Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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[RELEASE] Radio Add-on (,,,, Music Plugin
(2018-12-15, 16:18)blueribb Wrote: I installed this addon today (Dec 15, 2018) and it either crashes or has "network error" pop-ups. I rebooted 3 times but it didn't help.

Intel NUC (3rd gen i5)
Libreelec 8.2.5
 Same issue here on LibreELEC 9.90.009 on RP3+
(2018-12-15, 19:35)jfabernathy Wrote:
(2018-12-15, 16:18)blueribb Wrote: I installed this addon today (Dec 15, 2018) and it either crashes or has "network error" pop-ups. I rebooted 3 times but it didn't help.

Intel NUC (3rd gen i5)
Libreelec 8.2.5
 Same issue here on LibreELEC 9.90.009 on RP3+ 
I went to system and enabled logging to start troubleshooting this and it started working.  I turned off Logging and it still works.  Strange, but solved for now.
Now that I have Radio addon installed and working, how to I make it a Main Menu item instead of the Radio menu item that is there and not showing anything to stream.
Not possible AFAIK! However you could make it a favorite
The "normal" radio item is linked to PVR usage (if you've got a suitable PVR device on your network and the relevant PVR add-on installed then both the TV and radio menu items will appear for streaming channels through it).

The default skin (Estuary) cannot have additional items added to its menu (you can only hide or not the default ones), but there are many other skins out there which have this feature, and using that you can add whatever you like to the menu (either directly or via a favourite, depending on the skin).
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Still having network errors, enabling logging didn't help...
Libreelec 8.90.009 on RP3B+
Manjaro Linux @ minisforum UM780XTX / KODI 'Omega' (Flatpak)
I did a whole new install on my Pi yesterday and Radio isn't working. Network error.  Since other people are seeing it too not sure if it is due to my new install or a general problem.
The Add-on uses an API which requires now authentication. This is an example URL which is used by the Addon:
Since 13.12. +-1 day, the API was down for maintenance (returned statuscode 503) and now the API requires authentication (returns statuscode 401 without apiKey).
I hope @sphere can help with this.
Takes little bit of tweaking but if you only have a few radio stations: usually only links to other radio stations.

I extracted the links from and integrated them into tvheadend server as radio channels! Needs a bit of work, but afterwards it works like a charm and can directly be accessed from the main menu radio button
For those of you who are German, I wrote an how to some time ago:

For the others: Google translate should work fine
Where do you find the ffmpeg-tools addon you mention? I can't see it in the LE repo anywhere (on LE 8.2.5 on a Pi3)?

Or is just pointing it at the built-in /usr/bin/ffmpeg sufficient?
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You just need to point to an existing ffmpeg. I think those are still available in the libreelec 8.2.5., however with an up to date alpha release those have been put in the addon! At least I didn't need the addon with my 8.x installation but could just use ffmpeg (not even needed to introduce a full path). With the new alpha I needed to install the addon.
I tried it with the built-in ffmpeg and it failed at the scan stage, although that was my own pipe rather than yours so could have been an issue there. If I get chance I'll try with one of your example ones and see as a test.

In 8.2.5 I don't get the option of the add-on to install (it's not in the repo). It's not an urgent one as I normally use Volumio on another Pi as a web radio, but it was nice to have the main Kodi one as a back-up. But as it's the main lounge media player and runs under Amber skin (which doesn't have a Leia version) upgrading from Krypton is a bit stuck at the moment (although a new set-up under Leia and Xonfluence is under construction).
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Maybe this helps? That's how I did it in kodi 17 or libreelec 8:
Same here: network error. Hopefully this will be resolved soon! Is this addon still actively maintained?

Using the addon for internet radio streams daily, so it's a real bummer that's it's not working atm - especially during the holidays.
OSMC Skinner      |    The OSMC Skin for Kodi v21 Omega (native 16:9, 21:9 and 4:3 skin, special cinemascope/CIH version available)      |     GitHub:
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[RELEASE] Radio Add-on (,,,, Music Plugin5