Manual movie info entry after scrape miss?
I ripped a DVD of a Broadway play (Peter Pan, Cathy Rigby, A&E, 2000). No matter which scraper database I try (TV or Movie), the info is not found.

Is there a way for me to enter the information manually so the selection shows up in Library mode? Or can I add an additional scraper database that will include my target?

Here's the item in question:

open info on the faulty movie, then hit refresh. there you can choose from a list and/or change the search query used.
For my situation ...

Step 1:
system -> add-ons -> get add-ons -> add-ons -> movie information -> imdb

Step 2:
Library mode: off
movies -> Peter Pan (TV 2000) -> set content -> choose a scraper -> imdb

Step 3:
movies -> Peter Pan (TV 2000) -> movie information -> Peter Pan (2000)

Voila! Now when I go back to Library mode, I can see Peter Pan in the list! Note that I changed the content setting to IMDb only for this one selection and did not opt to change it globally.

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Manual movie info entry after scrape miss?0