there is a tool included to generate a calibrated boblight.conf. Enter "/dev/comX" with X = ur Ambilight Port number or the needed data to generate a file.


i just installed boblightd on my Raspberry Pi, also i installed XBMC Standalone (and i start it via xbmc-standalone)
in xbmc i downloaded the plugin via online update and it seems to start sucessfully (i get a connection at my boblightd and some light go on shortly)

but when i start a video, LEDs go on very short and then they go off and stay off.

What can i do to get it to work?


btw: if i connect from my workstation PC running XBMC to my Raspberry Pi running boblightd, everything is fine Smile
I have EXACTLY the same problem as you Fire, I sent PM to bobo1on1 and he explained me that video playback on raspberry doesn't use GLES so the RenderCapture interface can't grab the frame.
I use raspbmc, I cant post on the raspbmc forum, Varnish send me 503 ...

finally got it working in windows with Adalight Smile Sweet, runs smoother than Lightpack, and now I can use the lights with TV as well (running ForTheRecord & XBMC client)

thanks for the windows version of boblightd

I am using adalight with 25 LEDs and Arduino UNO R3.
My system is running ubuntu 12.04 64-bit with an intel g45 graphics chip.

I have noticed that the some LEDs tend to flash with the default interval setting in the boblight.conf.
This is very noticeable in movie scenes were parts of the screen are relative dark.
If I reduce the interval to 53333 (<18.75 fps) there is no flashing any more.
Is this an expected behavior? Could this be an hardware or software issue?
Does increasing the threshold fix it?
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
(2012-07-17, 23:22)Memphiz Wrote: Does increasing the threshold fix it?

Not really I have increased the threshold to 75 and there was still flickering.
At the moment the lower FPS (interval) works better for me.

Thanks for your help.
Can't get boblight to run in xbmc. Can someone help me with it.
I use the SEDU board. I installed boblight plugin in xbmc, set the comport, started the boblightd app but nothing happens
xbmc logs shows it is connected, but no changing of colors.
post the xbmc.log to pastebin and put the link here.
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
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[RELEASE] Official XBMC boblight Addon3