[Eden] Sorting in Filelist is different for Music and Video, why?

in order to have the network shares I use most on top of my files list in the Video and Audio tab, I have added a blank (space) to the beginning of the name. I'd prefer to have these entries sortable at all, but this used to be a good workaround.

Assume I have two entries named " Z this is first because I have a blank in the beginning" and another one named "aaaaaa I am second".

This is what it looked like everywhere in 10.1, and still does look like in "Music":

- Z this is first because I have a blank in the beginning
-aaaaaa I am second

under "Video", the blank is ignored, looking like this:

-aaaaaa I am second
- Z this is first because I have a blank in the beginning

Can you please explain why this was changed, and how I can sort my entries?

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[Eden] Sorting in Filelist is different for Music and Video, why?0