Media Server Setup Apple TV (1st Gen)
Can someone tell me how I can share my media files which are stored on my Apple TV (160gb) with my other pc's on the network.

I enabled uPnP sharing on XBMC and XBMC shows up in Vista and my PS3, however, no files can be found on either device. I transferred mp3's into the /user/frontrow/music folder but still nothing appears.

Thanks for your help in advance.
Not an XBMC issue. Check out
Alright alright, this question seems to be coming up often. The easiest way without installing anything would be to just enable UPnP file sharing in XBMC and have XBMC share those files. It will only share files scanned into the library, though.

Another way is to install an SMB server onto the ATV1:
I'll also try to get some of this on the XBMC Wiki. Hopefully with some easier instructions. I'll post here again if I find anything.

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Media Server Setup Apple TV (1st Gen)0