XBMC wont start on Apple TV 2
DLeavy Wrote:hmmm - I thought the Cydia version would behave like that on the 4.4+ tethered jailbreaks. Still not taking that bet though.

The Cydia build is just an old nightly that was manually made before the buildbot could do iOS. It's not a stable version.

Messages In This Thread
XBMC wont start on Apple TV 2 - by stormillo - 2011-12-20, 08:19
[No subject] - by Memphiz - 2011-12-20, 12:12
[No subject] - by Ned Scott - 2011-12-20, 12:32
[No subject] - by Jester - 2011-12-20, 19:08
[No subject] - by DLeavy - 2011-12-20, 19:25
[No subject] - by Ned Scott - 2011-12-21, 03:59
[No subject] - by DLeavy - 2011-12-21, 04:50
[No subject] - by Memphiz - 2011-12-21, 13:16
[No subject] - by albertmartel - 2011-12-22, 03:35
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